Фонд "Кавказский институт СМИ" (Армения)

Шаблон:Unitedt CMI (Caucasus Media Institute. Yerevan)CMI (Caucasus Media Institute) Address: Demirchian lane 23 Yerevan, 375002 , Republic of Armenia Phone: (374 1) 54 06 31, 54 06 32 Fax: (374 1) 56 88 60 URL: http://www.caucasusmedia.org

Vicken Cheterian Director

Nina Iskandarian Head of Documentation and Publishing Phone: (374 1) 54 06 31, 54 06 32 E-mail: nina@caucasusmedia.org

Date of Establishment: April 2002.

CMI is a vocational training center for journalists. Our purpose is to assist in the development of mass media in post-Soviet Caucasus. We help to shape media that inform the public and serve as a platform for debate through well-informed, skilled, creative and ethical journalism.

CMI has a yearly post-graduate course addressed to novice journalists and a series of workshops in the Special Training Program that address the needs of mid-career journalists.

CMI interlinks practice with research. Publications resulting from research projects provide journalists with background material helping them to find their way in the complexity of issues they need to cover. CMI roundtables and conferences bring together journalists and experts in discussions on key contemporary issues.

Major activities: Vocational training of journalists; Research, roundtables and scientific conferences; Publications; Library and archives.

Some projects in 2002-2003 Election Guides to the 2003 presidential and parliamentary elections in Armenia; World Press Photo exhibition in Yerevan, 2003; area studies (research, events and publications); Migrations (conference and upcoming publication); Religion and politics (conference and upcoming publication).