Нишанян Марк
Нишанян Марк
Marc Nichanian
Marc Nichanian Armenian Literature and Culture 603 Kent Hall 212-854-4702 mn194 @ columbia.edu Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00am to 12:00pm
A graduate of the University of Stasbourg and the ?cole Nationale des Langues Orientales Vivantes, Marc Nichanian is currently Professor of Armenian languages and culture at Columbia University. He has published in Armenian: six volumes of Gam, a journal of literary analysis; and an extensive bibliography of Hagop Oshagan. In French: a history of the Armenian language; a book on the perversion of history; and French translations from Armenian (Khrakhouni) and English (Vahakn Dadrian). In English: the first volume of a series on Armenian literature in the twentieth century, a book on Charents, a collective volume called "Art and Testimony." [edit] Publications GAM, Hantes Verlutsakan, 1980-2005, six volumes. Ages et usages de la langue arm?nienne, Ententes, Paris, 1989. A Bibliography of Hagop Oshagan (in Armenian), LA, 1998. Writers of Disaster: Armenian Literature in the Twentieth Century, Gomidas Institute, 2002. Charents, Poet of the Revolution, Mazda Press, 2003. La Perversion historiographique, L?o Scheer, Paris, 2006.
Categories: Armenian Individuals
( n. 1945 )
Marc Nichanian est n? en 1945 ? Paris, de parents originaires d'Asie Mineure ?migr?s en France au d?but des ann?es 1920.
Il est dipl?m? de l'Ecole des Langues Orientales pour l'arm?nien (1970) et docteur en philosophie (1979). Il a enseign? la litt?rature arm?nienne de fa?on "itin?rante", ? Paris, Vienne, Los Angeles et J?rusalem. Il est depuis 1980 le r?dacteur de "Gam" ("Ou bien..."), revue de litt?rature arm?nienne et d'analyse en langue arm?nienne.
Il est professeur associ? au D?partement d'?tudes arm?niennes de la Columbia University ? New-York.
Ages et usages de la langue arm?ienne
Ed. Entente, 1989, ISBN 2726600891 Le Bois de Vincennes (pr?facier) Ed. Parenth?ses, 1993, ISBN 2863640739 La perversion historiographique : une r?flexion arm?nienne Ed. lignes, 2006, ISBN 2849380466 Litt?ratures arm?niennes au XXe si?cle. entre l'art et le t?moignage Ed. MetisPresse, 2006, ISBN 2940357048