В. А. Арутюнян, Электронные состояния в наносферическом пленочном слое при наличии кулоновского примесного центра Материалы Международной конференции «Тонкие пленки и наноструктуры», ч. I, с.69-71, Москва, 2004
В. А. Арутюнян, Оптические переходы в наносферическом пленочном слое при наличии кулоновского примесного центра, Материалы Международной конференции «Тонкие пленки и наноструктуры», ч. I, c. 88-90, Москва, 2004
V.A. Harutyunyan, Electronic states in nanoradial cylindrical layer with quantum well of finite depth Reviews and Short Notes to Nanomeeting-2005, p.216-218, Minsk, 2005
V.A.Harutyunyan, Optical properties of CdS/HgS/CdS nanospherical direct band semicondoctor layer, Proceedings of the International Conferen-ce «Electronoc and Photonic Materials, Devices and Systems», p.D7-D9, Calcutta, India, 2006
V.A.Harutyunyan, Optical Transitions in Cylindrical Nanolayer in the Presence of Radial Electric field Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference«Solid State Physics and Material Science», p.72-73, Alexandria, Egypt, 2006
V.A. Harutyunyan, Intersubband optical Transitions in Cylindrical Nanolayer in the Presence of Radial Electric field Proceedings of Ninth International Conference On Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells, p.22-23, Cumbria, Ambleside UK, 2007
В.А.Арутюнян, Экситонные состояния в полупроводниковой нанотрубке при наличии сильного электрического поля Труды XII Международной конференции “Опто- и наноэлектроника, нанотехнологии и микросистемы”, с.69-70,Ульяновск, 2010
V.A.Harutyunyan, Electrooptical properties of spherical symmetric nanocrystalline layer in the presence of radial electric field Bulleten of APS v.48, N1, part I, p.504, Austin TX, USA, March -2003
V.A.Harutyunyan,The influence of uniform electrical field on the optical properties of size-quantized cylindrical semicondoctor layer, Symposium «Nano and Giga challenges in Microelectronics»,p.114, Cracow, Poland, 2004
V.A.Harutyunyan, Optical transitions in spherical nanocrystalline layer in the presence of homogeneous electrical field Bulleten of APS March Meeting 2005, Abstract, NK1.0009, Los-Angeles, CA, USA 2005
V.A.Harutyunyan, Optical transitions in semiconductor nanotube under strong electrostatic field Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes NT-08, p.378, Montpelier, France, 2008
V.A.Harutyunyan, Semiconductor nanocylindrical heterolayer in a radial electrostatic field: the electronic spectrum and optical properties Proceedings of 2-nd International Conference of Surface and Interfaces, p.97, Puri, India, 2009
V.A.Harutyunyan, Semiconductor quantum ring instrong lateral electrostatic field Conference on Theoretical Physics 2011, Moscow, Russia, 20-23 of june, Book of Abstracts, p.22
V.A.Harutyunyan, Nanospherical heterolayer in strong electrostatic field 2nd International Conference on ‘Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN-2011)’ 8-10 Dec. 2011, Guwahati, India, Book of Abstracts, p.75
V.A.Harutyunyan, V,A. Gasparyan, Analytical consederation of quantum-confined stark-effect and intersubband optical transitions in semiconductor quntum well, Proceedings of 2-nd International Conference of Theoretical Physics and its Applications, Moscow, Russia (2012), pp. 47-56