Благотворительная общественная организация «Армянский Каритас»

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Благотворительная общественная организация «Армянский Каритас»
Вид заведения: благотворительная общественная организация
Дата основания: 1995
Руководитель при регистрации: Отец Ншан Архп. Каракееян , директор
Телефон/Факс: (374-312)37201, (374-91)430228, (374-93)312495 (моб.);Факс: (374-312)32849
Эл. почта: caritas@cararm.am
Ссылки: http://www.caritasarm.am;http://www.spyur.am/armcaritas.htm



History of Armenian Caritas

In May 1995, the Armenian Catholic Church headed by Msgr. Nerses Archb. Der-Nersessian, the Ordinary of the Armenian Catholics in Armenia, Georgia and Eastern Europe based in Gyumri, founded Armenian Caritas in Gyumri, Shirak region.

In 1996, a Board of Directors consisting of a President and six other members was established, with the task to design the strategy of the organization and supervise its implementation.

The organization was officially recognized by the Armenian Ministry of Justice as a local NGO in 1997. Since 1999 Armenian Caritas is a full member of Caritas Internationalis. It is also an affiliated member to Caritas Europa and ICMC (International Catholic Migration Commission).

In 2004 May Msgr. Nerses Archb. Der-Nersessian retired and the new president became Msgr. Neshan Archb. Garakeheyan, the current ordinary of the Armenian Catholics in Armenia, Georgia and eastern Europe. His Excellency has been one of the founders of the organisation and has greatly assisted Armenian Caritas in its establishment and development.

The first activities of Armenian Caritas were merely of a relief nature; the first programs Caritas Armenia became involved in were exclusively assistance projects. In January 1998 Armenian Caritas Board of Directors decided to start the implementation of community-based development programs. In order to diversify the programmatic base for AC, the institutional capacity needed to be increased and strengthened. CRS/Armenia and CORDAID/The Netherlands, assisted AC in that process.

The two year "AC Institutional Capacity Building" program (1998/1999) permitted Caritas to set up a new office, covered all administrative and management costs, offered support and training opportunities to the staff and introduced the principle of "Community Development/Participation" as an operational strategy through Water and Sanitation and Parent School Partnership projects. It enabled AC to strengthen, be better equipped to respond to the needs of the local population and be more prepared to face future challenges.

Over the course of time, Armenian Caritas subsequently extended its humanitarian and development activities to other areas of the country apart from Shirak region, involving Lori and Gegharkunik regions, as well as Yerevan City.

Today Armenian Caritas is an organization with a solid base, with a clearly defined mission and strategic directions, and with a strong potential to grow further and serve its beneficiaries to the best of its capacity.


  • Координация помощи детским домам
  • Материальная помощь детям-сиротам
  • Материальная помощь социально необеспеченным группам населения
  • Медицинская помощь одиноким престарелым и инвалидам
  • Медицинская помощь социально необеспеченным группам населения
  • Помощь в решении проблем беспризорных детей
  • Помощь в социальной реабилитации социально необеспеченных семей
  • Помощь детским домам
  • Продовольственная помощь социально необеспеченным группам населения
  • Психо-социальная помощь лицам, подвергшимся домашнему насилию
  • Содействие развитию местных общин
  • Содействие развитию местных общин: помощь в решении социально-экономических проблем
  • Содействие развитию местных общин: помощь в сфере здравоохранения
  • Содействие развитию местных общин: строительство водоводов и магистральных водопроводов
  • Содействие развитию общества через образование
  • Содействие развитию системы образования


Armenian Caritas Headquarters

Armenian Caritas was founded in 1995 in Gyumri. Since 2001, the office has concentrated on implementing projects targeting the problems in the Shirak and Lori regions. Two sub-offices, one in Yerevan and one in Gegharkunik, were established. The Gyumri office remains the headquarters and it continues to carry out the overall management of the activities.

The vast majority of the programs benefiting persons in the Shirak and Lori Regions are implemented by staff located in the Gyumri headquarters.

Currently the following programs are implemented and/or managed by the Gyumri staff: “Support to the development of the educational system through community involvement and participation by strengthening the Parent Councils in the regions of Yerevan, Shirak and Gegharkounik in the Republic of Armenia”

  • Capacity Building of 8 Family Centers (Shirak and Lori regions)
  • “Armenian Caritas Primary Health Care Center”"
  • “Rehabilitation of Irrigation Systems”
  • German Project "Friendship"
  • "Home Care for the Elderly"
  • "Aramazd"
  • "Information and Welcoming Centre for the Victims of Trafficking"

Armenian Caritas Yerevan Sub Office

Armenian Caritas Yerevan sub office was founded in January 2001 within the framework of "Social Transition Program" funded by USAID and co-funded by CRS/Armenia.

