Кафадарян Евгения Артёмовна
Кафадарян Евгения Артёмовна |
CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Kafadaryan Yevgenia Affiliation and official address: Institute for Physical Research of the National Academy of Sciences, Ashtarak-2, 378410, Armenia Date and place of birth: February 13, 1945, Tbilisi (Georgia) Education: 1966 - Master of Science, Physics department, Yerevan State University 1980 – PhD, Moscow State University of M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow Thesis “The study of hydrogen-containing ferroelectrics under hydrostatic pressure and high frequencies Career/Employment: 1992 - Institute for Physical Research, Armenian National Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of Spectroscopic Team 2006- Physics and Engineering department, Russian-Armenian University, Associate Professor 1980-1992 Institute for Physical Research, Scientific Researcher 1974-1980 Institute for Physical Research, Junior Researcher 1968-1972 Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Post-graduate student 1966-1972 Institute of Energetics, Junior Researcher Specialization: (i) main field Condensed matter (ii) other fields Thin film physics, ferroelectrics, material science, optical spectroscopy (iii) current research interests Physical properties thin semiconducting films, ferroelectric films for nonvolatile ferroelectric memory Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies: Member of Armenian Optical Society Grants: CRDF/ (2003), ANSEF/ (2008, 2009) Publications: Number of papers in refereed journals: 59 Number of communications to scientific meetings: 45 Languages: Russian, Armenian, English, Georgian Selected publications: 1. Investigation of photoelectrical properties of CdSe nanocrystals embedded in a SiO2 matrix. E. A. Kafadaryan, S Levichev, S R C Pinto, N.R.Aghamalyan, R K Hovsepyan, G R Badalyan, A Chahboun, A G Rolo, M J M Gomes Semicond. Sci. Technol. 23 (2008 ) 095025. 2. Electrical properties of LaB6/PZT/Ag structure with asymmetric interface charge distribution. Y. A. Kafadaryan, N. R. Aghamalyan, S. I. Petrosyan, R. K. Hovsepyan, V. G. Lazaryan, A. S. Kuzanyan Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7998 79980C-1. 3. Effect of free carriers on optical functions of n-type ZnO:Ga films. Y. Kafadaryan, N. Aghamalyan, S. Petrosyan, A. Shirinyan, N. Aramyan, R. Hovsepyan Proceedings of SPIE, 7998 (2011) p.49. 4. Structural Characteristics of La2O3 Thin Film Grown on LaB6. Y. A. Kafadaryan, S. I. Petrosyan, G. R. Badalyan, V. G. Lazaryan, G. H. Shirinyan, N. R. Aghamalyan, R. K. Hovsepyan, H. S. Semerjian, A. S. Igityan, A. M. Kuzanyan., International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, Volume 15, N1, p. 61 (2012) 5. N R Aghamalyan, E A Kafadaryan, R K Hovsepyan , R. B. Kostanyan. S. I. Petrosyan, G. H. Shirinyan, A. Kh. Abduev, A. Sh. Asvarov, Features of phase formation of Er2O3 films during electron-beam evaporation, Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences), vol. 47, N5, 2012, p.236 -240.
- http://imht.rau.am/uploads/blocks/0/1/148/files/cv-kafadaryan.pdf Кафадарян Евгения Артёмовна