
Меликян-Кандаян Сатеник

1305 байт убрано, 07:02, 9 ноября 2008
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| name-ru-main = Меликян Сатеник
| name-ru-03 =
| name-lat =
| name-en = Melikyan Satenik
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| состояние текста = 01| состояние поиска = 01| состояние тэгов = 01| состояние ссылок = 01| флаг чистовик =ё7
| портрет =
| дата рождения = 29.04.1956 | место рождения = Ереван
| дата смерти =
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Melikyan Satenik
Меликян Сатеник
Satenik Melikyan
Date and place of birth - 29.04.1956, Yerevan, Armenia
1974-1978 Department of Architecture, Yerevan State Politechnical Institute
Since 1992 Member of Artists' Union of Armenia
Since 1985 Head of the department of Art at the Yerevan Aesthetic Centre
1994-1995 Exhibition dedicated to the Independence of Armenia - Yerevan, Armenia
2000 Solo exhibition in the House of Chamber Music - Yerevan, Armenia
Yeznik Koghbatsi str. 2, apt. 40Yerevan 375010 ArmeniaTel.: (374 1) 531989==Достижения==
=Библиография=*http://www.noreon.am/members/marie.htm  *http://www.noreon.am/members/satenik.htm Satenik Melikyan Date and place of birth - 29.04.1956, Yerevan, Armenia   EDUCATION 1974-1978 Department of Architecture, Yerevan State Politechnical Institute  PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Since 1992 Member of Artists' Union of ArmeniaSince 1985 Head of the department of Art at the Yerevan Aesthetic Centre  GROUP EXHIBITIONS 1994-1995 Exhibition dedicated to the Independence of Armenia - Yerevan, Armenia2000 Exhibition dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of adoption of the Christianity as a State religion in Armenia - Yerevan, Armenia1992-2002 Exhibition dedicated to the International Women Day - Yerevan, Armenia1997-2002 Annual exhibition organized by Artists' Union of Armenia - Yerevan, Armenia2002 Exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Artists' Union of Armenia - Yerevan, Armenia1998 Exhibition organized by Representation of NATO in Armenia -Yerevan, Armenia 1998 Competition "Before and After", First Prize - Germany, Berlin2001 Solo exhibition in the Concert Hall of Armenian Philharmony - Yerevan, Armenia 2000 Solo exhibition in the House of Chamber Music - Yerevan, Armenia CONTACT Yeznik Koghbatsi str. 2, apt. 40Yerevan 375010 ArmeniaTel.: (374 1) 531989
Бюрократ, editor, nsBadRO, nsBadRW, nsDraftRO, nsDraftRW, reviewer, администратор
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