Nine staff members appointed for that program were organizing and implementing the Social Transition Program in favor of 3 000 schoolchildren of five Yerevan secondary schools. The three year program included components of public health education, school feeding, school canteen reconstruction and strengthening of parent-school partnership to provide similar services in the future.

In August-October 2002 "Community Based small scale Projects" had been implemented in two Yerevan communities. The improvement of public infrastructures in communities (rehabilitation of playgrounds) were the objectives of the projects.

Currently the following programs are implemented in by Yerevan Sub-Office:

  • "Support to the development of the educational system through community involvement and participation: the strengthening of Parent Councils in the regions of Yerevan, Shirak and Gegharkounik in the Republic of Armenia"
  • "Prevention of Illegal Migration and Trafficking"

Armenian Caritas Gavar Sub Office

Armenian Caritas Gegharkunik Sub-Office was established in January 2001 within the framework of "Social Transition Program" funded by USAID and co-funded by CRS/Armenia.

There were 13 staff members recruited for implementing the program for 17 Schools in Gegharkounik region, located in Chambarak, Vardenis, Sevan and Gavar sub-regions.

Around 3000 students of 1-10 grades benefited from the program. The three-year program included components of public health education, school feeding, canteen reconstruction and furnishing, and strengthening the parent-school partnership.

In August-October 2002 "Community Based small scale Projects" were implemented in 11 village communities. The improvement of public infrastructures in communities (potable & irrigation water supply, health posts, school gyms, playgrounds and others) were the objectives of the projects.

Currently the following programs are implemented in by Yerevan Sub-Office:

  • "Aramazd"
  • "Support to the development of the educational system through community involvement and participation: the strengthening of Parent Councils in the regions of Yerevan, Shirak and Gegharkounik in the Republic of Armenia"

Armenian Caritas in Lori region




Партнёрские организации


  • "Armenian Constitutional Right Protective Center",
  • "Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment",
  • "Happy Generation" Charity Fund,
  • "Gyumri Medical College",
  • "Gavar State Medical College",
  • "Yerevan Medical College #1",
  • "Yerevan Center of Democracy and Peace",
  • "Center of hygienic and epidemiological Surveillance",
  • "Gyumri Rescue Team",
  • "Narek" Psychological Service Center,
  • "Arevamanuk" Socio-Psychological Fund,
  • "Our Lady of Armenia Convent",
  • "Arpi Union", "Seismological Center",
  • "Aran Union of Handicapped Children",
  • "International Federation of Artists",
  • "YMCA-Ozone",
  • "Our Lady of Armenia" Educational Center,
  • "Gyumri Union of Disabled People",
  • "Endanik Center",
  • "Meghvik Children Educational Center",
  • "Flora" Ecological NGO",
  • "A.D. Sakharov Human Rights Armenian Center, Shirak regional branch",
  • "Training and Development",
  • "Ark of Hope" NGO, based in Gyullibulagh village, Amasia sub-region
  • "Audio Visual Association, NGO Yerevan,
  • "Hope & Help" NGO, Yerevan,
  • "Women Right Center" NGO, Yerevan,
  • "Democracy Today" NGO, Yerevan


"Armenian Caritas" benevolent NGO

Fr. Neshan Archbishop Karakeheyan - Executive Director

H. Sargsyan 8, side-street 3, 377518, Gyumri, Armenia

Tel:(374312) 37201; Fax:(374312) 32749; E-mail: caritas@cararm.am

Armenian Caritas Yerevan Sub-Office

Movses Hakobyan - Office Responsible

House 2a, Arabkir 38 Str., 375028, Yerevan, Armenia

Tel:(37410) 26 20 34, (37410) 26 63 11, Mobile: (37491) 43 02 18; E-mail:caryl@web.am


Armenian Caritas Gavar Sub-Office

Andranik Yeghiazarian - Office Responsible

22, Toumanyan Str., 378630, Gavar, Armenia

Tel:(374264) 2 17 94, (374264) 2 67 21, Mobile: (37491) 21 92 24; E-mail:cargegh@web.am