Международные конференции

  • В. А. Арутюнян, Электронные состояния в наносферическом пленочном слое при наличии кулоновского примесного центра Материалы Международной конференции «Тонкие пленки и наноструктуры», ч. I, с.69-71, Москва, 2004
  • В. А. Арутюнян, Оптические переходы в наносферическом пленочном слое при наличии кулоновского примесного центра, Материалы Международной конференции «Тонкие пленки и наноструктуры», ч. I, c. 88-90, Москва, 2004
  • V.A. Harutyunyan, Electronic states in nanoradial cylindrical layer with quantum well of finite depth Reviews and Short Notes to Nanomeeting-2005, p.216-218, Minsk, 2005
  • V.A.Harutyunyan, Optical properties of CdS/HgS/CdS nanospherical direct band semicondoctor layer, Proceedings of the International Conferen-ce «Electronoc and Photonic Materials, Devices and Systems», p.D7-D9, Calcutta, India, 2006
  • V.A.Harutyunyan, Optical Transitions in Cylindrical Nanolayer in the Presence of Radial Electric field Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference«Solid State Physics and Material Science», p.72-73, Alexandria, Egypt, 2006
  • V.A. Harutyunyan, Intersubband optical Transitions in Cylindrical Nanolayer in the Presence of Radial Electric field Proceedings of Ninth International Conference On Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells, p.22-23, Cumbria, Ambleside UK, 2007
  • В.А.Арутюнян, Экситонные состояния в полупроводниковой нанотрубке при наличии сильного электрического поля Труды XII Международной конференции “Опто- и наноэлектроника, нанотехнологии и микросистемы”, с.69-70,Ульяновск, 2010
  • V.A.Harutyunyan, Electrooptical properties of spherical symmetric nanocrystalline layer in the presence of radial electric field Bulleten of APS v.48, N1, part I, p.504, Austin TX, USA, March -2003
  • V.A.Harutyunyan,The influence of uniform electrical field on the optical properties of size-quantized cylindrical semicondoctor layer, Symposium «Nano and Giga challenges in Microelectronics»,p.114, Cracow, Poland, 2004
  • V.A.Harutyunyan, Optical transitions in spherical nanocrystalline layer in the presence of homogeneous electrical field Bulleten of APS March Meeting 2005, Abstract, NK1.0009, Los-Angeles, CA, USA 2005
  • V.A.Harutyunyan, Optical transitions in semiconductor nanotube under strong electrostatic field Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes NT-08, p.378, Montpelier, France, 2008
  • V.A.Harutyunyan, Semiconductor nanocylindrical heterolayer in a radial electrostatic field: the electronic spectrum and optical properties Proceedings of 2-nd International Conference of Surface and Interfaces, p.97, Puri, India, 2009
  • V.A.Harutyunyan, Semiconductor quantum ring instrong lateral electrostatic field Conference on Theoretical Physics 2011, Moscow, Russia, 20-23 of june, Book of Abstracts, p.22
  • V.A.Harutyunyan, Nanospherical heterolayer in strong electrostatic field 2nd International Conference on ‘Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN-2011)’ 8-10 Dec. 2011, Guwahati, India, Book of Abstracts, p.75
  • V.A.Harutyunyan, V,A. Gasparyan, Analytical consederation of quantum-confined stark-effect and intersubband optical transitions in semiconductor quntum well, Proceedings of 2-nd International Conference of Theoretical Physics and its Applications, Moscow, Russia (2012), pp. 47-56