Геворкян Александр Иванович

Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Gevorkyan Aleksandr

Геворкян Александр

Gevorkyan, Aleksandr Aleksandr Gevorkyan received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Economics from Louisiana State University (LSU). In addition Mr. Gevorkyan received an Honors Diploma from Rostov State Academy of Economics, in Rostov-na-Donu, Russia, in International Economics. Mr. Gevorkyan currently works at BearingPoint's (formerly KPMG Consulting) New York office as a Senior Financial Analyst, supporting the group's finance department. He is a co-founder and the president of the Armenian Student Organization at LSU, 1997-1999, and currently serves as the president of the Armenian Students Association of New York branch. Mr. Gevorkyan authored several articles related to Armenian communities abroad and published in Armenian newspapers in Russia and the USA. He also edited Russian-language Armenian newspaper distributed across Eastern USA.



ALEXANDER GEVORGYAN(1928-2003), is a well listed Armenian artist, born in Kirovakan-Armenia, graduated from Yerevan's Art School (Theatre & Art Institute) in 1953, the same year became a member of the Artists Union of Soviet Armenia, his art was widely exhibited in Armenia, Russia and Europe, more informations about Gevorkyan are found in the Armenian Artists-A Concise Dictionary, 1977, a catalog published by the Unions Artist in 1976 with an introduction by the famous Armenian artist Ara Bekaryan, a booklet for an exhibition of five socialist realist painters in 1976, and another booklet for a solo exhibition in 1973 . He is also included in Christie's 20th Century Armenian Pictures, 1999 catalog.

This Soviet Socialist Industrial scene is gouache on paper by A.Gevorgyan, most probably a sketch for a Soviet Factory Stage design. Painting measures 35.5 x 30.5 cm (14"x12"), has a small unnoticeable tear of 1/4 inches in the middle lower part, signed in Armenian on the back.

Александр Геворкян. (1928-2003) Известный армянский художник. Родился в Кировакане, Армения. Закончил Ереванскую художественную школу. В 1953 году закончил театральный институт, в том же году стал членом союза художников советской Армении, выставки проходили в Армении, России, Европе. Информацию о художнике можно получить в кратком справочнике об армянских художниках, издания 1977 года, в каталоге опубликованном союзом художников со вступлением известного армянского художника Ара Бекаряна, а также в каталоге армянских художников 20 века "Кристи", издания 1999 года.


Alexander Gevorkyan