Чалтыкян Виген Оганесович

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Чалтыкян Виген Оганесович


CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: Chaltykyan Vigen DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 08/05/1942, Yerevan, Armenia PERMANENT ADDRESS: Institute for Physical Research, Armenian National Academy of Sciences, Ashterak-2, 378410, Armenia E-mail: chaltv@ipr.sci.am FIELD (SUBFIELD) OF INTERESTS: Nonlinear and Quantum optics, (atomic and molecular spectra, interaction with radiation, etc) EDUCATION: 1964 Graduated from Yerevan State University, Department of Physics. 1966-1970 Post-graduate studentship at the Institute for Physical Research of Armenian National Academy of Sciences. DEGREES HELD: 1970 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. 1996 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1972-present Senior Research scientist, Institute for Physical Research of Armenian NAS; 1965-2005 Yerevan State University; 2007-present Russian-Armenian (Slavonian) University LANGUAGES: Armenian, Russian, English, German. List of recent publications: 1. S. T. Gevorgyan, Min Xiao, and V. O. Chaltykyan, “Superposition states of light in a three-photon absorbing dissipative medium”, J. Mod. Opt, vol.55, pp.1923-1935, 2008. 2. V.Chaltikyan, A.Papoyan, H.Oshita, H.Shiotani, K.Ono, M.Ishikawa, M.Ozawa, “Perspectives of laser-chemical isotope separation of a long-lived fission product: Cs-135.”, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, vol. 280, no. 2, pp. 347-356, 2009. 3. A.O. Vardanyan, E.M. Laziev, A.O. Melikyan, D.L. Hovhannisyan, and V.O. Chaltykyan, “Multibeam Cross-Correlator for Diagnostics of Terahertz Subpicosecond Pulses and Electron Bunches”, Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences), vol. 44, no. 6,. 2009. 4. D.L.Hovhannisyan, V.O.Chaltykyan, and A.S.Martirosyan, “Modeling the terahertz radiation generation process, obtained by filtration of spectral supercontinuum, formed during propagation of femtosecond laser pulse in GaAs crystal”, Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences), vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 63–69. 2009. 5. V. О. Chaltykyan and G. G. Grigoryan, “Modification of Medium Phase Memory under Influence of Pulsed Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field”, Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences), vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 88–95. 2009. 6. E. Gazazyan, V. Chaltykyan, and A. Gazazyan, “Interference phenomena in spontaneous emission from driven multilevel atoms”, Modern Problems in Optics and Photonics, Book of Abstracts of International Advanced Research Workshop, 27 August – 2 September, 2009 Yerevan, Armenia, p. 60. 7. D.L.Hovhannisyan, V.O.Chaltikyan, K.G.Stepanyan, and A.S.Martirosyan, “Terahertz radiation generation via optical rectification of a few cycle laser pulse in GaAs”, Proceedings of Conference on Laser Physics-2007, Oct. 14-17, Ashtarak, p. 144, 2007. 8. G. Grigoryan, V. Chaltykyan, and V. Paturyan “Short pulse propagation in an inverted two-level medium” Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optic), 20, no. 4,233-236, (2011) 9. G. Grigoryan, V. Chaltykyan, C. Leroy, Y. Pashayan-Leroy, S. Guérin, H.R. Jauslin „Superluminal adiabatons in a Λ-type atomic medium“,Proc. SPIE, Procedings of International Scientific Workshop “Photonics & Micro- and Nano-strctured Materials” (PMNM-2011), ), Proc. SPIE 8414, 84140Z (2011) 10. G.Grigoryan, V.Chaltykyan, E.Gazazyan, O.Tikhova, A.Hovhannisyan, “Constructing specified coherent superposition states of atoms in macroscopic volume”, International conference “Laser Physics 2011”, Book of abstract, p.65, 2011 11. V. Chaltykyan, E.Gazazyan, G.Grigoryan, A.Hovhannisyan, O. Tikhova, "Alternative techniques of population transfer in multilevel systems", Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 350, 012004 (2012) 12. V.Chaltykyan, G.Grigoryan, A Hovhannisyan, O Tikhova, “Metod of quasienergies and transparency of multilevel atomic system”, Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 350, 012005 (2012) 13. V. Chaltykyan, E. Gazazyan, G.Grigoryan, D. Schraft, “Implementation of All-Optical Toffoli gate in Λ- systems”, Journal of Contemporary Physics (NAS of Armenia), т.37, стр.328-336 (2012). 14. V. Chaltykyan, E. Gazazyan and G. Grigoryan , “All-Optical Toffoli gate in the solid”, EGAS -44 Conference, Gothenburg, 9-13 July 2008, Book of abstract, p.203 (2012) 15. G.Grigoryan, V.Chaltykyan, E.Gazazyan, O.Tikhova, A.Hovhannisyan, “Constructing specified coherent superposition states of atoms in macroscopic volume”, International student conference on photonics, Sinaia, Romania, 8-11May, 2012



