Оганян Сурен Екимович

Версия от 19:11, 4 июня 2011; Oshlikov (обсуждение | вклад) (Замена текста — «\{\{persont([^\}]+)\}\}» на «»)
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Оганьян Сурен Екимович
Ohanyan Suren Hekim
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Ohanyan Suren Hekim

Оганьян Сурен Екимович

About the President and Rector

Professor Suren Hekim Ohanyan was born in 1944, in the Sarukhan village of the Gegharkunik region of Armenia. He graduated in 1970 from the Department of Geography and Economic Geography at Yerevan State University, after having completed his military service. In 1974, after four years of graduate study in Economic Geography at Moscow's Lomonosov University, he defended his dissertation and earned the Candidate of Geographical Sciences degree.

Professor Ohanyan began his teaching career at Yerevan State University as a lecturer in 1974, and subsequently was recruited by the National University of Economics in Yerevan in 1975. At the National University of Economics, Professor Ohanyan held the positions of assistant professor and senior professor. In addition to his commitment to teaching, Professor Ohanyan also actively pursued scholarship and research, working at the Higher Institute of Economics in Sofia, Bulgaria, and publishing numerous scientific articles and monographs on topics related to economics and economic geography, particularly focusing upon issues of technological, industrial and agricultural development.

From 1983 on, Professor Ohanyan's research explored the distinctive economic characteristics and developmental aspects of high-altitude regions, comprising both retrospective as well as prospective analyses. Having defended his doctoral thesis on the results of this work in 1991 at Saint Petersburg State University, he earned the title Doctor of Geographical Sciences. His theories on altitude-dependent zonal delineations of economic activity form a common framework of economic analysis to this day. In 1992, Professor Ohanyan received the Degree of Full Professor, and from 1994 to 1999 he served as the Chair of the Department of Economic Geography at the National University of Economics in Yerevan.

Beginning during his term as departmental chairman at the National University of Economics and continuing to the present day, Professor Ohanyan has been developing and implementing innovative teaching programmes toward improving and advancing the student's learning capacity and the teaching institution's educational rigor. A passionate advocate of educational programmes tailored to twenty-first century requirements, Professor Ohanyan founded Eurasia International University, as well as the Avan Educational Complex, to put these innovative and widely admired programmes into practice for the benefit of the larger student population. Eurasia International University is a recognized leader in higher education, a unique institute of higher learning focused on premier education and meeting the needs of students in the contemporary world and globalized workplace. http://www.eurasiaiu.com/en/oql/glr.php