Талинский кафедральный собор (Армения)

Шаблон:Churcht Talin Cathedral http://www.lib.rpi.edu/dept/library/html/ArmArch/Tal.html

Talin Cathedral Talin region, Republic of Armenia 7th century

AA Vol. 1, Fiche # 066-070.

The Cathedral of Talin is located in the village and region of the same name in the Republic of Armenia (coord. 40-23 / 43-53). On the basis of architectural evidence, the church is assigned to the 7th century during the time when the region of Talin was ruled by the Kamsarakan family. The cathedral is one of the most imposing churches in Armenia in both size and height, but it has been severely damaged over the centuries. In 1840, an earthquake destroyed the cupola and part of the drum and much of the structure is still in need of restoration.

Talin Cathedral is a longitudinal 3-aisled church with a central cupola. Four large piers connected by arches define the central square that once supported the cupola. The church has three apses that project from the north east and south elevations. These projecting apses are polygonal on the exterior and there are entrances on the north, south and west elevations.


Talin cathedral

Type: Domed Basilica - Longitudinal three-aisled Location: In the village and region of the same name in Armenia Date: VII c Evidence for date: Important details: State of preservation: Reconstruction: Summary: The Cathedral of T'alin is located in the village and region of the same name in Armenia (Coord. 40-23/43-53).

On the basis of architectural evidence, the church is assigned to the 7th century when the region of Talin was ruled by the Gamsarakan family. Prince Nerseh Kamsarakan is known to have commissioned the nearby small church of T'alin, St. Astuacacin, (A-0022) according to its building inscription. The Cathedral may have been constructed in the second half of the seventh century (Mnac'akanyan, 1964; Harouthiounian, 1975).

The church was severely damaged through the centuries. An earthquake destroyed the cupola and part of the drum in 1840. Restoration work was undertaken in 1947. In 1958, further work was begun and is continuing as of 1981. Many areas of the church need repair, including walls, arches, vaults, foundations, the drum and portions of the ornamental sculpture.

T'alin is a longitudinal three-aisled church with a dome and with three projecting Apses on the east, north, and south sides respectively. Its plan appears to be a synthesis of the cruciform and the older Armenian basilica-type churches with cupola (Dvin, A-0016 or Mren, A-2176). Each Apse is polygonal on the exterior. Four large piers, linked by arches, define the central square that supported the cupola (now collapsed). Pendentives are used to make the transition from the square below to the circular drum of the cupola above. Entrances are from the north, south, and west elevations.

The Cathedral is one of the most imposing churches in Armenia in size and height. It is constructed of native tuff stone with colors ranging from rose to gray predominating. As at Aruc (A-0002) there are many large windows. Each Apse has three framed on the exterior with a blind arcade. A variety of floral and geometric motifs are carved on the arches which rest on slender double colonnettes. A similar arcade frames the windows of the drum. Other openings are crowned with arches, each consisting of a band of sculptured ornament. The tall niches on the west facade have no constructional significance with respect to the interior division of space (as at Hrip'sime or Aruc, A-0020 and A-0002). Traces of col or on the exterior cornices and crowns of the windows indicate that they were painted at on time.

On the interior, T'alin contains remnants of important wall paintings which corroborate the testimony of the late 6th or early 7th century Vrt'anes K'ert'ogh that gospel cycles were painted on the interiors of Armenian churches. Christ's entry into Jerusalem is represented on the south wall. The figure of Christ seated on a donkey was clearly visible in 1918. At present, the only segments of the scene visible are the portraits of the six apostles.

T'alin contains the only existing Armenian example of a wall painting showing Christ in a medallion with busts of the apostles. The figures surround the Apse arch. The Apse itself once contained a Theophanic vision, as at Mren (A-2176), Lmbat (A-0008) and Gosh (A-0083). In addition, there are portraits of saints standing in pairs between the window of the Apse. Other examples of standing saints appear at Aruc (A-0002) and Mren (A-2176), both 7th century churches.

