Церковь Сурб Григор Лусаворич (Филадельфия, Пенсильвания, США)

Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Шаблон:Churcht St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church (Philadelphia) Армянская Апостольская Церковь св. Григория Просветителя (Филадельфия) Pennsylvania

 St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church


8701 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Tel: (215) 482-9200 Fax: (215) 482-7460 E-mail: stgregphil@aol.com

Pastor: Rev. Father Nerses Manoogian Tel: (610) 277-9958 E-mail: dernerses@aol.com


Pastor's name is Fr. Nerses Manoogian. Pastor's Home Phone No. 610 277 9958 Pastor's Cell (For emergency only) 610 308 6305 Pastor's email is Dernerses@aol.com Church Secretary's name is Myda Garabedian.

 Address:  8701 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128

Phone: 215 482 9200, 215 482 3344,

Fax: 215 482 7460

Email: Stgregphil@aol.com


History Of Our Church.

This history begins with the consecration of the Church at its present location at 8701 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, on Sunday, May 21, 1967. The move from the 16th and Oxford Streets location in Philadelphia was necessitated by the need for more modern facilities and grounds. The relocation was initiated with a fund raiser in 1957, followed by the purchase of the present property in 1959. A chapel (the present Community Center) was established for sacraments and divine liturgy in 1963; construction in 1965; and culminated with the Church consecration in 1967. The initial efforts of the church leaders was to sustain the enthusiasm that had been generated within the congregation during the fund raising, planning, and construction of the new church.

The first months saw increased activity by all of the church groups. The Board of Trustees sponsored several Teas recognizing the efforts of the devoted members of the various committees that had been formed to plan, build, and furnish our new church. The first person to receive an award at the new venue was Mrs. Artemis Arpajian for her dedication to the cause of Armenian language schools.

The first Communion Breakfast was organized in 1968 for our high school and college graduates and their families. This function has been very successful and continues to this day. Mrs. Sandra Selverian has been instrumental in organizing the event; each graduate is presented with a book pertaining to Armenian culture.

In 1968, more than 500 enthusiastic parishioners were present at the first anniversary celebration of the consecration of the Church and pledged an impromptu $20,000.

In conjunction with the National Representatives Assembly (NRA) meeting held in Philadelphia in May 1969, the Church at this location had its first visit from a sitting Catholicos, His Holiness Khoren I. At the conclusion of the NRA, Vehapar presided over the banquet and conferred the medal Prince of Cilicia upon Mr. Yeghishe Melikian for his 45 years of service on the local and national levels. Mrs. Sirvart Melikian was presented the Princess of Cilicia medal for her support. Vehapars closing remarks directed us to turn our energies towards building a Prelacy headquarters in America.

January 18, 1971, was a milestone for our Church as we celebrated the burning of the mortgage. This was an unprecedented, rapid retirement of the debt which was symbolized by three generations in the persons of Mr. Sarkis Zartarian (older), Mr. Nazareth Emlikian (present), Miss Linda Giragosian and Master Richard Selverian (future) lighting the mortgage document with candles along with Rev. Arsen Hagopian. Rev. Hagopian was honored on this date for the 20th anniversary of his entry into the priesthood. A banquet attended by 400 parishioners marked the occasion.

The National Representative Assembly convened again in Philadelphia in 1972. Although his name was not on the ballot, Archbishop Karekin Sarkissian was elected Prelate by a majority write-in-vote.

In 1974 the Board of Trustees honored Mr. Garabed Giragosian, Mrs. Elizabeth Sadjian, and Miss Victoria Babaian for their long and distinguished service.

The Silver Anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Hagopian took place in 1976; it also marked his 21st year as our Pastor.

In 1979 the Board of Trustees decided to allow the utilization of the former parish house on our property as a Community Center. A separate committee was authorized to administer the center and assume responsibility for its maintenance and operation. The Community Center became self sufficient with revenues from hosting Friday night dinners and rentals. These activities continue to this day.

