Университетский армянский клуб «Тафтс»
Университетский армянский клуб «Тафтс» | |
The Tufts University Armenian Club | |
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Constitution of
We, the members of the Tufts University Armenian Club, in order to provide for the just and proper government of the club, do adopt and proclaim this to be the constitution for the said organization.
The name of the organization shall be the Tufts University Armenian club.
Article II: Purposes
A) To cultivate a spirit of appreciation toward Armenian history, heritage, and culture through active and passive cultural functions as well as social and recreational events. B) To create a club where individuals of Armenian decent can come together as part of a distinct cultural group, without any exterior political overtones.
A) Anyone with interest in the Armenian language, culture, heritage, and history regardless of sex, race, religion, political affiliation, or sexual orientation shall be allowed to join this club.
B) Members shall be registered students of Tufts University, students of Tufts University on leave of absence, and Tufts University faculty, staff, and trustees.
C) Associate members shall be anyone not included in section B, such as Tufts alumni. They shall have all the rights and privileges of members, except they shall not hold office or chair committees.
D) A club membership directory list shall be utilized to record the names, address, and phone numbers, and pertinent information regarding each member.
Income and Expenditures
A) The fiscal year of the club shall be the academic year of Tufts University.
B) The disbursal of all moneys up to per event of project shall be approved by a quorum of a duly called executive committee meeting. The request for a disbursal of all moneys for events not part of the organization budget will be approved by a quorum of a duly called general meeting. In the absence of a quorum at the duly called general meeting, the executive committee shall have the power to use its discretion in the disbursement of funds.
C) In accordance with it stated purposes the club shall avoid deficit financing of all events except when a majority of the members vote in favor of it.
General Meetings
A) Meetings of this club shall occur at least four times per semester.
B) A quorum shall be one half plus one of the active members of the organization.
C) Active membership is determined by the executives of the club on the basis of attendance of a minimum of two events per semester. Any member of the club, who is absent from all events for an entire academic year, saving those who are temporarily studying at another university, shall be removed from the organization's list until a time at which they again express interest in membership. Any student removed from the organization will receive written notification and given one week to appeal the decision to the executive committee.
Executive Committee
A) The term of office of each executive committee member shall begin in December of one academic year and continue until the December of the following academic year.
B) Elections for the executive committee shall be held during the last duly called general meeting in the fall semester.
C) To be elected to office an individual must obtain a majority vote of the club. In the event of a tie, each candidate will have the opportunity to express their intentions if elected to office at which time all candidates will leave the room and a general discussion will ensue to determine the winner.
D) In the event of a vacancy in the executive committee during the year, that vacancy shall be filled at the next general meeting by a special election.
E) The executive committee shall be composed of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a faculty, staff, or alumni advisor.
F) In lieu of a President and Vice President, the club may vote to have Co-presidents. The president shall conduct all meetings and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The president shall have signatory rights for the organization unless he/she chooses to give the rights to another executive.
G) The Vice President shall be the liaison with other campus organizations. The Vice President shall also preside at any meeting at which the President is absent.
H) The Secretary shall keep the membership roll, correspondences, and archival materials. The Secretary shall keep a record of all activities of the club throughout the year and shall take minutes at all executive and general meetings. The Secretary will read the minutes of each meeting at the following meeting.
I) The Treasurer shall receive all moneys owed to the club, sign all receipts, and shall deposit it in the club's account. The Treasurer will have signatory right for the organization. The President or Treasurer shall sign all payments out of the treasury. The Treasurer shall attend all meetings required by the ALBO chair and Tufts Community Union Senate Treasury (TCU). The Treasurer will be responsible for submitting the following year's budget to the TCU.
J) The faculty, staff, or alumni advisor shall be assigned duties as they arise during the course of the year.
K) The executive committee shall meet at lest twice a semester. A quorum for executive committee meetings shall be defined as one half plus one of the executive members.
A) Amendments can be proposed by any active member to the executive committee, then the committee will vote on whether it is worthy to go to an entire club vote. If the committee approves by at least half of the vote, the amendment will be put to a vote at the next general meeting.
B) Amendments of this constitution shall be met with approval of at least one half of the active members, and according to constitutional procedures.
Article VIII:
Robert's Rules of Order shall be referred to in any case that does not conflict with this constitution. In case of conflict, this Constitution shall take precedence.
