Адамян Вадим Мовсесович
Адамян Вадим Мовсесович | |
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профессор Born in 1938 in Odessa.
Graduated University of Odessa city in 1961.
Since 1979 worked as the Chief of Theoretical Physics Department of Odessa University.
Curriculum Vitae Adamyan Vadym M.,
birth: 02.12.1938 (Odessa, Ukraine)
Ph.D. (1966, Yerevan State University), Dr. Habilitat (1974, Institute of Mathematics Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev), Full professor (1977, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov State University).
Professional data: Graduated from Odessa I.I. Mechnikov State Univ.(1961); Post-Graduate of Odessa Construction Engineering Institute(1961-1964) (supervisor Mark Krein) ; Senior Research Fellow of Odessa Lomonosov Technological Institute (1964-1966); Senior Lecturer of Odessa Construction Engineering Institute(1966-1967); Head of Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (1967-1975), Associate Professor (1975-1977), Full Professor (1979), Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics (1980 –till now) of Odessa
I.I. Mechnikov National (State) University.
Membership in learned societies: Ukrainian Physical Society, Ukrainian Mathematical Society, American Mathematical Society (AMS), Geselschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM)
Area of Expertise: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
Scattering Theory, Plasma Physics, Solid State Physics, Operator Theory, Function Theory.
Recent Publications:
1. On the Separation of Certain Spectral Components of Self-adjoint Operator Matrices. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications v. 122(2001), 01 -11 (with Reinhard Mennicken)
2. Existence and Uniqueness of Contractive Solutions of Some Riccati Equations. J. Funct. Anal., v. 179 (2001), 448 - 473 (with Heinz Langer and Christiane Tretter)
3. Compact perturbation of definite type spectra of self-adjoint quadratic operator pencils. Integr. eq. Oper. Theory, 39 (2001), 127 - 152 (with Heinz Langer and Manfred Moller)
4. High-freaquency characteristics of weackly and moderately non-ideal plasmas in an external electric fields. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 34 (2001), No 21, 3139-3144 (with Anatolii Mihajlov, Zoran Djuric and Nenad Sakan)
5. A Spectral Theory of a ?-Rational Sturm-Liouville Problem. Journal of Diff. Eq., v. 171 (2001), 315-345 (with Heinz Langer and Matthias Langer)
6. On the Spectral Theory of Degenerate Quadratic Operator Pencils, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. v. 124 (2001), 1 -19 (with Reinhard Mennicken and Vyacheslav Pivovarchik)
7. On a class of non-selfadjoint quadratic matrix operator pencils arising in elasticity theory. J. Operator Theory v. 47 ( 2002), 325-341 (with Vyacheslav Pivovarchik and Christiane Tretter)
8. Transcending the Limits of Turing Computability, arXiv:quant-ph/0304128v2, 11May 2003, 1-13 (with Cristian S. Calude and Boris Pavlov)
9. Solution of the Stieltjes truncated moment problem, J. Applied Analysis, vol. 9, N.1 (2003) 57-74 (with Igor M. Tkachenko and Marcel Urrea)
10. Sum rules and exact relations for quantal Coulomb systems, Contrib. Plasma. Phys. 43, N. 5-6 (2003), 252-257 (with I.M. Tkachenko)
11. Reconstruction of Distributions by Their Moments and Local Constraints, AMRX Applied Mathematics Research Express (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) 2003, No. 2, 33 - 70 (with Juan Alcober and Igor M. Tkachenko)
12. Вступ до математичної фізики (Introduction to Mathematical Physics), Астропринт (Astroprint), ISBN 966-549-940-8, 2003, 1 -161 (1A- 161A) ( з М.Я. Сушко) (with Miroslav Sushko)
13.Dynamic characteristics of non-ideal plasmas in an external high frequency electric field 2004 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. v. 37 (2004) 1896-1903 (with Zoran Djuric, Anatolii Mihajlov, Nenad Sakan and Igor Tkachenko)
14. Partial Non-stationary Perturbation Determinants, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications v. 154 (2004), 1- 18 (with Heinz Langer)
15. Solution of the Stieltjes Truncated Matrix Moment Problem, Opuscula Mathematica, v. 25/1 (2005), 5-24 (with Igor Tkachenko)
16. Asymptotic estimates of the norms of positive definite Toplitz matrices and detection of quasi-periodic components of stationary random signals. ArXiv:math.SP/0506091 v1 06 Jun 2005, 1-20 (with Juan Iserte and Igor Tkachenko)
17. Варіаційне числення (Calculus of variations), Астропринт (Astroprint), ISBN 966-318-340-3, 2005,
1 -128 ( з М.Я. Сушко) (with Miroslav Sushko)
18. Partial Non-stationary Perturbation Determinants for a Class of J-symmetric Operators, , Operator Theory: Advances and Applications v. 162 (2005), 1- 17 (with Peter Jonas and Heinz Langer)
Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru
- Некоторые предельные соотношения для многомерных положительноопределенных теплицевых матриц В. М. Адамян. Функц. анализ и его прил., 1988
- Статистическая структура спектра потерь энергии заряженных частиц при рассеянии в неупорядоченных средах. В. М. Адамян, О. И. Герасимов. ТМФ, 1988
- К теории рассеяния для волновых уравнений в четномерных пространствах. В. М. Адамян Функц. анализ и его прил., 1976
- Невырожденные унитарные сцепления полуунитарных операторов. В. М. Адамян. Функц. анализ и его прил., 1973
- Аналитические свойства пар Шмидта ганкелева оператора и обобщенная задача Шура–Такаги В. М. Адамян, Д. З. Аров, М. Г. Крейн. Матем. сб., 1971
- Об ограниченных операторах, коммутирующих с сжатием класса $C_{00}$ единичного ранга неунитарности В. М. Адамян, Д. З. Аров, М. Г. Крейн. Функц. анализ и его прил., 1969
- Бесконечные ганкелевы матрицы и обобщенные задачи Каратеодори–Фейера и И. Шура. В. М. Адамян, Д. З. Аров, М. Г. Крейн. Функц. анализ и его прил., 1968
- О бесконечных ганкелевых матрицах и обобщенных задачах Каратеодори–Фейера и Ф. Рисса В. М. Адамян, Д. З. Аров, М. Г. Крейн. Функц. анализ и его прил., 1968
- Марк Григорьевич Крейн (к семидесятилетию со дня рождения) В. М. Адамян, Ю. М. Березанский, Н. Н. Боголюбов, И. С. Иохвидов, А. Н. Колмогоров, М. А. Лаврентьев, Ю. А. Митропольский. УМН, 1978