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Matossian Nouritza

Матоссян Норица


BLACK ANGEL A Life of Arshile Gorky

Nouritza Matossian

Nouritza Matossian

The author's comprehensive biography of the leading American artist, Black Angel, A Life of Arshile Gorky, by Chatto and Windus, Random House UK, was launched in December 1998 to critical acclaim. Paperback by Pimlico, Random House to appear in 2001. US edition by The Overlook Press, New York launched in May 2000 at the Player's Club and the National Arts Club.

Nouritza Matossian gave the first of a series of one-woman shows about the life of Arshile Gorky at the Royal College of Art, London, 1st December 1998, repeated by popular demand with a show at the Barbican, The Brighton Festival and in Cyprus. The New York Premier at the Player's Club on 19th May it was standing room only.

She is also the author first biography and critical study of the Greek composer, Iannis Xenakis which has become a source book. Xenakis, Fayard (Paris 1982), Kahn and Averill (London 1987, paperback 1992) has established Matossian as one of the world's leading experts on Xenakis.

Matossian devised and co-produced a 50 minute documentary on Xenakis' life and work, Something Rich and Strange, BBC2, in 1992.

Writer and broadcaster on music and the arts, biography, food, travel, and Armenia, she has also organized arts festivals in England and Cyprus.

Features for the Observer, The Independent, The Economist, Vogue, Harpers & Queen and specialist music publications. Lectures, and broadcasts on BBC Radios 3 & 4: Woman's Hour; Afternoon Shift; From Their Own Correspondent; Radio 3; Profile of Xenakis Producer, Alan Hall; Nightwaves; Derek Cooper's Christmas Lunch.

Born in Cyprus, educated in England; 9 languages; read Philosophy at Bedford College, London University; music at Darmstadt, theatre and dance at Dartington College, (1976-79) Jacques Le Coq, School of Mime, Paris (1980-81). Honorary Cultural Attach? of the Armenian Embassy since 1992.

Literary Agent: Gillon Aitken, London

nouritza @ blueyonder.co.uk


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