Петросян Леон Аганесович
Родился 18 декабря 1940 г. в Ленинграде.
- 1957-1960, Ереванский государственный университет. Мат-Мех.
- 1960-1962, Ленинградский государственный университет. Мат-Мех.
- 1962-1965, Ленинградский государственный университет. Мат-Мех.
- защита кандидатской диссертации - 1965 [Об одном классе игр преследования]
- защита докторской диссертации - 1972 [Дифференциальные игры преследования]
Область научных интересов
Теория дифференциальных и динамических игр, теория управления.
Научная и педагогическая деятельность
Петросян Леон Аганесович является видным ученым в области прикладной математики, известным специалистом по теории управления, дифференциальным уравнениям и их приложениям.
Им впервые построена математически корректная теория управления многокритериальными системами, основанная на регуляризации принципов оптимальности, обеспечивающих устойчивое во времени развитие сложной системы, описываемой дифференциальными уравнениями и общими динамическими системами. Эта теория содержит строгие постановки типичных задач, условия их регуляризации, способы построения искомых управлений; в ней изучены вопросы корректности и реализуемости найденных решений. Л.А.Петросяном впервые развита теория конфликтно-управляемых процессов с неполной информацией, не сводимых к процессам с полной информацией: обоснован метод выбора случайных управляющих воздействий и построены решения типичных классов задач с запаздыванием информации.
Одновременно Л. А. Петросян являлся руководителем работ по важнейшей тематике. Проведенные под его руководством работы доводились до реализации в специальных системах управления, в них предлагались способы управления в задачах поиска, преследования и перехвата подвижных объектов, оптимизация распределения капиталовложений по отраслям и направлениям деятельности, оптимальное поведение в задачах охраны окружающей среды.
Л. А. Петросян работает в СПбГУ с момента окончания аспирантуры в 1965 году, он ведет большую научно-организационную, педагогическую и общественную работу. С 1975 года и по настоящее время он первый избранный декан факультета ПМ-ПУ.
В качестве председателя административного Совета УНЦ ПМ-ПУ руководит работой этого центра.
С 1987 года заведует кафедрой математической статистики, теории надежности и массового обслуживания.
Подготовка кадров высшей квалификации
Среди его учеников 7 докторов и 40 кандидатов наук.
С 1976 года является председателем двух специализированных Советов по присуждению ученой степени кандидата физико-математических и технических наук по вычислительной математике, математической кибернетике, вычислительным машинам, программированию и др.
Лекции и доклады
Л.А. Петросян приглашался для чтения лекций и докладов в Московский Государственный университет, Вильнюсский университет, Иркутский университет, Кемеровский университет, Якутский университет, Ташкентский университет, Ереванский университет.
Кроме того, Л.А. Петросян в 1968, 1969 годах читал лекции по «Теории игр и исследованию операций» в Каирском и Асьютском университетах (Египет); в 1974, 1980 и 1983 годах читал курс лекций по теории игр в Гаванском университете, университете Сантьяго де Куба (Куба); в 1979 году - лекции в Гумбольдском и Дрезденском технических университетах (Германия); в 1988 году читал лекции в Загребском, Осьекском, Сараевском, Люблянском университетах и в университете города Сплит (Югославия); в 1990 году - в Калифорнийском университете и университете Пордью (США); в 1991, 1995, 1998 годах - в Токийском университете, университетах городов Осака, Кобэ, Хирасаки и Хиросима (Япония); в 1992 году - в Стокгольском университете и в Стокгольском техническом университете; в 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 годах - в Гамбургском, Гейдельбергском университетах, Мюнхенском техническом университете и университете города Ульм; в 1994, 1997 годах - в Сеульском университете и университете города Тегу (Корея); в 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 годах - в университете города Монреаль (Канада); в 1996 году - в университете города Сан-Паулу (Бразилия); в 1998 году - в техническом университете города Хайфа и Еврейском университете Иерусалима (Израиль); в 1998 году - в Кембриджском и Лондонском университетах (Великобритания); в 1999 году - в университете Мехико (Мексика) и университете Гонконг (Китай).
Общественная и редакторская деятельность
Член редколлегий ряда российских и международных научных журналов.
- Редактор (совместно с В.В. Мазаловым) международного ежегодника "Game Theory and Applications" (Nova Sci. Publ., New York, USA)
- Редактор международного журнала "International Game Theory Review" (World Sci. Publ., London, Singapore)
- Член президиума международного общества динамических игр
- Руководитель научных проектов по грантам РФФИ и международным грантам
Список публикаций
Он автор более 140 научных работ (из них 17 монографий, три из которых переведены в США и Великобритании), среди них:
- Petrosjan L. A. Semicooperative games. Vestnik St. Petersburg Univ. Math. 31 (1998), no. 2, 57-63 (1999).
