Асатрян Давид Гегамович | |
Краткая информация: Доктор технических наук, профессор |
- (Asatryan D.G., Sazhumyan G.S., Shahverdyan H.S.. Technique for Coherent Segmentation of Image and Applications. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, IIAP, Yerevan, Armenia, Vol. 28, 2007, pp. 88-93
- Asatryan D.G., Lanina N.S., Shahverdyan H.S. Adaptive Robust Algorithm for Digital Watermarking of Medical Images. Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Computer Science and Information Technologies - CSIT'2007, Yerevan, pp.161-164, 2007.
Asatryan D.G., Brodsky B.E., Safaryan I.A. Detection of Structural Changes in Multivariate Data Using Change-point Models. Advances and Challenges in Multisensor Data and Information Processing. NATO Security through Science series. D: Information and Communication Security – Vol. 8. , IOS Press, 2007, pp. 106-113. (Proc. of the NATO ASI-2005, (Albena, Bulgaria). Asatryan D., Patera J. Edge Detection Algorithm Based on DCT Continuous Extension Technique. Physics of Atomic Nuclei, Vol.71, No.5, pp.795-799, 2008. Asatryan D.G., Lanina N.S. Adaptive Robust Watermarking Algorithm for Image Protection. Vestnik RAU (Herald of the RAU), Armenia, Yerevan, pp. 50-56, 2009. Asatryan D.G., Asatryan N.S. Combined Spatial and Frequency Watermarking. Proc. of 7th Int. Conf. on Computer Science and Information Technologies - CSIT'2009, Yerevan, pp. 323-326, 2009. Asatryan D.G., Tairyan S.V. Robust Audio Watermarking Algorithm. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, IIAP, 32, pp. 96-100, 2009. Asatryan D., Egiazarian K. Quality Assessment Measure Based on Image Structural Properties. Proc. of the International Workshop on Local and Non-Local Approximation in Image Processing, Finland, Helsinki, pp. 70-73, 2009. Асатрян Д.Г., Асатрян Н.С. Комбинированный ЦВЗ-алгоритм с улучшенными параметрами качества. Труды четвертой годичной научной конференции РАУ, Ереван, (в печати), 4c., 2009. Khalili Mehdi, Asatryan David. Effective Digital Image Watermarking in YCbCr Color Space Accompanied by Presenting a Novel Technique Using DWT. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, IIAP, Vol. 33, pp. 150-161, 2010. Асатрян Д.Г., Ланина Н.С. Обобщенный критерий качества бинарного ЦВЗ-алгоритма. Труды пятой годичной научной конференции РАУ, Ереван, сс. 152-159, 2010. Asatryan D.G. On some Problems on Signal and Image Processing, Analysis and Protection. . Mathematical Problems of Computer Science 34, 15-17, 2010. David Asatryan, Karen Egiazarian, Vardan Kurkchiyan. Orientation Estimation with Applications to Image Analysis and Registration. International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol. 17, Number 4, pp. 303-311, 2010. Asatryan D.G., Asatryan N.S. “Combined Robust and High Payload Watermarking Algorithm”, Proc. of 8th Int. Conf. on Computer Science and Information Technologies - CSIT'2011, Yerevan, pp.319-322, 2011. Khalili Mehdi, Asatryan David. Improved DWT Based Watermarking Using JPEG-YCbCr. Proc. of 8th Int. Conf. on Computer Science and Information Technologies - CSIT'2011, Yerevan, pp. 213-216, 2011. Khalili Mehdi, Asatryan David. An Effective, Secure and Robust CDMA Digital Image Watermarking. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science 35, 116-127, 2011. Khalili Mehdi, Asatryan David. A Novel Threshold-based Image Watermarking Algorithm Using DWT2. Vestnik RAU (Herald of the RAU ), №1, pp. 33-46, 2011. Асатрян Д.Г., Асатрян Н.С., Ланина Н.С., Таирян С.В. Основы цифровой защиты мультимедийной информации. Учебно-методическое пособие. Изд. РАУ, Ереван, 104 с., 2011. Асатрян Д.Г., Асатрян Н.С. Совмещенный ЦВЗ-алгоритм для защиты и аннотирования изображения. Труды пятой годичной научной конференции РАУ, Ереван, сс. 143-151, 2011. D.G. Asatryan, N.S. Asatryan. Watermarking Algorithm for Medical Images with Large Annotations. Proceedings of First Armenian International Congress on Telemedicine and eHealth “ARMTELEMED: Road to the Future”. Yerevan, pp. 66-73, 2011. Д.Г. Асатрян, В.В. Куркчиян, М.М. Баграмян. Сравнительный анализ качества алгоритмов масштабирования изображения. Вестник Государственного инженерного университета Армении: Моделирование, оптимизация, управление. Вып. 14, т. 2, сс. 70-76, 2011. Д.Г. Асатрян, В.В. Куркчиян, М.М. Баграмян. Методика и численные результаты исследования качества алгоритмов масштабирования. Труды шестой годичной научной конференции РАУ, Ереван, сс. 2011. Asatryan D., Sazhumyan G. Segmentation Based Fingerprint Pore Extraction Algorithm. International Journal «Information models and Analysis», Vol. 1, pp. 134- 138, 2012. David Asatryan, Vardan Kurkchiyan, Marine Bagramyan. A Method for Quality Assessment of Image Resizing Algorithms. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 36, pp. 128-132, 2012.
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