
Фонд помощи армянам

24 байта добавлено, 04:23, 21 июля 2011
Educational projects
One of the most important events of 2000 was the building of the Children's Center in Zeytoon. The whole building rebuilt and re-furnished. The Center provides help to homeless, runaway or abused children. The Center can provide care to 30 children. Usually this children wait a month for proper placement.
==Educational projectsОбразовательные проекты==
The Mathevosian Scholarship program is already 4 years old. 40 students are receiving scholarship and are studying free of charge in local colleges. This is an opportunity for financially unstable students to continue receiving education in economy, law and journalism.
Under the auspices of FAR the ANSEF was organized to stop the brain drain of scientists. The special committee has already received 80 scientific research projects from scientists to review and award grants to the best.
In cultural activities FAR is continuing to support the "Paros" choir of disabled youngsters and the "Datev" children choir.
Editor, nsBadRO, nsBadRW, nsDraftRO, nsDraftRW, reviewer