- Petrosjan L. A. On constructing a unique by payoffs Nash equilibrium in a perfect-information game. Vestnik St. Petersburg Univ. Math. 32 (1999)
- Petrosjan L. A. A unique Nash solution for the games with perfect information. Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 10 (2000)
- Petrosjan L. A., Zaccour Georges A multistage supergame of downstream pollution. Advances in dynamic games and applications (Kanagawa, 1996), 387-403, Ann. Internat. Soc. Dynam. Games, 5, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 2000.
- Petrosjan L. A. Issledovaniya po geometrii prostogo presledovaniya. (Russian) [Investigations in the geometry of simple pursuit] Edited by L. A. Petrosjan. Yakutsk. Gos. Univ., Yakutsk, 1991. 105 pp. ISBN: 5-230-20971-2
- Petrosjan L. A. A unique Nash solution for the games with perfect information. Game theory and applications, IV, 121-129, Nova Sci. Publ., Commack, NY, 1998.
- Petrosjan L. A. Game theory and applications. IV. Edited by L. A. Petrosjan [L. A. Petrosjan] and V. V. Mazalov. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Commack, NY, 1998. vi+194 pp. ISBN: 1-56072-629-6
- Petrosjan L. A. International year-book of game theory and applications. Vol. 1. Edited by L. A. Petrosjan [L. A. Petrosjan] and V. V. Mazalov. VO ``Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1993. 106 pp. ISBN 5-02-030665-7
- Petrosjan L. A., Ayoshin Dmitri A, Tanaka Tamaki Construction of a time consistent core in multichoice multistage games. Decision theory and related fields (Japanese) (Kyoto, 1997). S=urikaisekikenky=usho K=oky=uroku No. 1043 (1998), 198-206.
- Petrosjan L. A. Agreeable solutions in differential games. Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 7 (1998), no. 2-3, 165-177. (Reviewer: H. Abou-Kandil)
- Petrosjan L. A., Zakharov V. V. Mathematical models in environmental policy analysis. Translated from the Russian by Y. M. Donets. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Commack, NY, 1997. 246 pp. ISBN: 1-56072-515-X (Reviewer: Alexander Abakumov)
- Petrosjan L. A., Zenkevich N. A., Semina E. A. {Teoriya igr}. (Russian) [Game theory] "Vyssh. Shkola", Moscow; Knizhnyui Dom "Universitet", Moscow, 1998. 301 pp. ISBN: 5-06-001005-8; 5-8013-0007-4
- Petrosjan L. A., Zakharov, V. V. Matematicheskie modeli v ekologii. (Russian) [Mathematical models in ecology] Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, St. Petersburg, 1997. 254 pp. ISBN: 5-288-01527-9 (Reviewer: Alexander Abakumov)
- Petrosjan L. A. Differential games of pursuit. Translated from the Russian by J. M. Donetz and the author. Series on Optimization, 2. World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 1993. xx+325 pp. ISBN: 981-02-0979-7
- Game theory and applications. III. Edited by L. A. Petrosjan and V. V. Mazalov. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Commack, NY, 1997. iv+225 pp. ISBN: 1-56072-496-X
- Petrosjan L. A. The time consistency (dynamic stability) in differential games with a discount factor. Game theory and applications, 47-53, Nova Sci. Publ., Commack, NY, 1996. (Reviewer: Asen L. Dontchev)
- Petrosjan L. A. On new strongly dynamically stable optimality principles in cooperative differential games. (Russian) Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 211 (1995), Optim. Upr. i Differ. Uravn., 370-376. (Reviewer: Anatolii F. Kleimenov)
- Petrosjan L. A., Tanaka Tamaki Multistage games with vector payoffs. Game theory and applications, II, 185-191, Nova Sci. Publ., Commack, NY, 1996. (Reviewer: Veijo Kaitala)
- Filar Jerzy A., Petrosjan L. A. Integral and differential optimality principles in $n$-person differential games. Game theory and applications, 155-168, Nova Sci. Publ., Commack, NY, 1996. (Reviewer: Fausto Mignanego)
- Petrosjan L. A., Tanaka Tamaki Multistage games with vector payoffs. Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 6 (1996), no. 1, 97-102. (Reviewer: H. Abou-Kandil)
- Game theory and applications. II. Edited by L. A. Petrosjan and V. V. Mazalov. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Commack, NY, 1996. iv+223 pp. ISBN: 1-56072-390-4
- Petrosjan L. A., Zenkevich N. A. Game theory. With the assistance of Elena A. Semina. Translated from the Russian manuscript by J. M. Donetz.
