Армянская Церковь Кейп-Кода (Машпи)

Шаблон:Churcht Armenian Church of Cape Cod (Mashpee) Армянская Церковь Кейп-Кода (Мэшпи) Mashpee, MA Armenian Church of Cape Cod


Mashpee, MA Armenian Church of Cape Cod

PO Box 1485 Mashpee, MA 02649 Metro Area: Cape Cod, MA Telephone: (508) 477-9228 Email: HelenDag@aol.com


Pastors Visting pastors Parish Council Charles Dagavarian, Co-Chairman George Shalian, Co-Chairman Helen Dagavarian, Secretary Lucy Kayajanian, Treasurer Council Members: Mary Aziz, Ara Ishkanian, Ellen Ishkanian, Sharlene Moran, Hermig Shalian, Herbert Shahzade

Armenian Church of Cape Cod P.O. Box 1485 Mashpee MA 02649 United States Tel: (508) 477-9228 Armenian Church of Cape Cod P.O. Box 1485 Mashpee MA 02649 United States Tel: (508) 477-9228