Папоян Арам Вардкесович

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Папоян Арам Вардкесович



1 CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: Aram V. Papoyan DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: December 25, 1959, Yerevan, Armenia NATIONALITY: Armenian MARITAL STATUS: Married, 2 children ADDRESS: Office: Institute for Physical Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Ashtarak-2, 0203, Republic of Armenia Phone: (374)10288150; (374)23234630; Mobile: (374)91224246; Fax: (374)23231172; E-mail: papoyan@ipr.sci.am ; aram.papoyan@gmail.com Home: 29A Avenue Tigran Mets, Apt. 73, Yerevan, 0018, Republic of Armenia Phone: (374)10543752 LANGUAGES: Armenian, Russian, English EDUCATION AND DEGREES: Student of the Yerevan State University, 1977-1982, Diploma in Radiophysics (1982). Post-graduate course in Armenian Academy of Sciences, 1982-1985. Ph.D. degree (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) (1991) Dr.Sc. degree (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) (2004) EMPLOYMENT: Junior Researcher, Institute for Physical Research, Ashtarak, Armenia (1986-1992), Senior Researcher, Institute for Physical Research, Ashtarak, Armenia (1992-2006). Vice-Director, Institute for Physical Research, Ashtarak, Armenia (2006); PRESENT POSITION: Member of Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (2011- ) Director, Institute for Physical Research, Ashtarak, Armenia (2006-); Head of the Laboratory of Optics, Institute for Physical Research, Ashtarak, Armenia (2006-); Armenian Coordinator of the CNRS French-Armenian International Associated Laboratory IRMAS (2009-) ACADEMIC: Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (2010), Professor, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University (2006-), Supervisor of 3 PhD students WORK ABROAD: Joint research at the Huygens Laboratory of the Leiden University, The Netherlands (1995); Joint research at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris- Nord, France (1996) ; 2 Joint research at the Fachbereich Physik, Universitat Kaiserslautern, Germany (1997, 1998, 1999); Joint research at the Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003). CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS: Laser Physics; Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, including Nanoscale Processes; Quantum and Nonlinear Optics; Optical Imaging. AWARDS AND HONORS: Diploma awarded by the President of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia (2003); Award of the President of the Republic of Armenia in Physics (2004); “Best Scientific Work 2009” Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, World Armenian Congress, and the Union of Armenians in Russia (2010). RESEARCH GRANTS: ISTC grant #A-635 “Laser-chemical separation of isotopes of alkali metals” (2002-2005); SCOPES grant #IB7320-110684/1 “Tunable frequency locking of a diode laser to atomic resonance lines using atomic vapor nanolayers” (2005- 2008); INTAS grant Nr 06-1000017-9001 (2006-2008); FP7 Program #295025-IPERA (“Integrating the Institute for Physical Research of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia into ERA” (2011-2014) (Coordinator) CONFERENCES: Chairman of “Laser Physics- 2008,2009,2010,2011” International Conference (Armenia); Co-Chairman of OSA “Young Optician School” (Armenia, 2007); Co-Chairman of International Advanced Research Workshop «Modern Problems in Optics & Photonics» (Armenia, 2009); Co-Chairman of International Symposium on Optics and its Applications (Armenia, 2011). MEMBERSHIPS: President of Armenian Territorial Committee for Optics; Member of the European Optical Society; Member of the Alfred Kastler Foundation of the French Academy of Sciences. PUBLICATIONS: 153 published works, including 3 book chapters, 71 papers in refereed journals, 25 articles in conference proceeding books, 54 conference abstracts (see attached list of publications) 3 Aram V. Papoyan List of publications 2007 - 2012 Book Chapters 1. Optical processes in micro- and nanometric thin cells containing atomic vapor. D.Sarkisyan, A.Papoyan, in: New Trends in Quantum Coherence and Nonlinear Optics (Horizons in World Physics, vol.263), Ed.: R.Drampyan, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-60741- 025-6, Chapter 3, pp.85-124 (2009). 2. Formation of narrow optical resonances using submicron-thin atomic vapor layers. D.Sarkisyan, A.Papoyan, in: Modern Optics and Photonics. Atoms and Structured Media, Ed.: G.Kryuchkyan, G.Gurzadyan, A.Papoyan, World Scientific, ISBN: 13 978-981-4313-26- 1, pp.257-288 (2010). 3. Modelling magneto-optical resonances in atomic rubidium at D1 excitation in extremely thin cells while maintaining a self-consistent set of theoretical parameters. L.Kalvans, M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Jarmola, A.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, in: Modern Optics and Photonics. Atoms and Structured Media, Ed.: G.Kryuchkyan, G.Gurzadyan, A.Papoyan, World Scientific, ISBN: 13 978-981-4313-26-1, pp.289-303 (2010). Articles in Refereed Journals 4. Implementation of a double-scanning technique for studies of the Hanle effect in rubidium vapor. A.Atvars, M.Auzinsh, E.A.Gazazyan, A.V.Papoyan, S.V.Shmavonyan, The European Physical Journal D, v.44, No.3, pp.411-417 (2007). 5. Electromagnetically induced transparency: the thickness of the vapour column is of order of light wavelength. Y.Pashayan-Leroy, C.Leroy, A.Sargsyan, A.