- Petrosjan L. A. The Shapley value for differential games. New trends in dynamic games and applications, 409-417, Ann. Internat. Soc. Dynam. Games, 3, Birkhauser Boston, Boston, MA, 1995. (Reviewer: Anatolii F. Kleimenov)
- Game theory and applications. Edited by L. A. Petrosjan [L. A. Petrosjan] and V. V. Mazalov. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Commack, NY, 1996. vi+211 pp. ISBN: 1-56072-266-5 90-06
- {Modelirovanie prirodnykh sistem i zadachi optimal'nogo upravleniya}. (Russian) [Modeling of natural systems and optimal control problems] Papers from the School "Mathematical Problems in Ecology" held in Chita. Edited by L. A. Petrosjan and V. V. *Mazalov. VO ``Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1993. 96 pp. ISBN: 5-02-030207-4 93-06 (49N55 93A30)
- Petrosjan L. A. The regularization of NB-scheme in differential games. Dynam. Control 5 (1995), no. 1, 31-35. (Reviewer: E. G. Alcprime brekht)
- Petrosjan L. A. Construction of strongly dynamically stable solutions in cooperative differential games. (Russian) Vestnik S.-Peterburg. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1992, vyp. 2, 33-38, 114 translation in Vestnik St. Petersburg Univ. Math. 25 (1992), no. 2, 32-36
- Petrosjan L. A. The values of hierarchical differential games. (Russian) Vestnik S.-Peterburg. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1992, vyp. 1,39-43, 117-118 translation in Vestnik St. Petersburg Univ. Math. 25 (1992), no. 1, 37-41
- Petrosjan L. A. Strongly dynamically stable optimality principles in multicriterial optimal control problems. J. Comput. *Systems Sci. Internat. 32 (1994), no. 2, 146-150; translated from Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Tekhn. Kibernet. 1993, no. 1, 169-174 (Russian) (Reviewer: Zdzislaw Wyderka)
- Petrosjan L. A., Garnaev A.Yu. {Igry poiska}. (Russian) [Search games] St.-Peterbg. Gos. Univ., St. Petersburg, 1992. 217 pp. ISBN: 5-288-00482-X (Reviewer: M. S. Shtil'man)
- Petrosjan L. A. The time consistency of the optimality principles in nonzero sum differential games. Dynamic games in economic analysis (Espoo, 1990), 299-311, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci., 157, Springer, Berlin, 1991. (Reviewer: Josef Shinar)
- L. A. Petrosjan (on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday). (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1990, vyp. 2, 117-119.
- Petrosjan L. A. Differential games with dependent strategy sets. (Russian) Academician V. V. Novozhilov - scholar, teacher, citizen (Russian), 230-236, 262, Voprosy Mekh. Protsess. Upravl., 13, Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1990.
- Petrosjan L. A., Kuzcprime mina T. I. {Beskoalitsionnye differentsial'nye igry}. (Russian) [Noncooperative differential games] Irkutsk. Gos. Univ., Irkutsk, 1989. 150 pp. (Reviewer: L. F. Pau)
- Petrosjan L. A., Zakharov V. V. {Vvedenie v matematicheskuyu ekologiyu}. (Russian) [Introduction to mathematical ecology] Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1986. 224 pp. (Reviewer: D. O. Logofet)
- Petrosjan L. A., Tomskiui G. V. {Elementarnye zadachi presledovaniya i ubeganiya}. (Russian) [Elementary problems of pursuit and evasion] Yakutsk. Gos. Univ., Yakutsk, 1989. 81 pp. (Reviewer: W. H. Ruckle)
- Petrosjan L. A. Multistage multicriterial games with complete information. (Russian) Game theory and its applications (Russian), 66-74, 130, Kemer. Gos. Univ., Kemerovo, 1989.
- Petrosjan L. A., Malafeev O. A. Differential multicriterial $n$-person games. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1989, vyp. 3,27-31, 121 translation in Vestnik Leningrad Univ. Math. 22 (1989), no. 3, 33-38 (Reviewer: Zdzislaw Wyderka)
- {Teoriya igr i ee prilozheniya}. (Russian) [Game theory and its applications] Edited by L. A. Petrosjan. Kemer. Gos. Univ., Kemerovo, 1989. 135 pp.