In 1983 the National Representative Assembly again convened in Philadelphia. In the same year, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of the See of Cilicia, (formerly our Prelate) made a Pontifical visit to our parish. A Pontifical Mass was celebrated followed by a banquet. Vehapar presented the St. Gregory medal to Mr. Sarkis Zartarian for his years of service and also bestowed the honor of Knight of Cilicia upon Mr. Nazareth Emlikian.

In 1984, the Very Rev. Anoushavan Tanielian, with the permission of our Prelate Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian, was invited to become the preacher at St. Gregorys Church. Hayr Anoushavan was able to attract many of our young adults to bible classes, vesper services, and seminars. He made our religion more understandable by translating certain ceremonies from the Grapahr to a modern Armenian and English. He was also instrumental in organizing a highly successful Sharagan Choir under the direction of Mrs. Maroush Paneyan Nigon.

The twentieth Anniversary of the consecration of our church was celebrated over a three-day period beginning on May 22, 1987. The Sharagan Choir offered a program of our beautiful sharagans (hymns).

On Sunday, May 24, 1987, our Prelate, Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian celebrated the Badarak. At a banquet following the Badarak, the Surpazan also honored 48 ladies who were members of St. Gregorys Ladies Guild for 25 or more years of service. Surpazan then recounted his involvement with the Philadelphia Community, adding that it was one of the pillars of the Prelacy, not only because it supported all of its programs, but also that it provided many leaders to help guide the Prelacy.

In 1991 Archpriest Hagopian announced his retirement after 35 years of service to our Church. The Board of Trustees accepted this news and set June 30, 1991 as the official date. After discussions with the Prelacy the Rev. Nerses Manoogian of St. Gregorys in Granite City, IL was chosen to succeed Rev. Hagopian and started on June 19, 1991.

A testimonial retirement dinner was held in honor of Rev. Hagopian on September 19, 1991 at the Adams Mark Hotel. More than 500 people were in attendance at this farewell dinner. Many of the attendees were members of our sister churches in Philadelphia as Der Arsen was highly regarded by all who know him.

The 25th anniversary of the consecration of our church was celebrated on October 4, 1992. In tribute to 25 years at the Ridge Avenue, hundreds of parishioners gathered to mark the occasion in prayer. Our Prelate, Archbishop Ashjian, presented Prelacy awards to the Ladies Guild, the Mens Club, and to parishioners Mr. Setrak Ejdaharian, Ms. Nartouhi Selverian, and Mr. John Tokmajian for decades of dedicated service. His Eminence also bestowed the Knight of Cilicia medal to parishioner Harry Dombalagian. Earlier in the day he had granted the right to wear the pectoral cross or Lancha Khatch upon Rev. Nerses Manoogian.

During these 30 years the size of our congregation has more than doubled. The immigration of our Armenian compatriots from foreign shores to the Philadelphia area has been a major contributor to this growth. This has contributed to the renewed vitality of the Armenian culture and language in our Church.

In the early 1990s, our facility closing in on its third decade of existance, became in need of major infrastructure repairs necessitating special fund raising efforts. Included were significant roof repairs, new tables and chairs for the hall, and the purchase of a new organ. The congregation responded to these needs generously. Looking to the future, a capital fund was established in 1992 to build an endowment such that the interest from those funds would pay for future infrastructure repairs.

The youth of St. Gregorys have always been an important part of the Church community. We have always maintained an active Sunday School where religious teachings nourish the children. A Sunday nursery was opened for pre-Sunday School age children where younger children can enjoy the company of members their own age in an Armenian Christian setting. A youth ministry was started to attract the older children. A recent well-received activity has been the annual Christmas pageant which is held in the Church Sanctuary.

The format of our longtime publication, The Illuminator, was changed in September 1991 to be a more effective means of communication with our parishioners and provide spiritual education. The weekly bulletin which was established in 1987, was baptized with a new name and was redesigned in 1993 and is now called The Vine.

