Аганесянц Гарри

Версия от 23:13, 31 января 2010; Ssayadov (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: {{Персона | name-ru-main = Аганесянц Гарри | name-ru-01 = | name-ru-02 = | name-ru-03 = | name-lat = | name-en = Garry Aganesyants | name-am ...)
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Аганесянц Гарри
Garry Aganesyants
Аганесянц Гарри.jpg
На английском: Garry Aganesyants



Garry Aganesyants was born in Baku, Azerbaijan, in 1959.

In 1980, he entered the Vocal Department of the famous Gnessin Music Academy in Moscow (in the class of Professor Alexander Shikanyan.) In 1982 he entered the Pedagogic Department of the Academy (class of the soloist of Moscow Bolshoi Theatre, Professor Arthur Aisen.) His personal coach through his music career had been renowned opera singer, soprano Angelina Trost. After graduating in 1986 he entered the Post Graduate School of the Academy (graduated with Ph.D. in 1989) and was simultaneously invited as a soloist to the Moscow Opera Theatre, where he sang in the opera performances of "The Queen of Spades" by Tchaikovsky (Tomsky), "Marriage of Figaro" by Mozart (Figaro), "La Traviata" by Verdi (Germon), "Cavalleria Rusticana" by Mascagni (Alfio), "Aleko" by Rachmaninov (Aleko, Old Man.)

Concert repertoire includes pieces composed by Beethoven, Bach, Schubert, Musorgsky, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, and Rimski-Korsakov. He has been conducted by the famous conductors Alexander Vedernikov, Dmitri Moiseev, Alexander Petukhov, and Sergei Lazarev.

In 1987, together with now Metropolitan Opera stars Dmitri Khvorostovsky, Olga Borodna and Galina Gorchakova, he took part in and won the tile of Laureat of the First Russian Competition of Opera Singers in Perm, Russia.

Critics have described his voice as "beautiful and powerful" and his performances as "dramatic and magnificent."

Today Mr. Aganesyants calls Seattle, Washington his home, where he lives with his wife and two dogs.