- Petrosjan L. A. Strong dynamic stability of optimality principles in noncooperative differential games. (Russian) Dynamics of control systems (Russian), 147-153, 205, Voprosy Mekh. Protsess. Upravl., 11, Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1989. (Reviewer: Witold Rzymowski)
- Petrosjan L. A., Zenkevich N. A. {Optimal'nyi poisk v usloviyakh konflikta}. (Russian) [Optimal search under conditions of conflict] Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1987. 76 pp. (Reviewer: Boleslaw Tolwi'nski)
- Petrosjan L. A., Shiryaev V. D. {Ierarkhicheskie igry}. (Russian) [Hierarchical games] Mordovskiui Gosudarstvennyui Universitet, Saransk, 1986. 92 pp. (Reviewer: Bolesl aw Tol wi'nski)
- Petrosjan L. A., Tomskiui G. V. {Differentsial'nye igry s nepolnoui informatsieui }. (Russian) [Differential games with incomplete information] Irkutcydot sk. Gos. Univ., Irkutsk, 1984. 188 pp. (Reviewer: Andrei V. Panteleyev)
- Petrosjan L. A. Classification of dynamically stable solutions in cooperative differential games. (Russian) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat. 1986, no. 7, 24-35, 87. (Reviewer: Bolesl aw Tol wi'nski)
- Petrosjan L. A., Danilov N. N. {Kooperativnye differentsial'nye igry i ikh prilozheniya}. (Russian) [Cooperative differential games and their applications] Tomsk. Gos. Univ., Tomsk, 1985. 276 pp. (Reviewer: J. M. Skowro'nski)
- Petrosjan L. A., Skitovich V. V. Search for a fixed object on a sphere. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1986, vyp. 1, 54-58, 134.
- Petrosjan L. A. Mixed strategies in differential games with incomplete information. (Russian) Differential, multistage, noncooperative and hierarchical games, 26-41, 139, Kalinin. Gos. Univ., Kalinin, 1985. (Reviewer: Claudia Simionescu-Badea)
- Petrosjan L. A., Zenkevich N.A. Dynamic models of search under conditions of conflict. (Russian) Control of dynamical systems, 97-108, 204, Voprosy Mekh. Protsess. Upravl., 7, Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1984.
- Petrosjan L. A. Simultaneous search game and random distribution of points on a plane. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1985, vyp. 1, 31-35, 121.
- Petrosjan L. A., Imbert Kh. T. On the determination of the characteristic function of a treelike hierarchical game. (Russian) Hierarchical, multistage, differential games and their applications, 68-73, 139, Kalinin. Gos. Univ., Kalinin, 1984.
- {Upravlenie dinamicheskimi sistemami}. (Russian) [Control of dynamical systems] Edited by V. I. Zubov and L. A. Petrosjan. {Voprosy Mekhaniki i Protsessov Upravleniya} [Questions of Mechanics and Control Processes], 7. Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1984. 208 pp.
- Petrosjan L. A., Danilov, N. N. A game theoretic model for carrying out a joint project. Engrg. Cybernetics 22 (1984), no. 3, 66-71 (1985); translated from Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Tekhn. Kibernet. 1984, no. 2,84-90, 204 (Russian)
- Petrosjan L. A. Differential games. Current state and problems. (Russian) Multistep, differential, noncooperative and cooperative games, 26-31, Kalinin. Gos. Univ., Kalinin, 1983.
- Petrosjan L. A., Zakharov V. V. Dynamic game-theoretic model of regional development. (Russian) Multistep, differential, noncooperative and cooperative games, 31-39, Kalinin. Gos. Univ., Kalinin, 1983.
- Petrosjan L. A. Mathematical models of a controllable ecological equilibrium. (Russian) Mathematical methods of optimization and control in complex systems, 78-86, Kalinin. Gos. Univ., Kalinin, 1983. (Reviewer: K. Smitalova)
- Petrosjan L. A. New directions in differential game theory. (Russian) Game theory and its applications, 3-22, Kemer. Gos. Univ., Kemerovo, 1983.
- {Teoriya igr i ee prilozheniya}. (Russian) [Game theory and its applications] Edited by L. A. Petrosjan. Kemer. Gos. Univ., Kemerovo, 1983. 153 pp.
- Petrosjan L. A., Tomskiui G. V. {Geometriya prostogo presledovaniya}. (Russian) [Geometry of simple pursuit] ``Nauka Sibirsk. Otdel., Novosibirsk, 1983. 143 pp. (Reviewer: E. G. Alcprime brekht)
- Petrosjan L. A., Tomskiy G. V. Dynamic games. Engrg. Cybernetics 21 (1983), no. 2, 24-38 (1984); translated from Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Tekhn. Kibernet. 1983, no. 2,33-50 (Russian)
- Petrosjan L. A. Differential search games. Reduction to dynamic games with complete information. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1983, vyp. 2, 26-30.