Another National Representative Assembly was hosted in 1994. Archbishop Ashjian was unanimously reelected as Prelate. The activities during the week featured Lady Caroline Anne Cox, Deputy Speaker of Britains House of Lords, who received the Prelacys Grand Public Service Award for her service to the Karabagh Armenians. The customary banquet was held to close the National Representatives Assembly. Archbishop Ashjian presided and presented awards Archdeacon Nazareth Nazarian, Mrs. Grace Keshgegian, and Mr. Meran Elanjian. Also honored were long time members of the Prelacy Council, Mr. Harry Dombalagian and Nazareth Emlikian.

In 1995, the community witnessed the ordination of 17 acolytes and one deacon by Archbishop Ashjian. This was truly a milestone in our Church with so many young people expressing their dedication to the Church. They continue to serve on the altar each Sunday.

In looking to the future a Vision 2000 project was initiated in 1996 with an all-day workshop to develop programs to carry our community into the 21st century. The programs support the youth, community involvement, spirituality and the financial stability of our church.

The present Board of Trustees has initiated a project to increase the capital endowment. A decorative panel depicting our church will be used to signify donations to the capital fund and will be placed in the Narthex.

In this thirtieth year of our Church, our parishioners look forward to the planned visit of our new Catholicos, His Holiness Aram I of the Great House of Cilicia in October.

Although we are celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the consecration of our Church, we are in the seventieth year of existence as St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of Philadelphia area. Our supreme ideals of faith and dedication to the preservation of our Church and our nation are intact. It is hoped that the Vision 2000 program, now in its beginning will give further inputs to our youth to continue the faith and dedication of our forefathers.

http://www.saintgregory-phily.org/?subpages/default.shtmlSourb Grigor Lusavorich Hay Araqelakan Yekeghesti, Filadelfia, Pennsylvania, AMN Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church/ Philadelphia, PA, USA Св. Григория Просветителя Армянская Апостольская Церковь, Филадельфия, Пенсильвания, США 8701 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128

Phone: 215 482 9200, 215 482 3344,

Fax: 215 482 7460

Email: Stgregphil@aol.com

SAINT GREGORY ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH HISTORY St. Gregory Church is part of Cilician Catholicosate in Antelias, Lebanon. Click hereto read the History of The Catholicosate.

History Of Our Church.

This history begins with the consecration of the Church at its present location at 8701 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, on Sunday, May 21, 1967. The move from the 16th and Oxford Streets location in Philadelphia was necessitated by the need for more modern facilities and grounds. The relocation was initiated with a fund raiser in 1957, followed by the purchase of the present property in 1959. A chapel (the present Community Center) was established for sacraments and divine liturgy in 1963; construction in 1965; and culminated with the Church consecration in 1967. The initial efforts of the church leaders was to sustain the enthusiasm that had been generated within the congregation during the fund raising, planning, and construction of the new church.

The first months saw increased activity by all of the church groups. The Board of Trustees sponsored several Teas recognizing the efforts of the devoted members of the various committees that had been formed to plan, build, and furnish our new church. The first person to receive an award at the new venue was Mrs. Artemis Arpajian for her dedication to the cause of Armenian language schools.

The first Communion Breakfast was organized in 1968 for our high school and college graduates and their families. This function has been very successful and continues to this day. Mrs. Sandra Selverian has been instrumental in organizing the event; each graduate is presented with a book pertaining to Armenian culture.

In 1968, more than 500 enthusiastic parishioners were present at the first anniversary celebration of the consecration of the Church and pledged an impromptu $20,000.

In conjunction with the National Representatives Assembly (NRA) meeting held in Philadelphia in May 1969, the Church at this location had its first visit from a sitting Catholicos, His Holiness Khoren I. At the conclusion of the NRA, Vehapar presided over the banquet and conferred the medal Prince of Cilicia upon Mr. Yeghishe Melikian for his 45 years of service on the local and national levels. Mrs. Sirvart Melikian was presented the Princess of Cilicia medal for her support. Vehapars closing remarks directed us to turn our energies towards building a Prelacy headquarters in America.

