
Первая Армянская Церковь (Бельмонт)

31 байт добавлено, 08:49, 29 июля 2011
{{На английском|The First Armenian Evangelical Church of Greater Boston was formed in the years 1891-1892. During this period worship services were held in homes under the leadership of several ministers and lay preachers. In 1893, Sunday afternoon services were started in Boston's Berkeley Temple.
In 1899, the American Congregational Association allowed the Armenian congregation to hold services at its Pilgrim Hall located on Park Street, Boston. Services continued here until 1929 when the congregation purchased its own church building in Porter Square, Cambridge. In 1954, hurricanes Carol and Edna destroyed the church building in Porter Square. For the next four years the congregation utilized the neighboring Masonic Temple and the Cilician Armenian Memorial Church in Watertown.
In 1955 land was purchased on Concord Avenue, Belmont construction of the church was completed and services began at our current Belmont location on September 14, 1958.}}
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Editor, nsBadRO, nsBadRW, nsDraftRO, nsDraftRW, reviewer