Церковь Сурб Акоб (Эванстон)

Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Шаблон:Churcht St. James Armenian Church (Evanston)Армянская Церковь св. ? (Эванстон) http://www.armenianchurch.net/parishes/info.php?parishid=15

Evanston, IL St. James Armenian Church

816 Clark Street Evanston, IL 60201 Metro Area: Chicago, IL Telephone: (847) 864-6263 Fax: (847) 864-5374 Email: stjamesevanston@yahoo.com WebSite: www.stjamesevanston.org


Established: 1944 Consecrated: February 28, 1944

Sanctuary: The Parish owns its permanent sanctuary. In addition, parishioners have built the church hall, kitchen, and Sunday School in 1955. Among its major benefactors are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vartan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ipjian, Mr. and Mrs. Carnig Minasian.

Important Events: The parish hosted the ACYOA convention in 1950, and the Diocesan Choir Assembly in 1982. Catholicos Vazken I visited in 1960. In 1994, the church celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Fr. Varoujan Kabaradjian honored for five decades of priestly service


Armenians in general area: 4,500

Estimated number of members: 500

Dues-paid members: 103

Average number of sacraments: Baptisms: 20 Weddings: 3 Funerals: 5

(Figures from 2001) Pastors Deacons Nishan Cherkezian and George Guldalian, 1954-1958: Rev. Fr. Vartan Megherian, 1947-54; Deacons Nishan Cherkezian and George Guldalian, 1954-58; V. Rev. Fr. Varoujan Kabaradjian, 1958-2003 Parish Council Vartan Paylan, Chairman Ohannes Korogluyan, Vice Chairman Gary Rejebian, Secretary Lisa Esayian, Assistant Secretary Ernie Gregorian, Treasurer Montsic Tatevosian, Assistant Treasurer Council Member: Sevan Krikorian Delegate: Anna Marie Norehad

Church Schools

Sunday School: 31 students

Church Publications

Datev Newsletter Parish Organizations

Women's Guild, 52 members; Men's Club, 10 members; Choir, 17 members; Bible Study, 5 members St. James Armenian Church 816 Clark Street Evanston IL 60201 United States Tel: (847) 864-6263 Fax: (847) 864-5374