January 18, 1971, was a milestone for our Church as we celebrated the burning of the mortgage. This was an unprecedented, rapid retirement of the debt which was symbolized by three generations in the persons of Mr. Sarkis Zartarian (older), Mr. Nazareth Emlikian (present), Miss Linda Giragosian and Master Richard Selverian (future) lighting the mortgage document with candles along with Rev. Arsen Hagopian. Rev. Hagopian was honored on this date for the 20th anniversary of his entry into the priesthood. A banquet attended by 400 parishioners marked the occasion.

The National Representative Assembly convened again in Philadelphia in 1972. Although his name was not on the ballot, Archbishop Karekin Sarkissian was elected Prelate by a majority write-in-vote.

In 1974 the Board of Trustees honored Mr. Garabed Giragosian, Mrs. Elizabeth Sadjian, and Miss Victoria Babaian for their long and distinguished service.

The Silver Anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Hagopian took place in 1976; it also marked his 21st year as our Pastor.

In 1979 the Board of Trustees decided to allow the utilization of the former parish house on our property as a Community Center. A separate committee was authorized to administer the center and assume responsibility for its maintenance and operation. The Community Center became self sufficient with revenues from hosting Friday night dinners and rentals. These activities continue to this day.

In 1983 the National Representative Assembly again convened in Philadelphia. In the same year, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of the See of Cilicia, (formerly our Prelate) made a Pontifical visit to our parish. A Pontifical Mass was celebrated followed by a banquet. Vehapar presented the St. Gregory medal to Mr. Sarkis Zartarian for his years of service and also bestowed the honor of Knight of Cilicia upon Mr. Nazareth Emlikian.

In 1984, the Very Rev. Anoushavan Tanielian, with the permission of our Prelate Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian, was invited to become the preacher at St. Gregorys Church. Hayr Anoushavan was able to attract many of our young adults to bible classes, vesper services, and seminars. He made our religion more understandable by translating certain ceremonies from the Grapahr to a modern Armenian and English. He was also instrumental in organizing a highly successful Sharagan Choir under the direction of Mrs. Maroush Paneyan Nigon.

The twentieth Anniversary of the consecration of our church was celebrated over a three-day period beginning on May 22, 1987. The Sharagan Choir offered a program of our beautiful sharagans (hymns).

On Sunday, May 24, 1987, our Prelate, Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian celebrated the Badarak. At a banquet following the Badarak, the Surpazan also honored 48 ladies who were members of St. Gregorys Ladies Guild for 25 or more years of service. Surpazan then recounted his involvement with the Philadelphia Community, adding that it was one of the pillars of the Prelacy, not only because it supported all of its programs, but also that it provided many leaders to help guide the Prelacy.

In 1991 Archpriest Hagopian announced his retirement after 35 years of service to our Church. The Board of Trustees accepted this news and set June 30, 1991 as the official date. After discussions with the Prelacy the Rev. Nerses Manoogian of St. Gregorys in Granite City, IL was chosen to succeed Rev. Hagopian and started on June 19, 1991.

A testimonial retirement dinner was held in honor of Rev. Hagopian on September 19, 1991 at the Adams Mark Hotel. More than 500 people were in attendance at this farewell dinner. Many of the attendees were members of our sister churches in Philadelphia as Der Arsen was highly regarded by all who know him.

The 25th anniversary of the consecration of our church was celebrated on October 4, 1992. In tribute to 25 years at the Ridge Avenue, hundreds of parishioners gathered to mark the occasion in prayer. Our Prelate, Archbishop Ashjian, presented Prelacy awards to the Ladies Guild, the Mens Club, and to parishioners Mr. Setrak Ejdaharian, Ms. Nartouhi Selverian, and Mr. John Tokmajian for decades of dedicated service. His Eminence also bestowed the Knight of Cilicia medal to parishioner Harry Dombalagian. Earlier in the day he had granted the right to wear the pectoral cross or Lancha Khatch upon Rev. Nerses Manoogian.

