Овнатанян Рубен Айказович


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Овнатанян Рубен
Hovnatanyan Rouben
На английском: Hovnatanyan Rouben
Дата рождения: 1940
Место рождения: Ереван
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Born in 1940 in Yerevan, Armenia. 1959-64 he has studied in the Fine Arts and Theatrical Institute of Yerevan and graduated with a Master's degree in Fine Arts. He was elected member of the Artists' Union of Armenia in 1967, and has been the recipient of Young Artists of Armenia State Award in 1975. Elected Board Member of the Artists' Union of Armenia in 1978.

In 1978 he participated in the group exhibition of Armenian Contemporary Art in Lisbon, Portugal. In 1986 his paintings had been displayed at the Retrospective Exhibition of Armenian Art in Leningrad and Moscow. Ever since 1964 he participated in numerous Armenian, Soviet and International Art exhibitions.

Rouben Hovnatanian's paintings are in permanent collections of the State Art Gallery of Armenia, the Museum of Fine Arts in Kiev, the Armenian Art Museum in Rostov, and in art galleries of several cities in Armenia. Hovnatanian's paintings are in private collections in Yerevan, Moscow, Leningrad, Budapest, Beirut, Damascus, Los Angeles, and Paris.