- Petrosjan L. A., Shiryaev V. D. Simple pursuit by one pursuer of two pursued. (Russian) Some questions of differential and integral equations and their applications, No. 3, 103-108, Yakutsk. Gos. Univ., Yakutsk, 1978.
- Petrosjan L. A., Tomskiu i G. V. Dynamic games with complete information and their applications to games with incomplete information. (Russian) Differentsialcprime nye Uravneniya 18 (1982), no. 4, 593-599, 732.
- Petrosjan L. A., Tomskiui G. V. {Dinamicheskie igry i ikh prilozheniya}. (Russian) [Dynamic games and their applications] Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1982. 252 pp. (Reviewer: O. A. Malafeev)
- Imbert T. Josue, Petrosjan L. A. Applications to economics of the theory of $n$-person games. (Spanish) Investigacion Oper. No. 28 (1979), 3-29 (loose errata).
- Petrosjan L.A. Solutions of $n$-person differential games. (Russian) Mat. Metody v Sotsial. Nauk.--Trudy Sem. Protsessy Optimal. Upravleniya II Sektsiya No. 13 (1980), 32-36, 83.
- Petrosjan L. A., Ulanov V. A. Dynamic games with an infinite number of players. Basic constructions. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1982, vyp. 2, 69-75, 126. (Reviewer: F. Szidarovszky)
- Petrosjan L. A., Slobodinskaya, T. V. Functional equations for a differential game with incomplete information. (Russian) Methods of mathematical analysis of controlled processes, pp. 183-197, 281, Voprosy Mekh. Protsess. Upravl., 4, Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1981. (Reviewer: J. M. Skowro'nski)
- Petrosjan L.A., Imbert H. Some game-theoretic models of the functioning of rhombus-shaped structures. (Russian) Mat. Metody v Sotsial. Nauk.--Trudy Sem. Protsessy Optimal. Upravleniya II Sektsiya No. 13 (1980), 37-47, 83.
- Petrosjan L. A. Game-theoretic analysis of hierarchical control systems. (Russian) Sixth Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics (Vitte, 1980) (German), pp. 42-45, Seminarberichte, 29, Humboldt Univ., Berlin, 1980.
- Petrosian L. A., Imbert J. E. A game-theoretic model with rhomboidal control structure. (Spanish) Investigacion Oper. 1 (1980), no. 1, 3-20.
- Petrosjan L. A., Zaharov V. V. A game-theoretic approach to the problem of protection of the environment. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1981, vyp. 1, 26-32, 119-120. 92A17
- Petrosjan L. A., Sirjaev V. D. Group pursuit game with several evaders and one pursuer. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1980, vyp. 3, 50-57, 130.
- Petrosjan L. A., Danilov N. N. Stability of the solutions in nonantagonistic differential games with transferable payoffs. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Astronom. 1979, vyp. 1, 52-59, 134. (Reviewer: A. B. Kurzhanskiui)
- Tyvsko N. M., Petrosjan L. A. Mathematical model for a tree-like hierarchical control structure. (Russian) Some questions of differential and integral equations and their applications, No. 2 (Russian), pp. 160-171, 191, Yakutcydot sk. Gos. Univ., Yakutsk, 1977.
- Tihonova I. F., Petuhova, N. V., Petrosjan L. A. A hierarchical model of planning industrial production. (Russian) Some questions of differential and integral equations and their applications, No. 2 (Russian), pp. 86-98, 190, Yakutcydot sk. Gos. Univ., Yakutsk, 1977.
- Slobodinskaja T. V., Petrosjan L. A. Antagonistic pursuit game with several participants and incomplete information. (Russian) Control of dynamical systems (Russian), pp. 195-213, 320, Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1978.
- Petrosjan L. A. Nonantagonistic differential games. (Russian) Control of dynamical systems (Russian), pp. 173-181, 319, Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1978.
- Zenkevich N. A., Petrosjan L. A. Differential games with discrete progression of information receiving by one of the players. (Russian) Control of dynamical systems (Russian), pp. 78-90, 314, Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad, 1978.
- Petrosjan L. A. Differential pursuit-evasion games. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. No. 19 Mat. Meh. Astronom. Vyp. 4 (1972), 47-54, 146.
