Nersesian Arthur
Нерсесян Артур
Arthur Nersesian
Arthur Nersesian is a novelist, playwright, and poet from New York City. His novels include The Fuck-up, Manhattan Loverboy, dogrun, Chinese Takeout, Suicide Casanova and Unlubricated. He has also published a collection of plays, East Village Tetralogy. He has written three books of poems and one book of plays. Nersesian is the managing editor of the literary magazine, The Portable Lower East Side, and was an English teacher at Hostos Community College, City University of New York, in the South Bronx.
EAST VILLAGE TETRALOGY , Akashic Books, 2006.
UNLUBRICATED, Harper Perennial, 2004.
CHINESE TAKEOUT, Harper Perennial, 2003.
SUICIDE CASANOVA, Akashic Books, 2002.
F-TRAIN BLUES, Europa Verlag Munchen Books, 2001.
HUNDEWEISE, Vgs Verglagsges, 2001.
MANHATTAN LOVERBOY, Akashic Books, 2000.
DOGRUN, Pocket Books, 1999 (reprint: MTV Books, 2000).
THE FUCK-UP, Akashic Books, 1997 (reprint: MTV Books, 1999).