During these 30 years the size of our congregation has more than doubled. The immigration of our Armenian compatriots from foreign shores to the Philadelphia area has been a major contributor to this growth. This has contributed to the renewed vitality of the Armenian culture and language in our Church.

In the early 1990s, our facility closing in on its third decade of existance, became in need of major infrastructure repairs necessitating special fund raising efforts. Included were significant roof repairs, new tables and chairs for the hall, and the purchase of a new organ. The congregation responded to these needs generously. Looking to the future, a capital fund was established in 1992 to build an endowment such that the interest from those funds would pay for future infrastructure repairs.

The youth of St. Gregorys have always been an important part of the Church community. We have always maintained an active Sunday School where religious teachings nourish the children. A Sunday nursery was opened for pre-Sunday School age children where younger children can enjoy the company of members their own age in an Armenian Christian setting. A youth ministry was started to attract the older children. A recent well-received activity has been the annual Christmas pageant which is held in the Church Sanctuary.

The format of our longtime publication, The Illuminator, was changed in September 1991 to be a more effective means of communication with our parishioners and provide spiritual education. The weekly bulletin which was established in 1987, was baptized with a new name and was redesigned in 1993 and is now called The Vine.

Another National Representative Assembly was hosted in 1994. Archbishop Ashjian was unanimously reelected as Prelate. The activities during the week featured Lady Caroline Anne Cox, Deputy Speaker of Britains House of Lords, who received the Prelacys Grand Public Service Award for her service to the Karabagh Armenians. The customary banquet was held to close the National Representatives Assembly. Archbishop Ashjian presided and presented awards Archdeacon Nazareth Nazarian, Mrs. Grace Keshgegian, and Mr. Meran Elanjian. Also honored were long time members of the Prelacy Council, Mr. Harry Dombalagian and Nazareth Emlikian.

In 1995, the community witnessed the ordination of 17 acolytes and one deacon by Archbishop Ashjian. This was truly a milestone in our Church with so many young people expressing their dedication to the Church. They continue to serve on the altar each Sunday.

In looking to the future a Vision 2000 project was initiated in 1996 with an all-day workshop to develop programs to carry our community into the 21st century. The programs support the youth, community involvement, spirituality and the financial stability of our church.

The present Board of Trustees has initiated a project to increase the capital endowment. A decorative panel depicting our church will be used to signify donations to the capital fund and will be placed in the Narthex.

In this thirtieth year of our Church, our parishioners look forward to the planned visit of our new Catholicos, His Holiness Aram I of the Great House of Cilicia in October.

Although we are celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the consecration of our Church, we are in the seventieth year of existence as St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of Philadelphia area. Our supreme ideals of faith and dedication to the preservation of our Church and our nation are intact. It is hoped that the Vision 2000 program, now in its beginning will give further inputs to our youth to continue the faith and dedication of our forefathers.


Sourb Grigor Lusavorich Hay Araqelakan Yekeghesti, Filadelfia, Pennsylvania, AMN

Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church/ Philadelphia, PA, USA Св. Григория Просветителя Армянская Апостольская Церковь, Филадельфия, Пенсильвания, СШАhttp://www.saintgregory-philly.org/?subpages/Church-History-1.shtml#top

SAINT GREGORY ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH HISTORY St. Gregory Church is part of Cilician Catholicosate in Antelias, Lebanon. Click hereto read the History of The Catholicosate.

History Of Our Church.

This history begins with the consecration of the Church at its present location at 8701 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, on Sunday, May 21, 1967. The move from the 16th and Oxford Streets location in Philadelphia was necessitated by the need for more modern facilities and grounds. The relocation was initiated with a fund raiser in 1957, followed by the purchase of the present property in 1959. A chapel (the present Community Center) was established for sacraments and divine liturgy in 1963; construction in 1965; and culminated with the Church consecration in 1967. The initial efforts of the church leaders was to sustain the enthusiasm that had been generated within the congregation during the fund raising, planning, and construction of the new church.

