Авакян Боб
Avakian Bob
Avakian Bob
Авакян Боб. Член радикального движения 60х, лидер революционной коммунистической партии США.
Bob Avakian is a '60's radical who became the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. He speaks of his Armenian-American upbringing in the San Francisco Bay Area in his memoir, FROM IKE TO MAO AND BEYOND: MY JOURNEY FROM MAINSTREAM AMERICA TO REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNIST, published by Insight Press (www.insight-press.com, which has a short biographical note about Bob Avakian). In addition to his many other books, many of his writings are published in REVOLUTION newspaper (www.revcom.us), and some of his talks are available at www.bobavakian.net.
Categories: Armenian Individuals
Bob Avakian Боб Авакян
Bob Avakian is a '60's radical who became the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. He speaks of his Armenian-American upbringing in the San Francisco Bay Area in his memoir, FROM IKE TO MAO AND BEYOND: MY JOURNEY FROM MAINSTREAM AMERICA TO REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNIST, published by Insight Press (www.insight-press.com, which has a short biographical note about Bob Avakian). In addition to his many other books, many of his writings are published in REVOLUTION newspaper (www.revcom.us), and some of his talks are available at www.bobavakian.net.