Bibliography: Alishan, Gh. Ayrarat. Venice, 1880, 134-143 Lynch, h.f.b. Armenia, Travels and Studies. 2 vols. London, 1901 (Rept. Beirut, 1965-1967). I, 322-325. EP'RIKIAN, S. Bnashkharhik Bararan. 2 vols. Venice, 1903-1905. I, 5-6. STRZYGOWSKI, J. Die Baukunst der Armenier und Europa. 2 vols. , Vienna, 1918. I, 124. Tchoubinachvili, G. "Die Grosse Kirke von Thalin in Armenien" Byzantinische Zeitschrift XXIX, 1930 Jakobson, A.L. Esquisse de l'Histoire de l'Architecture Armenienne, IVe-XVIIe Siecle, Moscow and Leningrad, 1952 (in Russian). Арутюнян В.М. и Сафарян С.А. Памятники Армянского Зодчества. М.-Л., 1951, 45. EREMIAN, A. Khram Hrip'sime. Erevan, 1955, 51. SAHINIAN, A. K'asaghi Basilikayi Charatarapetut'yan Patmut'yan. Erevan, 1955, 124. Токарский Н.М. Архитектура Армении IV-XIV VV. Ер., 1961, 101-104. MNAC'AKANYAN, St. "Haykakan Chartarapetut'yune VI Dari Erkrard Kesic' Minch'ew VII Dari Verje", Aknark Hay Chartarapetut'yan Patmut'yan, Ed. B. Arak'elian and M.D. Mazmanian. Erevan, 1964, 167-168. Саркисян Г.А. и Власов А.В. "Архитектура Армении". М.-Л., 1966, 212-213. Architettura Medievale Armena, Roma-Palazzo Venezia 10-30 Giugno, 1968. Rome, 1968, 88. DER NERSESSIAN, S. The Armenians. Praeger Series Ancient Peoples and Places No. 68. New York, 1970, 103, 104, 137, 138. HAROUTHIOUNIAN, V. AND HASRATHIAN, M. Monuments of Armenia. Beirut, 1975, 62-63. DER NERSESSIAN, S. Armenian Art. Paris, 1977 and 1978, 36, 55, 71, 72. HOVHANNISIAN, K. Chartarapetakan Hushardzanneri Veranorogume Sovetakan Hayastanum. Erevan, 1978, 248-249.


Index of Armenian Art: Armenian Architecture TALIN (St. MARY'S)

Type: Small, cruciform central-plan, St. Astuacacin (St. Asdvadzadzin) Location: Village and region of the same name in Armenia near the large Cathedral of T'alin. Date: VII century. Evidence For Date: Inscription inside the church. Important Details: Sometimes called the Holy virgin Church. Condition: Good Reconstruction: Restored in 1948. History and commentary: St. Astuacacin is a small, cruciform central-plan church with three apses, rectangular from exterior, flanking the central square, which was surmounted by a cupola. The cruciform shape of the church is visible from both the interior and the exterior. The west bay is square and longer than the other three arms. There is a niche located at the west end of the northern arm oriented to the east, just as in the contemporary 7th century churches. Entrance to the church is from the west. St. Astuacacin is built of rose colored tufa. St. Astuacacin is said to be commissioned by Nerseh Kamsarakan.

The church was apparently builst for hi, his wife Susan and their son Hrahat's salvation. According to some authors inscriptions not dated identify him as Lord of Shirak and Arsarunik' and gives the Byzantine title of Patrik. But according to the dated building inscription located on either side of the window on the west wall, the church was built by Nerses Badrig Gamsaragan (nobleman) in 689. Other churches commissioned in the Sirak region by the erlier Prince Nerseh Kamsarakan include Mren, Alaman, Baaran, and the Martydom at Naxcavan.

Bibliography: Strzygowski 1918, 161-163. T'oromanian 1942-1948, 169,173,253. Harutjunjan 1951, 42. Sahinian, 1955, 184. Tokarskii 1961, 111-112. Sarkisian and Vlasov 1966, 208, 215. Architettura Medievale Armena, Roma-Palazzo Vnezia 10-30 Giugno, 1968 1968, 91. Cone 1974, 50. Harouthiounian 1975, 60. Der Nersessian 1978, 36. Manuch'arian 1977, 87-89.