The first months saw increased activity by all of the church groups. The Board of Trustees sponsored several Teas recognizing the efforts of the devoted members of the various committees that had been formed to plan, build, and furnish our new church. The first person to receive an award at the new venue was Mrs. Artemis Arpajian for her dedication to the cause of Armenian language schools.

The first Communion Breakfast was organized in 1968 for our high school and college graduates and their families. This function has been very successful and continues to this day. Mrs. Sandra Selverian has been instrumental in organizing the event; each graduate is presented with a book pertaining to Armenian culture.

In 1968, more than 500 enthusiastic parishioners were present at the first anniversary celebration of the consecration of the Church and pledged an impromptu $20,000.

In conjunction with the National Representatives Assembly (NRA) meeting held in Philadelphia in May 1969, the Church at this location had its first visit from a sitting Catholicos, His Holiness Khoren I. At the conclusion of the NRA, Vehapar presided over the banquet and conferred the medal Prince of Cilicia upon Mr. Yeghishe Melikian for his 45 years of service on the local and national levels. Mrs. Sirvart Melikian was presented the Princess of Cilicia medal for her support. Vehapars closing remarks directed us to turn our energies towards building a Prelacy headquarters in America.

January 18, 1971, was a milestone for our Church as we celebrated the burning of the mortgage. This was an unprecedented, rapid retirement of the debt which was symbolized by three generations in the persons of Mr. Sarkis Zartarian (older), Mr. Nazareth Emlikian (present), Miss Linda Giragosian and Master Richard Selverian (future) lighting the mortgage document with candles along with Rev. Arsen Hagopian. Rev. Hagopian was honored on this date for the 20th anniversary of his entry into the priesthood. A banquet attended by 400 parishioners marked the occasion.

The National Representative Assembly convened again in Philadelphia in 1972. Although his name was not on the ballot, Archbishop Karekin Sarkissian was elected Prelate by a majority write-in-vote.

In 1974 the Board of Trustees honored Mr. Garabed Giragosian, Mrs. Elizabeth Sadjian, and Miss Victoria Babaian for their long and distinguished service.

The Silver Anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Hagopian took place in 1976; it also marked his 21st year as our Pastor.

In 1979 the Board of Trustees decided to allow the utilization of the former parish house on our property as a Community Center. A separate committee was authorized to administer the center and assume responsibility for its maintenance and operation. The Community Center became self sufficient with revenues from hosting Friday night dinners and rentals. These activities continue to this day.

In 1983 the National Representative Assembly again convened in Philadelphia. In the same year, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of the See of Cilicia, (formerly our Prelate) made a Pontifical visit to our parish. A Pontifical Mass was celebrated followed by a banquet. Vehapar presented the St. Gregory medal to Mr. Sarkis Zartarian for his years of service and also bestowed the honor of Knight of Cilicia upon Mr. Nazareth Emlikian.

In 1984, the Very Rev. Anoushavan Tanielian, with the permission of our Prelate Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian, was invited to become the preacher at St. Gregorys Church. Hayr Anoushavan was able to attract many of our young adults to bible classes, vesper services, and seminars. He made our religion more understandable by translating certain ceremonies from the Grapahr to a modern Armenian and English. He was also instrumental in organizing a highly successful Sharagan Choir under the direction of Mrs. Maroush Paneyan Nigon.

The twentieth Anniversary of the consecration of our church was celebrated over a three-day period beginning on May 22, 1987. The Sharagan Choir offered a program of our beautiful sharagans (hymns).

On Sunday, May 24, 1987, our Prelate, Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian celebrated the Badarak. At a banquet following the Badarak, the Surpazan also honored 48 ladies who were members of St. Gregorys Ladies Guild for 25 or more years of service. Surpazan then recounted his involvement with the Philadelphia Community, adding that it was one of the pillars of the Prelacy, not only because it supported all of its programs, but also that it provided many leaders to help guide the Prelacy.

