Ованаванкский монастырь (Оганован)


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Ованаванкский монастырь (Оганован)
Hovhannavank Monastery (Ohanavan. Armenia)
C9463 1.png
Конфессии: Армянская апостольская церковь
Состояние: Церковь-памятник
Ссылки: http://www.armeniainfo.am/sites/?section=religious_desc&page=2&site_id=83

Hovhannavank Monastery (Ohanavan. Armenia) Hovhannavank Monastery

Founding Century: V

Region: Aragatsotn

Location: Ohanavan village, canyon of the Kassagh river

Monastery buildings rise off the edge of a picturesque canyon of the Kassagh river. The earliest part of this complex is from the 5th century, and the main cross-domed church from 1216. It is made of large 7ft. high tufa blocks. A large four-column gavit (1250) on the western side of the main church has an open rotunda over its central section. The defensive wall on the complex’s periphery dates back to the 13th-14th centuries. Many khachkars adorn the area.