Церковь Сурб Еррордутюн (Кембридж, Массачусетс, США)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Шаблон:Churcht Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church (Cambridge) Армянская Апостольская Церковь Святой Троицы (Кембридж) http://www.armenianchurch.net/parishes/info.php?parishid=29

Cambridge, MA Holy Trinity Armenian Church

145 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Metro Area: Boston, MA Telephone: (617) 354-0632 Fax: (617) 354-0631 Email: office@htaac.org WebSite: www.htaac.org Pastor: Rev. Fr. Vasken Kouzouian


Established: 1880 Consecrated: September 17, 1961

Sanctuary: The parish owns its permanent sanctuary, which is not the original one. The previous building was at 397 Shawmut Avenue in Boston, MA, and was purchased from the Episcopalian Church in 1921. The current site, with two acres of land, was bought in 1954 and includes a cultural center erected in 1959 (renamed the Charles and Nevart Talanian Cultural Hall in 1997).

Important Events: The parish saw the ordination to the priest hood of Rev. Fr. Shahe Altoonian in 1948; of Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian in 1984; and of Rev. Fr. Vazken Kouzouian in 1995. His Holiness Catholicos Vazken I visited in 1960 and 1968. His Holiness Catholicos Karekin I visited in 1996. A new khatchkar from Armenia was dedicated in 1995.

New ACYOA Central Council Meets in Cambridge

Twenty-two ordained in Cambridge


Armenians in general area: 7,000

Estimated number of members: 1,334

Dues-paid members: 528

Average number of sacraments: Baptisms: 22 Weddings: 9 Funerals: 24

(Figures from 2001) Pastors V. Rev. Fr. Khat Markarian, 1897-1898; Rev. Fr. Theodoros Isahagian (Choughayetsi), 1901-07; Rev. Fr. Hagop Paretchanian, 1908; Rev. Fr. Sarkis Tashjian, 1909-11; Most Rev. Abp. Moushegh Seopian, 1911-13; V. Rev. Fr. Shahe Kasparian, 1913-18; Most Rev. Abp. Papken Guleserian, 1919; V. Rev. Fr. Shahe Kasparian, 1920-30; V. Rev. Fr. Hagop Mekhitarian, Rev. Fr. Yeghiazar Ashjian, V. Rev. Fr. Khoren Lazarian, 1930-31; Rev. Fr. Haroutune Toumayan 1931-51 (assisted by Fr. Shahe Altoonian, 1948-51); Rev. Fr. Papken Maksoudian, 1952-74; V. Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Gizirian, 1975-1977; Rev. Fr. Mampre A. Kouzouian, 1977-2002; Rev. Fr. Vasken Kouzouian, 2002-Present Parish Council Dean Soultanian, Chairman George Bagdasarian, Vice Chairman Catherine Minassian, Secretary Nancy Hintlian, Assistant Secretary Edmond Danielson, Treasurer William Cirino, Assistant Treasurer Council Members: Nigoghos Atinizian, Ara Dermovsesian, A. Regina Kalajian, Vivian Mosgofian, Kaspar Torosian Delegates: Gerald Ajemian, George Haroutunian, Aram Hintlian Jr., James Kalustian, Dr. Nishan Kechejian, Gregory Krikorian, David Der Vartanian

Church Schools

Sunday School: 118 students Armenian School: 25 students

Church Publications

Dajar, monthly newsletter Parish Organizations

Women's Guild founded in 1952, 116 members; Sr. Women's Guild founded in 1905, 25 members; Men's Club founded in 1952, 67 members; ACYOA Juniors founded in 1958, 20 members; Choir founded in 1923, 15 members; Erevan Choral Society founded in 1966, 55 members; Bible study, 15 members; Cultural Committee founded in 1977, 5 members; One Youth Director http://www.armenianchurch.net/diocese/clergy/info.php?clergyid=27

Rev. Fr. Vasken Kouzouian Holy Trinity Armenian Church

145 Brattle St. Cambridge, MA 02138

Telephone: (617) 354-0632 Fax: (617) 354-0631 E-mail: frvasken@htaac.org http://htaac.org/welcome_main.htm


Armenians began to settle in Boston in the 1880’s. For many years, the Armenians in Boston were without their own house of worship. Visiting Armenian clergymen were called upon to serve the religious needs of the community, and they held services using the facilities of local Episcopalian churches. Several clergymen provided significant guidance to the Armenians in the Boston area.

The first church, located on Shawmut Avenue, Boston, was consecrated on November 11, 1923. The edifice was named the Holy Trinity Church. Due largely to the exodus of parishioners to the Greater Boston suburbs, the church was relocated to Cambridge, MA. The new magnificent edifice in Armenian architectural style stands at the corner of Brattle and Sparks Street near Harvard Square, and was consecrated on September 17, 1961. The present pastor of the Holy Trinity Church is the Reverend Father Vasken A. Kouzouian.

Former Pastors:Rev. Fr. Mampre Kouzouian 1977-2002 Very Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Gizirian 1975-1977 Rev. Fr. Papken Maksoudian 1952-1974 Rev. Fr. Haroutune Toumayan 1931-1951 Fr. Shahe Altoonian 1948-1951 Very Rev. Fr. Hagop Mekhitarian 1930-1931 Rev. Fr. Yeghiazar Ashjian 1930-1931 Rev. Fr. Khoren Lazarian 1930-1931 Very Rev. Fr. Shahe Kasparian 1920-1930 Most Rev. Abp. Papken Guleserian 1919 Very Rev. Fr. Shahe Kasparian 1913-1918 Most Rev. Abp. Moushegh Seopian 1911-1913 Rev. Fr. Sarkis Tashjian 1909-1911 Rev. Fr. Hagop Paretchanian 1908 Rev. Fr. Theodoros Isahagian(Choughayetsi) 1901-1907 Very Rev. Fr. Khat Markarian 1897-1898

Former Parish Council Chairmen:James M. Kalustian 1999-2005 George W. Haroutunian 1993-1998 Albert Zouranjian 1989-1992 Nancy D. Kasarjian 1986-1988 Stephen Panosian 1982-1985 Donald J. Tellalian 1981 Helene Dorian 1978-1980 Dr. Michael Kolligian, Jr. 1976-1977 Gregory Tashjian 1975 Richard Zeytoonjian 1974 Arthur Apkarian 1971-1973 Gregory Archie Kolligian 1969-1970 John Soursourian 1967-1968 Michael Gazarian 1966 John Davagian 1965 Gen. Sarkis Zartarian 1961-1964

Армянская церковь

Кембридж, МА, Ноябрь, 2002 © Sakovsky Family, 2002-2006 Кембридж, Массачусетс http://www.sakovsky.com/images/albums/cambridge/img0002.jpgHoly Trinity Armenian Church 145 Brattle Street Cambridge MA 02138 United States Tel: (617) 354-0632 Fax: (617) 354-0631