- Petrosjan L. A. Stability of the solutions in differential games with several players. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. 1977, no. 19 Mat. Mat. Meh. Astronom. vyp. 4, 46-52, 147. (Reviewer: Milan Medved)
- Petrosjan L. A. {Differentsialcprime nye igry presledovaniya.} (Russian) [Differential pursuit games] Izdat. Leningrad. Univ., Leningrad. 1977. 222 pp. (Reviewer: V. Komkov)
- Cistjakov S. V., Petrosjan L. A. An approach to the solution of pursuit games. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. 1977, no. 1 Mat. Meh. Astronom. vyp. 1, 77-82, 166. (Reviewer: E. G. Albreht)
- Slobodinskaja, T. V. Petrosjan L. A. Simultaneous pursuit games. (Russian) Mat. Metody v Social. Nauk.-Trudy Sem. Processy Optimal. Upravlenija II Sekcija Vyp. 5 (1975), 23-36. {Teoriya igr.} (Russian) [Game theory] First All-Union Conference on Game Theory, held in Erevan, November, 1968. Edited by N. N. Vorobcprime ev, A. A. Korbut, L. A. Petrosjan and E. B. Janovskaja. Izdat. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR, Erevan, 1973. 368 pp. (errata insert).
- Petrosjan L. A. A pursuit game with fixed duration and with delay of information for both players. (Russian) Current trends in game theory (Russian), pp. 109-114. Izdat. "Mokslas", Vilnius, 1976. (Reviewer: G. Zatiasvili)
- Beleevskiui M. M., Petrosjan L. A. The structure of an optimal strategy for the evader in a time-optimal pursuit game. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. No. 7 Mat. Meh. Astronom. Vyp. 2 (1975), 10-15, 169. (Reviewer: R. Petrovic)
- Beleevskiui M. M., Petrosjan L. A. Structure of the optimal strategy of the evader in a certain class of differential pursuit games. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. No. 19 Mat. Meh. Astronom. Vyp. 4 (1974), 5-12, 169. (Reviewer: R. Petrovic)
- Petrosjan L. A. Pursuit games with incomplete information. (Russian) Advances in game theory (Proc. Second All-Union Conf., Vilnius, 1971) (Russian), pp. 227-233. Izdat. "Mintis", Vilnius, 1973. (Reviewer: F. M. Kirillova)
- Petrosjan L. A. A certain pursuit game with incomplete information. (Russian) Advances in game theory (Proc. Second All-Union Conf., Vilnius, 1971) (Russian), pp. 223-226. Izdat. "Mintis", Vilnius, 1973. (Reviewer: F. M. Kirillova)
- Petrosjan L. A. Erratum: "Differential games with complete information" (Problemy Kibernet. No. 27 (1973), 267-277). (Russian) Problemy Kibernet. No. 28 (1974), 280.
- Petrosjan L. A. Pursuit games with information lag for player $P$. (Russian) Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat. 8 (1973), no. 2, 93-101, 177. (Reviewer: O. Hajek)
- Petrosjan L. A. Differential games with complete information. (Russian) A collection consisting mainly of papers presented at the Second All-Union Conference on Problems of Theoretical Cybernetics (Novosibirsk, 1971). Problemy Kibernet. No. 27 (1973), 267-277, 295. (Reviewer: G. Zatiasvili)
- Malafeev O. A., Petrosjan L. A. A simple pursuit game in the plane with an obstacle. (Russian) Control systems, No. 9 (Russian), pp. 31-42. Inst. Mat. Inst. Kataliza Sibirsk. Otdel. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Novosibirsk, 1971. (Reviewer: R. Petrovic)
- Petrosjan L. A. Topological games and their applications to pursuit problems. I. SIAM J. Control 10 (1972), 194-202. (Reviewer: J. H. Case)
- Petrosjan L. A. Games with a "life-line". The case of $l$-capture. SIAM J. Control 10 (1972), 40-47.
- Petrosjan L. A. Generalized solutions of differential games of survival. (Russian) Ekonom. i Mat. Metody 3 1967 420-425. (Reviewer: Author's review)
- Petrosjan L. A. Differential games with incomplete information. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 195 1970 558-561. (Reviewer: F. M. Kirillova)
- Petrosjan L. A. Invariant center of pursuit in a certain class of nonlinear differential games. (Russian) Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat. 3 1968 no. 4-5, 397-403. (Reviewer: A. Friedman)
- Petrosjan L. A. Topological games and their applications to pursuit problems. I. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. 24 1969 no. 19, 55-63. (Reviewer: A. Friedman)
- Petrosjan L.A., Kuzutin T.I. Games in Extensive Form: Optimality and Stability. St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg state university, 2000, 290 p.
- Dutkeviv C., Ju. G., Petrosjan L. A. Games "with life line". The case of $1$-capture. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. 24 1969 no. 13, 31-38. (Reviewer: Z. Vorel)
- Petrosjan L. A. A certain class of quality games. (Russian) Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat. 3 1968 no. 3, 249-256. (Reviewer: J. M. Skowro'nski)
- Petrosjan L. A. Differentialspiele und Verfolgungsprobleme. (German) Wiss. Z. Techn. Univ. Dresden 17 1968 761-766.
