Университет "Айказян" (Бейрут, Ливан)
Шаблон:Universityt Haigazian University (Beirut. Lebanon)Университет ХайгазянHaigazian University - Beirut, Lebanon
Armenian High SchoolsHaigazian University Includes general and academic information. Also covers facilities, library resources, alumni associations and announcements. Domain: haigazian.edu.lb http://www.arsu.nk.am/ http://www.haigazian.edu.lb/
Haigazian University of Lebanon - Includes general and academic information. Also covers facilities, library resources, alumni associations and announcements.
Haigazian University
Image:Haigazian University.jpg
Haigazian University (Armenian: Հայկազեան Համալսարան; Arabic: الجامعة الهايكازيان) was founded in 1955 in Beirut, Lebanon. It offers programs leading to Bachelor's degrees in the Arts and Sciences, as well as Master's degrees in the Arts. All degrees from Haigazian are recognized by both the Lebanese government and the Association of International Colleges and Universities. It is supported by the Armenian Evangelical community, and was established primarily to meet the needs of the large Lebanese-Armenian population. However, the University is open to all students, regardless of race, nationality, or creed, and has educated men and women from all sections of Lebanese society.
Haigazian University is named in honor of Dr. Armenag Haigazian, former headmaster of the Jenanian Apostolic Institute of Konya, Turkey. Dr. Haigazian was a highly respected educator who received his Ph.D. from Yale University and returned to Turkey to serve his Armenian compatriots. When the "ethnic cleansing" of the Armenians began, Dr. Haigazian had the opportunity to escape to the United States, but he chose to stay and continue his ministry. Later, he, along with the Armenian intellectuals, was rounded up to be driven to the Syrian desert. Dr. Haigazian died on the way in the prison of Kharpert in 1921. Concurrently, eight Armenian colleges were also destroyed in Turkey. Although these realities of education and service were brought to an end, the dream continued in the minds of Dr. Haigazian’s descendants and others. The Mehagian family (Mary Mehagian and Florence Mehagian-Guertmenian) of Phoenix, Arizona, relatives of Dr. Haigazian, donated capital through the AMAA and worked hand in hand with Stephen Philibosian to get Haigazian College started. Contents [hide] 1 Profile 2 Faculties 3 History 4 Vision 5 External links
[edit] Profile
Haigazian University was established in 1955 as a liberal arts institution of higher learning using English as the language of instruction. It offers the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degrees. All three are recognized by the Lebanese government and the Association of International Colleges and Universities.
Dedicated to excellence in the liberal arts and professional education, the University strives to prepare men and women who are inspired to serve with purpose, imagination, and generosity in their communities while conscious of living in an interdependent and multicultural world. Haigazian University, which is supported by the Armenian Evangelical community, is open to all students who are academically qualified regardless of race, nationality, or creed. Through the close relationship between faculty and students, the institution has left a successful track record of graduating informed and open-minded students who are dedicated to truth, freedom and service. The university also sent up the first rocket in the Arab world. [edit] Faculties Faculty of Business, Administration and Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Sciences Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences [edit] History
The University was founded on October 17, 1955, by the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE) and the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) as a liberal arts college to assist in the preparation of teachers and pastors.
Prior to this date, the Armenian Evangelical community of Beirut, to complement its high schools, had established two post-secondary educational entities: the Teacher’s Training Institute, which was housed in the library of the Central High School and operated from 1948-51, and the Armenian Evangelical College, which held a Freshman Arts and Sciences program under the sponsorship of the First Armenian Evangelical Church of Beirut. These two entities merged in 1951 forming a Freshman Arts and Sciences plus a Sophomore Arts program, and they continued to serve the Armenian Community until 1955, when Haigazian College was established. Haigazian College was originally designed to function as a junior college offering two years of university-level education. However, a demand for upper-division classes encouraged the institution to develop four-year programs.
Haigazian operated under its original name of “College” until 1991. In keeping with Near Eastern nomenclature, the name was changed to Haigazian University College in 1992. On December 28, 1996, the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education of Lebanon issued decree number 9657, which authorized the institution to change its name to Haigazian University.