Article IX:
When an officer is serving his/her final term, we shall establish a shadow officer that can learn the tasks of the position so that there is a smooth transition between semesters.
Article X:
If the club feels that the president or other is not performing his/her duties, a petition with ten signatures and an ensuing vote (majority rules) will determine impeachment.
Undergraduate Students NAME EMAIL MAJOR YEAR Pamela Aghababian paghab01@tufts.edu 2004 Taleen Agulian taguli01@tufts.edu Mechanical Eng. 2003 Ani Altoonian aaltoo01@tufts.edu 2004 Alexis Arroyo aarroy01@tufts.edu French & IR 2002 Areg Bagdasarian abagda01@tufts.edu Economics & IR 2002 Matthew Bedoukian mbedou01@tufts.edu Chemical Physics 2002 Edward Casabian ecasab01@tufts.edu 2004 Alain Chaglassian achagl01@tufts.edu Economics 2002 Deanna Davidian ddavid01@tufts.edu 2004? Robert Derderian rderde01@tufts.edu Engineering Pysch. 2002 Mshak Ghazarian mghaza01@tufts.edu Poly Sci 2004 Ari Hamalian ahamal01@tufts.edu 2004 Rebecca Hayrapetian rhayra01@tufts.edu 2004 Daron Kurkjian dkurkj01@tufts.edu 2004 Yvetter Khachadourian Ykhach01@tufts.edu Biology 2003 James Magarian jmagar01@tufts.edu 2004 Brian Nakash bnakas01@tufts.edu Even armenian? Christopher Papazian cpapaz01@tufts.edu 2004 Lisa Sahagian lsahag01@tufts.edu Alyssa Serian aseria01@tufts.edu Psychology & Spanish 2002 Megan Schwartz mschwa02@tufts.edu Computer Eng. 2003 Caroline Ware cware01@tufts.edu 2004 Mihran Yenikomshian myenik01@tufts.edu Computer Sci. & Econ 2003
Graduate Students Name E-mail School Nayiri Baljian nbaljian@hotmail.com Raffi Barsam Rbarsam@mediaone.net Dental School Fotini Dionisopoulos fdioniso@opal.tufts.edu Dental School Susie Kalinian kalinian@aol.com Shant Manoukian Shant.Manoukian@tufts.edu Tara Mardigan mardigan@mediaone.net Audrey Selian aselian@hotmail.com Fletcher
AdvisorsName E-mail John Baronian Dr. Joyce Barsam barsamcomp@aol.com Dr. Lucy Der Manuelian lmanueli@tufts.edu Elaine Kasparian elaine.kasparian@tufts.edu
Alumni List Kristofer Bagdasarian kbagdasa@tufts.edu Chemistry 2001 Aram Eblighatian aebligha@tufts.edu Biology 2001 Jen Gregorian jgregori@tufts.edu Economics 2001 Tamar Jeknavorian tjekna01@tufts.edu Internation Relations 2001 Aline Kurkjian akurkjia@tufts.edu Chemical Eng. 2001 Hrair Mekhsian hmekhsia@tufts.edu Computer Eng. 2001 Sarkis Najarian snajaria@tufts.edu Mechanical Eng. 2001 Shahan Tenjoukian gentany@aol.com International Relations 2001 Arda Vartanian avartani@tufts.edu Biology 2001
2000-2001Mshak Ghazarian mghaza01@tufts.edu Co-President
Rebecca Hayrapetian rhayra01@tufts.edu Co-President
Alain Chaglassian achagl01@tufts.edu Secretary
Mihran Yenikomshian myenik01@tufts.edu Treasurer
1999-2000Areg Bagdasarian abagda01@tufts.edu Co-President Megan Schwartz mschwa02@tufts.edu Co-President Alyssa Serian aseria01@tufts.edu Secretary Mihran Yenikomshian myenik01@tufts.edu Treasurer
2000-2001Mshak Ghazarian mghaza01@tufts.edu Co-President Rebecca Hayrapetian rhayra01@tufts.edu Co-President Alain Chaglassian achagl01@tufts.edu Secretary Mihran Yenikomshian myenik01@tufts.edu Treasurer
1999-2000Areg Bagdasarian abagda01@tufts.edu Co-President Megan Schwartz mschwa02@tufts.edu Co-President Alyssa Serian aseria01@tufts.edu Secretary Mihran Yenikomshian myenik01@tufts.edu Treasurer