- Petrosjan L. A. Differential games with independent movements. (Russian) Litovsk. Mat. Sb. 8 1968 127-136. (Reviewer: J. M. Skowro'nski)
- Souihet B. A., Petrosjan L. A. A set-theoretic approach to pursuit games. (Russian) Litovsk. Mat. Sb. 8 1968 371-380. (Reviewer: J. R. Isbell)
- Petrosjan L. A. Pursuit games "with life line". (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. 22 1967 no. 13, 76-85. (Reviewer: J. M. Skowro'nski)
- Petrosjan L. A. The applicability of Isaacs' technique of solution "in the small" to the solution "in the small" of certain pursuit games. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. 23 1968 no. 7, 66-70. (Reviewer: P. Sagirow)
- Petrosjan L. A. A certain invariant in differential pursuit games. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. 23 1968 no. 1, 42-51. (Reviewer: L. D. Berkovitz)
- Petrosjan L. A., Murzov, N. V. The $n$-person tug of war game. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. 22 1967 no. 13, 125-129. (Reviewer: L. W. Neustadt)
- Petrosjan L. A. Another generalization of Kuhn's theorem. (Russian) 1967 Theory of games: Positional games (Russian) pp. 230-245 Izdat. "Nauka", Moscow (Reviewer: J. R. Isbell)
- Petrosjan L. A. A certain mapping in a family of differential pursuit games. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 178 1968 34-37. (Reviewer: P. Sagirow)
- Petrosjan L. A. Signalling strategies and behavior strategies in a class of infinite positional games. (Russian) 1967 Theory of games: Positional games (Russian) pp. 221-229 Izdat. "Nauka", Moscow (Reviewer: J. R. Isbell)
- Petrosjan L. A. Dynamic pursuit game in the presence of friction forces. (Russian) Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Dokl. 44 1967 no. 1, 3-7. (Reviewer: P. Sagirow)
- Petrosjan L. A. "Life-line" pursuit games with several players. (Russian) Izv. Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Ser. Mat. 1 1966 no. 5, 331-340. (Reviewer: L. D. Berkovitz)
- Petrosjan L. A. Dispersal surfaces in a family of pursuit games. (Russian) Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Dokl. 43 1966 no. 4, 193-197. (Reviewer: L. D. Berkovitz)
- Petrosjan L. A., Murzov N. V. Dynamical pursuit game. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 172 1967 1270-1272. (Reviewer: L. D. Berkovitz)
- Petrosjan L. A., Murzov N. V. Game-theoretic problems of mechanics. (Russian) Litovsk. Mat. Sb. 6 1966 423-433. (Reviewer: L. D. Berkovitz)
- Murzov N. V., Petrosjan L. A. Pulling-over differential game. (Russian) Vestnik Leningrad. Univ. 22 1967 no. 1, 106-112. (Reviewer: Z. Vorel)
- Petrosjan L. A. A game of pursuit on a half-plane. (Russian) Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Dokl. 40 1965 265-269. (Reviewer: A. Dvoretzky)
- Petrosjan L. A. On the reduction of the solution of a game of pursuit for survival to the solution of a Cauchy problem for a first-order partial differential equation. (Russian) Akad. Nauk Armjan. SSR Dokl. 40 1965 193-196. (Reviewer: D. A. Lee)
- Petrosjan L. A. Differential survival games with several players. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 161 1965 285-287. (Reviewer: G. N. Raney)
- Petrosjan L. A. A family of differential survival games in the space $Rsp{n}$. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 161 1965 52-54. (Reviewer: G. N. Raney)
- Petrosyan L. A., Kusyutin, D. V. On the stability of $epsilon$-equilibrium in the class of mixed strategies. Vestnik St. Petersburg Univ. Math. 28 (1995), no. 3, 46-50 (1996).
- Petrosjan L. A. Characteristic functions of cooperative differential games. Vestnik St. Petersburg Univ. Math. 28 (1995), no. 1, 38-42.
- Petrosjan L. A. Strongly time-consistent differential optimality principles. Vestnik St. Petersburg Univ. Math. 26 (1993), no. 4, 40-46.
- Petrosjan L. A. Determining evolutionarily stable strategies in dynamic games. Vestnik St. Petersburg Univ. Math. 29 (1996), no. 1, 55-60.
- Petrosjan L. A. Refinement of the Nash solution for games with perfect information. Advances in dynamic games and applications (Kanagawa, 1996), 269-277, Ann. Internat. Soc. Dynam. Games, 5, Birkhauser Boston, Boston, MA, 2000.
- Petrosjan L. A. Electing the directorial council. Dynamics and control (Sopron, 1995), 187-194, Stability Control Theory Methods Appl., 9, Gordon and Breach, Amsterdam, 1999.