Dr. John Markarian, the first president of the University, served until June 1966. During the years 1967 to 1971, Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian held this position; then Dr. Markarian returned to the post until his retirement in June 1982. Subsequently, the presidency was held by Dr. Verne H. Fletcher until February 1985. Miss Wilma Cholakian, the administrative dean, was then responsible for the operation of the University until August 30, 1995. Dr. John Khanjian served as president from September 1, 1995, until August 1, 2002. On September 1, 2002, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian became president.
When the University opened in 1955, there were 43 students enrolled. Student enrollment reached 740 before the start of the civil disturbances in Lebanon in 1975. The present enrollment is approximately 650 with a faculty and staff of 125. So far, the university has granted the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts degrees in various fields to more than 2,200 students.
The university was first located in the Webb Building, a ten-room house converted for college use. Later, a seven-story building was added. This building was called the Mehagian Academic Centre in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mehagian, whose financial support made its construction possible. A grant from Mr. Stephen P. Mugar enabled the university to acquire a beautiful historic structure, subsequently named the Mugar Building, to honor the donor’s parents.
In 1987, due to the war, the University moved to the Christian Medical Center in the Ashrafia district, and classes continued as usual. On March 27, 1996, the Board of Managers decided that the University should return to its original campus on Rue Mexique, Kantari. On February 16, 1997, the renovation of the former campus began. On October 6, 1997, classes resumed in the renovated and revitalized Kantari campus to the delight of students and the community at large.
Early in July 2001, began the construction of a fourth building on the Mugar property which has a media center, a board room, and faculty offices. This new facility became operational in October 2001.
In 2003, Haigazian University started to use the whole 7 floors of the south wing of the adjacent AEC, according to a non-rent agreement between the administration and the AEC trustees.
Empowered by its newly acquired authorization from the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education to offer graduate programs, since 1995, the institution has started four M.A. programs: Educational Administration and Supervision, General Psychology, Clinical Psychology, and Masters in Business Administration. Through its 50 years of history, Haigazian University served Lebanon by empowering its valuable human resources for a better life and service. [edit] Vision
Haigazian University offers quality education at a fair and affordable cost. The University also prepares educated, professional citizens with a sense of social responsibility and leadership skills that empower them to rise to the challenges of the future. [edit] External links Haigazian University website Blackboard Learning System
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Haigazian University is named in honor of Dr. Armenag Haigazian, former headmaster of the Jenanian Apostolic Institute of Konya, Turkey. Dr. Haigazian was a highly respected educator who received his Ph.D. from Yale University and returned to Turkey to serve his Armenian compatriots. When the "ethnic cleansing" of the Armenians began, Dr. Haigazian had the opportunity to escape to the United States, but he chose to stay and continue his ministry. Later, he, along with the Armenian intellectuals, was rounded up to be driven to the Syrian desert. Dr. Haigazian died on the way in the prison of Kharpert in 1921. Concurrently, eight Armenian colleges were also destroyed in Turkey. Although these aspects of education and service were brought to an end, the dream continued in the minds of Dr. Haigazian's descendants and others. The Mehagian family (Mary Mehagian and Florence Mehagian-Guertmenian) of Phoenix, Arizona, relatives of Dr. Haigazian, donated capital through the AMAA and worked hand in hand with Stephen Philibosian to get Haigazian College started.
The University was founded on October 17, 1955, by the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE) and the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) as a liberal arts college to assist in the preparation of teachers and pastors. Prior to this date, the Armenian Evangelical community of Beirut, to complement its high schools, had established two post-secondary educational entities: the Teacher's Training Institute, which was housed in the library of the Central High School and operated from 1948-51, and the Armenian Evangelical College, which held a Freshman Arts and Sciences program under the sponsorship of the First Armenian Evangelical Church of Beirut. These two entities merged in 1951 forming a Freshman Arts and Sciences plus a Sophomore Arts program, and they continued to serve the Armenian Community until 1955, when Haigazian College was established. Haigazian College was originally designed to function as a junior college offering two years of university-level education. However, a demand for upper-division classes encouraged the institution to develop fouryear programs.
HU sent up the 1st rocket in the Arab world Haigazian operated under its original name of "College" until 1991. In keeping with Near Eastern nomenclature, the name was changed to Haigazian University College in 1992. On December 28, 1996, the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education of Lebanon issued decree number 9657, which authorized the institution to change its name to Haigazian University.
