Центр арменоведения при Еврейском университете (Иерусалим)

Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Шаблон:Universityt Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Armenian Studies) http://unixware.mscc.huji.ac.il/~armenia/

Armenian Studies. Hebrew University of Jerusalem

An active program in Armenian Studies exists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It is devoted to the study of the beautiful art and architecture, the rich literary heritage and the deep spiritual culture that the Armenian people has created. The Armenians have been part of the culture of the land for 1500 years or more. It is fitting that their culture, language and history be taught at Israel's premier University. This is the more so when we remember the striking similarities between the Armenian and Jewish history -- independence, dispersion and exile, holocaust and genocide, a pride in their distinctive heritages and the will to fight for them against all odds.