- Petrosjan L. A. Time consistency of cooperative solutions in dynamic games. Nonlinear analysis and convex analysis (Niigata, 1998), 61-64, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1999.
- Petrosjan L. A. Simple search games in a plane. (Russian) Investigations in the geometry of simple pursuit (Russian), 73-82, Yakutcydot sk. Gos. Univ., Yakutsk, 1991.
- Petrosjan L. A. Agreeable solutions in differential games. Game theory and applications, III, 91-103, Nova Sci. Publ., Commack, NY, 1997.
- Gauthier B., Petrosjan L. A. A game-theoretic model of the decision-making process within international economic organizations. Nova J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 6 (1996), no. 1, 15-25.
- Petrosjan L. A. Strongly time consistent optimality principles for the game with discount payoffs. System modelling and optimization (Compiegne, 1993), 513-520, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci., 197, Springer, London, 1994.
- Petrosjan L. A. The time consistency (dynamic stability) in differential games with a discount factor. Internat. Year-Book Game Theory Appl. 1 (1993), 47-53.
- Petrosjan L. A. Multicriterial dynamic optimization. Conference on Differential Equations and Applications (Ruse, 1989), 381-387, Tech. Univ., Ruse, 1991.
- Petrosjan L. A. On a search problem. (Russian) Problems in optimal control and operations research (Russian), 136-139, 199, Irkutcydot sk. Gos. Univ., Irkutsk, 1988.
- Petrosjan L. A. Games with dependent strategy sets. (Russian) Mathematical methods in the theory of computer-aided design systems, robots and systems (Russian), 26-31, Kalinin. Gos. Univ., Kalinin, 1988.
- Petrosjan L. A. Dynamic and strong dynamic stability of optimal decisions. VII Conference on Applied Mathematics (Osijek, 1989), 179-184, Univ. Osijek, Osijek, 1990.
- Petrosjan L. A. Mathematical-ecological models and hierarchical games. (Russian) Mathematical models for the rational use of the environment (Russian), 76-86, 142, "Nauka" Sibirsk. Otdel., Novosibirsk, 1989.
- Petrosjan L. A. Mixed strategies in differential games with incomplete information. (Russian) Differential equations and applications, I, II (Russian) (Ruse, 1985), 317-320, `Angel Kanchev' Tech. Univ., Ruse, 1987.
- Petrosjan L.A.,Zaccour G. A Multistage supergame of downstream pollution. Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications, vol.5, 1999.
- Petrosjan L.A. Refinement of the Nash solution for games with perfect information.Advances in Dynamic Games and Applications, vol.5, 1999.
- Petrosjan L.A., Filar Dynamic cooperative games, International Game Theory Review, vol.2, N1, 2000.
- Petrosjan L.A., Villiger R. Time-consistent agreeable solurions in envirinment pollution game. Proceedings of the IFAC SME 2001 Conference, Klagenfurt, 2001.
- Petrosjan L.A. Electing of the directorial councel. Stability and Control, Methods and Applications, Vol. 9 Gordon and Breach Sci Pbl. 1999.
- Petrosjan L.A.,Ayoshin D. Values of dynamic games with partial cooperation, Papers of the institute of mathematics and mechanics,USC RAS, 1999 (in russian)
- Petrosjan L.A. Shevkoplyas E.V. Cooperative games with random duration, Viestnik of St.Petersburg Univ., ser.1,vol.4,2000
- Petrosjan L.A., Yeung D.W.K. Cooperative differential ames with uncertain payoffs. Viestnik of St.Petersburg Univ.,Vol.3, 2000. (in russian)
- Petrosjan L.A.,J.Puerto Folk theorems in multicriterial repeated games. Sociedad de Statistica e Investigation Operativa, Vol.10, N2, 2002.
- Petrosjan.L.A. Cooperative stochastic games. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, Vol.2.,2002
- Petrosjan L.A., Grauer L.V. Strong Nash equilibrium in multistage games. International Game Theory Review, 4(3) 2002.
- Petrosjan L.A., Grauer L.V. New class of solutions in multistege games with applications to "prisoners dilemma", Game Theory and Applications, Vol.8. 2002.
- Petrosjan L.A., Zaccour G. Time-consistent Shapley value allocation of pollution cost reduction. Journal of Economics and Control, 27, 2003.
Подробнее см. - [1].
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- Иностранный Член НАН РА
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- Медаль ордена «За заслуги перед Отечеством» II степени
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- Премия Р. Айзекса (International Society of Dynamic Games)
- В 1994 и 1997 годах ему присуждалась Государственная научная стипендия
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