Dr. John Markarian, the first president of the University, served until June 1966. During the years 1967 to 1971, Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian held this position; then Dr. Markarian returned to the post until his retirement in June 1982. Subsequently, the presidency was held by Dr. Verne H. Fletcher until February 1985. Miss Wilma Cholakian, the administrative dean, was then responsible for the operation of the University until August 30, 1995. Dr. John Khanjian served as president from September 1, 1995, until August 1, 2002. On September 1, 2002, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian became president.
When the University opened in 1955, there were 43 students enrolled. Student enrollment reached 650 before the start of the civil disturbances in Lebanon in 1975. The present enrollment is approximately 800 with a faculty and staff of 105. So far, the university has granted the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration degrees in various fields to more than 2,232 students.
The university was first located in the Webb Building, a ten-room house converted for college use. Later, a seven-story building was added. This building was called the Mehagian Academic Centre in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mehagian, whose financial support made its construction possible. A grant from Mr. Stephen P. Mugar enabled the university to acquire a beautiful historic structure, subsequently named the Mugar Building, to honor the donor's parents.
Haigazian University (Beirut Lebanon) (http://www.haigazian.edu.lb) Haygazian University, founded in l955 by the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East (UAECNE) and the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA), is an Armenian institution of higher learning located in Beirut, Lebanon. Its website, in English, offers complete information about its mission, courses, and activities. http://www.haigazian.edu.lb/AboutHaigazian.jsp
Sources of Restricted Financial Aid
The University has enjoyed the benevolence of many friends who have established endowments or perpetual funds of various amounts and of organizations that have supported the Financial Aid Program through their gifts. All funds are administered through the Financial Aid Committee of the university and the supporting organizations are kept informed of the recipients.
A. Special Funds
The Armenian Education Endowment Fund. Provides funds which come to the university through the United Church Board for World Ministries.
The Telfeyan Evangelical Scholarship Fund. Provides funds through the United Church Board of World Ministries.
The Jack Akulian Fund.
The E.F. Albarian Fund.
The Santoukht and Yeghia Bakamjian Scholarship Fund.
The D. and R. Balikjian Scholarship Fund.
The Hrant Christopher Bardouny Scholarship Fund.
The George and Esther Barsoumian Memorial Fund.
The Sarkis Boghossian Scholarship Fund.
The Luther Bosnian Scholarship Fund.
The Dadour Dadourian Scholarship Fund.
The E.F. Gertmenian Scholarship Fund.
The Barkevouhi Gureghian Scholarship Fund.
The B. and Y. Hagopian Scholarship Fund.
The S. B. and Louise Janjigian Scholarship Fund.
The Martha Doodoo Jedidian Award.
The Armen K. and Mary D. Kalinian Scholarship Fund.
The Vartanoush and Garabed Karamanukian Scholarship Fund.
The A. Odian Kasparian E.F. Scholarship Fund.
The Dr. Mihran Kassabian Scholarship Fund.
The Puzant Levonian Award.
The Armen and Stephen Mangerian Scholarship Fund.
The Markarian/Verkuyl Scholarship Fund.
The John Markarian Fund of the Alumni Association.
The John Markarian Fund of the Eastern Committee.
The Edward and Helen Mardigian Fund.
The Leon Mehagian Fund.
The Stephen Philibosian Foundation Scholarship Fund.
The John Salibian Fund.
The E.F. Sanosian Fund.
The Lucy Souremian Estate.
The Rev. and Mrs. S.M. Rejebian Scholarship Fund.
The Armen Topjian Scholarship Fund.
The Daniel Wosgian Scholarship Fund.
B. Perpetual Funds
The Vatsche Barsoumian Scholarship Fund.
The Haig Berberian Family Scholarship Fund.
The Rev. Barkev & Armine Darakjian Scholarship for a Ministerial or Christian Education students.
The Dr. Puzant and Mrs. Beatrice Hadidian Scholarship Fund.
The Virginia Harikian Scholarship Fund.
The Samuel Hekemian Family Endowment Scholarship Fund.
The Robert Hekemian Family Endowment Scholarship Fund.
The Loutfic and Romilda Jivelekian Scholarship Fund.
The Arousiag Joy Kassouny Scholarship Fund. The annual scholarship is to be given to an Arab student, preferably from Bedouin origin, in gratitude to Bedouins who shielded Joy from death.
