Нерсес Бедрос XIX

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Нерсес Бедрос XIX
Другие имена: Нерсес Бедрос XIX Тармуни
На английском: NERSES BEDROS XIX
Дата рождения: 17.01.1940
Место рождения: Каир, Египет
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Patriarch of the Catholic Armenians

Born in Cairo Egypt on the 17th January 1940 He is the 5th of a family of 8 children. He completed his primary and secondary studies at the College of the “Brothers of Christian Schools” (Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes) in Cairo. He felt the vocation to priesthood very early in life and thus was sent to the “Armenian Leonian Pontifical College of Rome” in 1958 where he studied Philosophy and Theology at the “Pontifical Gregorian University”. His Bishop Msgr. Raphael Bayan ordained him priest in Cairo on The 15th August 1965. He served the parish of the Catholic Armenian Cathedral of the Annunciation in Cairo from 1965 to 1968 with the Rev. Father Jean Kasparian who became Patriarch Catholicos under the name of Jean Pierre XVIII in 1982. From 1968 to 1990 he was curate of the parish of St. Therese of Heliopolis (Cairo) where he encouraged the various religious movements, especially the Neo-Catechumenal Way. On the 18th February 1990, he was ordained bishop of the Eparchy (Diocese) of Alexandria for Egypt and Sudan by the imposition of the hands of His Beatitude Jean Pierre XVIII. During six years, from 1992 to 1997, as member of the Catholic Hierarchy of Egypt, he was the General Secretary of the Pastoral Council of the Catholic Church of Egypt. As a member of the Synod of the Bishops of the Catholic Armenian Patriarch Church, he was successful in being: Member of the Council of the three Bishops to direct the Patriarchal Curie from 1993 to 1995.· President of the Patriarchal Commission for the Vocations from 1993 to 1995. Member of the Permanent Synod as of 1994. In October 1999, he was elected by the Bishops of the Holy Synod of the Catholic Armenian Synod, Patriarch Catholicos of Cilice for the Catholic Armenians and took the name of Nerses Bedros XIX.

АРМЯНСКАЯ КАТОЛИЧЕСКАЯ ЦЕРКОВЬ Патриархи католических армян. Нерсес Бедрос XIX 1940- 1999-


1- S. B. NERSES BEDROS XIX Tarmouni (Ep) Nom: TARMOUNI, Nerses. Nom: BÉDROS TARMOUNI (Ep). 17-01-1940: Né au Caire (Egypte). 15-08-1965: Ordination sacerdotale. 04-05-1989: nommé Administrateur Patriarcal de l'Éparchie d'Alexandrie des Arméniens. 21-08-1989: Élu eparque d'Alexandrie. 18-02-1990:Ordination épiscopale. 07-10-1999:Élu Catolicos Patriarche Arménien de Cilicie. 13-10-1999: Le Saint Père lui octroie la "ecclesiastica communio". 24-10-1999: Intronisation.

Archbishop Nerses Bedros XIX (Boutros) Tarmouni Patriarch of Cilicia (Armenian) EventsDate Age Event Title 17 Jan 1940 67.07 Born Le Caire 15 Aug 1965 25.6 Ordained Priest Priest 21 Aug 1989 49.6 Appointed Bishop of Iskanderiya {Alexandria} (Armenian), Egypt 18 Feb 1990 50.1 Ordained Bishop Bishop of Iskanderiya {Alexandria} (Armenian), Egypt 7 Oct 1999 59.7 Appointed Patriarch of Cilicia (Armenian), Lebanon 13 Oct 1999 59.7 Confirmed Patriarch of Cilicia (Armenian), Lebanon