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, Journal of Optical Society of America B, v.24, No.8, pp.1829-1838 (2007). 6. Laser frequency stabilization using selective reflection from a vapor cell with a halfwavelength thickness. E.A.Gazazyan, A.V.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, A.Weis, Laser Physics Letters, v.4, No.11, pp.801-808 (2007). 7. Formation of narrow optical resonances using submillimeter and sibmicron-thin atomic vapor layer. D.Sarkisyan, A.Sargsyan, A.Papoyan, Y.Pashayan-Leroy, Proceedings of SPIE, v.6604, 660405 (14p.) (2007). 8. Saturated absorption spectroscopy: elimination of crossover resonances with the use of a nanocell. A.Sargsyan, D.Sarkisyan, A.Papoyan, Y.Pashayan-Leroy, P.Moroshkin, A.Weis, A.Khanbekyan, E.Mariotti, L.Moi, Laser Physics, v.18, No.6, pp.749-755 (2008). 9. A novel approach to quantitative spectroscopy of atoms in a magnetic field and applications based on an atomic vapor cell with L=λ. A.Sargsyan, G.Hakhumyan, A.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, A.Atvars, M.Auzinsh, Applied Physics Letters, v.93, No.2, 021119 (3p.) (2008). 10. Magneto-optical processes in atomic vapor cells with radiation wavelenght-scale thickness. A.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, Proceedings of SPIE, v.7027, 70270E (15p.) (2008). 11. Исследование квадратичного эффекта Штарка на D2 линии атома Rb. А.Д.Саргсян, А.С.Саркисян, А.В.Папоян, Д.Г.Саркисян, Известия НАН Армении, Физика, т.44, N3, сс.195-201 (2009). 12. Perspectives of laser-chemical isotope separation of a long-lived fission product: Cs-135. V.Chaltikyan, A.Papoyan, H.Oshita, H.Shiotani, K.Ono, M.Ishikawa, M.Ozawa, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v.280, No.2, pp.347-356 (2009); INCS News, Issue 24, v.6, No.4, pp.18-26 (2009) 13. Narrow and contrast resonance of increased absorption in -system observed in Rb cell with buffer gas. A.Sargsyan, A.Papoyan, A.Sarkisyan, Yu.Malakyan, G.Grigoryan, D.Sarkisyan, Y.Pashayan-Leroy, C.Leroy, Armenian Journal of Physics, v.2, No.2, pp.84-94 (2009). 4 14. Efficient technique for measuring laser frequency stability. A.Sargsyan, A.V.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, A.Weis, The European Physical Journal AP, v.48, No.2, 20701 (5p.) (2009). 15. Nonlinear magneto-optical resonances at D1 excitation of 85Rb and 87Rb in an extremely thin cell. M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Jarmola, L.Kalvans, A.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, Physical Review A, v.81, No.3, 033408 (10p.) (2010). 16. Essential features of optical processes in neon-buffered submicron-thin Rb vapor cell. G.Hakhumyan, A.Sargsyan, C.Leroy, Y.Pashayan-Leroy, A.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, Optics Express, v.18, No.14, pp.14577-14585 (2010). 17. Straightforward optical transmission method for visualization of highly-absorbing and scattering objects. K.Vardanyan, A.Khachaturova, S.Varzhapetyan, A.Badalyan, S.Shmavonyan, A.Papoyan, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Rapid Communications, v.4, No.8, pp.1163 - 1165 (2010). 18. Coherent transfer of population in an atomic system in the presence of buffer gas. K.Khanbekyan, G.Bevilaqua, A.Khanbekyan, E.Mariotti, A.Papoyan, L.Moi, Proceedings of SPIE, v.7998, 79980W (6p.) (2011). 19. New synchronous detection approach in optical transmission imaging. K.Vardanyan, A.Khachaturova, S.Varzhapetyan, A.Badalyan, S.Shmavonyan, A.Papoyan, Proceedings of SPIE, v.7998, 799814 (5p.) (2011). 20. Selective reflection studies of molecular cesium vapor. M.Movsisyan, S.Shmavonyan, A.Papoyan, Proceedings of SPIE, v.7998, 79980U (9p.) (2011). 21. A phenomenological model for collisional collisional coherence transfer in an optically pumped atomic system. K.Khanbekyan, G.Bevilaqua, A.Khanbekyan, E.Mariotti, A.Papoyan, L.Moi, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, v.44, No.5, 055502 (7p.) (2011). 22. Усиление слабого светового сигнала с циркулярной поляризацией в многоуровневой атомарной среде. Э.А.Газазян, Г.Г.Григорян, А.В.Папоян, Известия НАН Армении, Физика, т.46, N 4, сс.227-233 (2011). 23. Amplification of radiation in atomic vapor induced by a linearly polarized laser radiation. M.Movsisyan, S.Shmavonyan, A.Papoyan, Central European Journal of Physics, v.9, No.4, pp.948-955 (2011). 24. High contrast D1 line electromagnetically induced transparency in nanometric-thin rubidium vapor cell. A.Sargsyan, Y.Pashayan-Leroy, C.Leroy, R.Mirzoyan, A.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, v.105, Nօ.4, pp.767-774 (2011). 25. Hyperfine Paschen–Back regime realized in Rb nanocell. A.Sargsyan, G.Hakhumyan, C.Leroy, Y.Pashayan-Leroy, A.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, Optics Letters, v.37, No.8, pp.1379- 1381 (2012). 26. Selective amplification of narrow resonance formed in transmission spectrum of Rb nanocell in magnetic field. A.Sargsyan, G.Hakhumyan, R.Mirzoyan, A.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, C.Leroy, Y.Pashayan-Leroy, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, v.15, pp.9-15 (2012). 27. Intensity-dependent features in hydrogen-buffered cesium spectra. S.Shmavonyan, A.Papoyan, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, v.15, pp.140-146 (2012). 28. N-type resonances in a buffered micrometric Rb cell: splitting in a strong magnetic field. A.Sargsyan, R.Mirzoyan, A.Papoyan, D.Sarkisyan, Optics Letters, v.37, No.23, pp.___ (2012).



