Арутюнян Ваграм

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Арутюнян Ваграм

http://art.nt.am/gallery/vahram.htm HARUTUNYAN VAHRAM

27, 63 str. A. Barbyus, Yerevan-28, Republic of Armenia 

Tel.: 225 796, Fax: 151 795 Vahram Harutunyan was born in 1958.

Since 1975 he had been studing in Melconian Ashot's studio, who was the celebrated artist of Armenia. From 1976 to 1981 he studied at Kh.Abovian's Institute. Since 1980 his works has been exhibited in the republican and all-union exhibitions. Since 1982 he has been the member of Youth section of USSR's Artist's Union and member of the International Association of the Decorative art( AIAP UNESCO). His works are in the private collections in USA, Switzerland, in the museum of the Ministry of Sant gallena, in Lugano, Italy; in Korea, Luxemburg, in France, in Poland, in the picture gallery of Karabagh, in the museum of modern art of Armenia, etc. 

SOLO EXHIBITION GROUP EXHIBITION 1998-Yerevan 1997-Yerevan, Armenia 1994-Baden, Swetzerland 1994-Sant-Gallen, Switzerland 1993-Geneva, Switzerland 1993-Lugano, Geneva 1993-Sant-Gallen, Switzerland 1987-Poland 1997-Las-Vegas, USA 1997-Buenos-Ires, Argentina 1997-Yerevan, Armenia 1996-Uruguay 1996-Germany 1995-Moscow, Russia 1994-Moscow, Russia 1994-Yerevan, Armenia 1994-Zurich, Switzerland 1994-Sant-Gallen, Switzerland 1994-Detroit, USA 1993-Detroit, USA 1993-Moscow, Russia 1992-South Korea 1991-Toronto, Canada 1991-Wiesbaden, Germany 1990-Tokyo,Japan


Vahram Harutyunyan Ваграм Арутюнян

Sinse 1980 has been exhibited in State, All-Union and international exhibitions The member of the Union of Artists of Armenia, Russia, UNESCO.His works are in private collections in the USA, Russia, Switzerland, Itali, Korea, Luxembourg, Francie, Germani, in the picture galleriy of Gharbagh, in the museum of Modern Art of Armenia etc.

He gives his preference to the Armenian miniatures which originate from the time of Renaissance. Realist, Universe is the ball and olso the Earth.The man is also ball but it's secrete what sistde is. "The space is a sphere, so is the Earth. The man is a sphere.But we don't know yet which sphere is where. This is really unknown though we have stopped into the 21 st century".


Data of birth 11.11.1958,Yerevan


Since 1978 studieed paenting in the studio of Ashot Melkoyan 

1981 - KH Abovyan institute 1998 - "Zalzburg" Academy 1982 - Member of Youth Society of Artists' Union of the USSR 1985 - Member of Artists'Union of Armenia 1993 - Member of Professional Artists' Union (UNESCO)


GROUP EXHIBITIONS 1990 - Tokyo 1991 - "Bremen Hafen" (Wisbaden - Germany) 1991 - "Del Bello Galery" (Toronto - Canada) 1992 - South Korea 1993 - Moscow 1993 - Detroit (USA) 1994 - Detroit(USA) 1994 - Sent-Gallen - Zurich - Switzerland 1994 - Museum of Modern Art 1995 - Moscow 1996 - Yerevan 1997 - Russia 1997 - Germani 1998 - Austria 1998-99 Auction "Doroteum" 1998 - Austria - Vienna 1999 - Yerevan 1999 - Germani 2000 - Moscow 2000 - ACCEA 2001 - Tehran Modern Art 2006 - France-Trua 2006 - France 2006 - Germany

PERSONAL EXHIBITIONS 1987 - Poland 1993 - Sent Gallen Basel, Lugano, Switzerland 1993 - "Europ' Art 93" International exhibition (Geneva, Switzerland) 1994 - Sent Gallen Baden, Switzerland 1996 - Yerevan 1997 - Yerevan 1998 - Vig Art Club (Vienna, Austria) 2002 - Klausenbauernhof, Germany 2003 - Germany 2004 - London 2005 - Moscow