Национальный Музей-Институт Архитектуры
Being the only cultural institution of its type in the republic, the museum collects various materials related to the history of architecture, urban development and construction art as well as materials referring to the activities carried out by the architects of Armenian origin both in the homeland and abroad. After being studied, the materials are registered and put under the state auspices and protection. At present, more than 130 thousand pieces of exhibits are kept in the museum. The museum is a scientific-research institution carrying out scientific, publishing and methodic work, organizing regular expositions (both in Armenia and abroad), taking significant part in the scientific-cultural life of the republic. Establishment of the close scientific-creative relations makes possible for the museum to co-operate not only within the republic but also with similar cultural centers, museums and individuals in foreign countries. During the recent years, the museum has organized a number of exhibitions, meetings, seminars, discussions etc, including: “The Architecture of Armenia”, exhibition, 1991, Grenoble France. “Contemporary Architecture”, exhibitions and conferences “Interarch 92”, “Interarch 95” etc, 1992-95, Sofia, Bulgaria. “Contemporary Architecture of Armenia”, exhibition in the “Venice International Vi Biennial 96”, 1996, Venice, Italy. “Architecture of Pulia Region” (Italy), exhibition and conference, 1997, Yerevan. “Architecture, Construction Materials and Art of Armenia”, exhibition and conference, 1998, Trani, Italy. “Decoration of the Armenian Pavilion” 1999, “Expo 99”, Lisbon, Portugal. “Architecture and Construction Art of Armenia”, “Realtex 99”, exhibition and seminar, 1999, Moscow, Russia. “The City in 2000” Venice International “Biennial - 2000”, Venice, Italy. “Medieval Architecture and Culture of Armenia”, exhibition dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of adopting Christianity in Armenia, Yerevan, 2001 “Medieval Architecture of Armenia and Khachkars”, exhibition, Athens, Greece, 2001. Exhibition dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction, Yerevan, 2002. "Millennium of the Consecration of the Great Cathedral of Ani", exhibition, Yerevan, 2002 etc.
The current projects of the museum as well as those to be accomplished are: Collection, study and preservation of individual archives of the Armenian architects both from Armenia and diaspora, Creation of the Architectural Heritage Rehabilitation Fund, “ARCHFUND” Publishing of the scientific-methodic magazine “Architecture”, Creation and publication of an almanac “Armenian Architects of Diaspora” Studying, publishing, and display of the materials kept in the museum funds In parallel to permanent expositions, organization of temporary and traveling exhibitions etc.