In 1991 Archpriest Hagopian announced his retirement after 35 years of service to our Church. The Board of Trustees accepted this news and set June 30, 1991 as the official date. After discussions with the Prelacy the Rev. Nerses Manoogian of St. Gregorys in Granite City, IL was chosen to succeed Rev. Hagopian and started on June 19, 1991.

A testimonial retirement dinner was held in honor of Rev. Hagopian on September 19, 1991 at the Adams Mark Hotel. More than 500 people were in attendance at this farewell dinner. Many of the attendees were members of our sister churches in Philadelphia as Der Arsen was highly regarded by all who know him.

The 25th anniversary of the consecration of our church was celebrated on October 4, 1992. In tribute to 25 years at the Ridge Avenue, hundreds of parishioners gathered to mark the occasion in prayer. Our Prelate, Archbishop Ashjian, presented Prelacy awards to the Ladies Guild, the Mens Club, and to parishioners Mr. Setrak Ejdaharian, Ms. Nartouhi Selverian, and Mr. John Tokmajian for decades of dedicated service. His Eminence also bestowed the Knight of Cilicia medal to parishioner Harry Dombalagian. Earlier in the day he had granted the right to wear the pectoral cross or Lancha Khatch upon Rev. Nerses Manoogian.

During these 30 years the size of our congregation has more than doubled. The immigration of our Armenian compatriots from foreign shores to the Philadelphia area has been a major contributor to this growth. This has contributed to the renewed vitality of the Armenian culture and language in our Church.

In the early 1990s, our facility closing in on its third decade of existance, became in need of major infrastructure repairs necessitating special fund raising efforts. Included were significant roof repairs, new tables and chairs for the hall, and the purchase of a new organ. The congregation responded to these needs generously. Looking to the future, a capital fund was established in 1992 to build an endowment such that the interest from those funds would pay for future infrastructure repairs.

The youth of St. Gregorys have always been an important part of the Church community. We have always maintained an active Sunday School where religious teachings nourish the children. A Sunday nursery was opened for pre-Sunday School age children where younger children can enjoy the company of members their own age in an Armenian Christian setting. A youth ministry was started to attract the older children. A recent well-received activity has been the annual Christmas pageant which is held in the Church Sanctuary.

The format of our longtime publication, The Illuminator, was changed in September 1991 to be a more effective means of communication with our parishioners and provide spiritual education. The weekly bulletin which was established in 1987, was baptized with a new name and was redesigned in 1993 and is now called The Vine.

Another National Representative Assembly was hosted in 1994. Archbishop Ashjian was unanimously reelected as Prelate. The activities during the week featured Lady Caroline Anne Cox, Deputy Speaker of Britains House of Lords, who received the Prelacys Grand Public Service Award for her service to the Karabagh Armenians. The customary banquet was held to close the National Representatives Assembly. Archbishop Ashjian presided and presented awards Archdeacon Nazareth Nazarian, Mrs. Grace Keshgegian, and Mr. Meran Elanjian. Also honored were long time members of the Prelacy Council, Mr. Harry Dombalagian and Nazareth Emlikian.

In 1995, the community witnessed the ordination of 17 acolytes and one deacon by Archbishop Ashjian. This was truly a milestone in our Church with so many young people expressing their dedication to the Church. They continue to serve on the altar each Sunday.

In looking to the future a Vision 2000 project was initiated in 1996 with an all-day workshop to develop programs to carry our community into the 21st century. The programs support the youth, community involvement, spirituality and the financial stability of our church.

The present Board of Trustees has initiated a project to increase the capital endowment. A decorative panel depicting our church will be used to signify donations to the capital fund and will be placed in the Narthex.

In this thirtieth year of our Church, our parishioners look forward to the planned visit of our new Catholicos, His Holiness Aram I of the Great House of Cilicia in October.

Although we are celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the consecration of our Church, we are in the seventieth year of existence as St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of Philadelphia area. Our supreme ideals of faith and dedication to the preservation of our Church and our nation are intact. It is hoped that the Vision 2000 program, now in its beginning will give further inputs to our youth to continue the faith and dedication of our forefathers.