The Dr. Edward and Mrs. Grace Kavjian Scholarship Fund.
The John and Pauline Khanjian Scolarship Fund.
The Rendel and Evelyn Levonian Scholarship Fund.
The Alex Manoogian Scholarship Fund.
The Charlotte and Elise Merdian Scholarship Fund.
The Digran and Flora Sarkissian Scholarship Fund.
The Joseph H. Jr. and Joyce Stein Scholarship Fund.
The Vergine Avedis Tchakejian Scholarship.
The Garbis and Lucy Tutunjian Scholarship Fund.
BEIRUT, Lebanon
In the largest single donation of the 50th anniversary of Haigazian University, Mr. & Mrs. Henry and Anahis Derian of Pasadena, California have announced that they are making a $500,000 gift to the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) for Haigazian University, in particular for its future building needs and Armenian Library.
To honor the Derians for their generous gift, the Haigazian University Board of Trustees has authorized the naming of the Armenian Library of the university as the Derian Library. The Armenian Library, with its rich collection of rare 18th and 19th century books and contemporary collections, currently contains 32,600 volumes, including 5,860 volumes of bound periodicals.
"Most meaningful in this donation," said Haigazian University President Paul Haidostian "is the commitment of the Derians to the core values of Haigazian University and its founders. We are proud and grateful that the general appreciation of the American Armenian community to Haigazian University continues to be translated into concrete support of its future plans, academic aspirations and building projects. We at Haigazian remain committed to serving our young generations in their quest for growth and excellence."
The President added, "The Derian donation will further strengthen the AMAAs fifty-year support of and commitment to the mission of Haigazian University and the pivotal role it plays in higher education in the Middle East."
BEIRUT, Lebanon
In the largest single donation of the 50th anniversary of Haigazian University, Mr. & Mrs. Henry and Anahis Derian of Pasadena, California have announced that they are making a $500,000 gift to the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) for Haigazian University, in particular for its future building needs and Armenian Library.
To honor the Derians for their generous gift, the Haigazian University Board of Trustees has authorized the naming of the Armenian Library of the university as the Derian Library. The Armenian Library, with its rich collection of rare 18th and 19th century books and contemporary collections, currently contains 32,600 volumes, including 5,860 volumes of bound periodicals.
"Most meaningful in this donation," said Haigazian University President Paul Haidostian "is the commitment of the Derians to the core values of Haigazian University and its founders. We are proud and grateful that the general appreciation of the American Armenian community to Haigazian University continues to be translated into concrete support of its future plans, academic aspirations and building projects. We at Haigazian remain committed to serving our young generations in their quest for growth and excellence."
The President added, "The Derian donation will further strengthen the AMAAs fifty-year support of and commitment to the mission of Haigazian University and the pivotal role it plays in higher education in the Middle East."
Rue Mexique, Kantari, Beirut, Lebanon
P.O.Box: 11-1748, Riad el Solh, 11072090 Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: 961 1 349230/1 961 1 353010/1
Fax: 961 1 353012 Email: info@haigazian.edu.lb
The Haigazian University libraries consist of the Barsoumian Library (English and Arabic) and the Armenian Library. The Barsoumian Library is named in honor of judge Nazareth Barsoumian, who generously supported it during his lifetime.
The libraries were started in 1955 in the Stephen Philibosian Student Center, a ten-room house converted for college use. Rev. Dikran Kherlopian, professor of Armenian Studies and first Head of the Armenian Department, began a fine collection of Armenian books, which were housed in his office. The office also served as the first classroom of the Armenian Department.
In 1965 the libraries moved to the newly added seven-story Mehagian Building; the Armenian library was located in a very spacious classroom on the second floor and the English Library on the third floor. A few years later, as the number of Armenian books increased, the Armenian Library was transferred to the Stephen Philibosian Student Center's third floor, which was specially designed for this purpose. Over the years both collections expanded, and in 1972, they were moved to the second and third floors of the newly acquired Mugar building.
In 1985 the College moved to East Beirut for security reasons. It was, temporarily located in the Bethania Building, and in 1987 it moved to the former Christian Medical Center in Ashrafieh, where the library collections were miraculously preserved intact.
With the return of peace and security to Lebanon, Haigazian University returned to the campus in Kantari during the fall of 1997, and the libraries went back to their former locations in the Mugar Building.