Церковь Сурб Давид (Бока-Ратон, Флорида, США)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Шаблон:Churcht Saint David Armenian Church (Boca Raton) Армянская Церковь св. Давида (Бока Ратон) Saint David Armenian Church 2300 Yamato Rd • Boca Raton • FL 33431 Ph: (561) 994-2335 • Fax: (561) 994-9375


ФлоридаSaint David Armenian Church 2300 Yamato Rd • Boca Raton • FL 33431 Ph: (561) 994-2335 • Fax: (561) 994-9375 [Map] | [E-mail]

http://www.floridaarmenians.com/churches.htmBoca Raton, FL St. David Armenian Church

2300 Yamato Road Boca Raton, FL 33431 Telephone: (561) 994-2335 Fax: (561) 994-9375 Email: stdavidarmchurch@bellsouth.net Pastor: V. Rev. Fr. Nareg Berberian


Established: 1979 Consecrated: March 27, 1988

Sanctuary: The parish owns its permanent sanctuary, which is the original one. The current building was built by parishioners and includes a sanctuary, Mardigian Hall, Alex and Marie Manoogian School. Major benefactors include Lois Shakarian, Edward and Helen Mardigian, Alex and Marie Manoogian, Paul Charles (Garabedian) Estate.

Important Events: Visitations of Patriarch Torkom Manoogian of Jerusalem who consecrated the church; Patriarch Shnork Kaloustian of Turkey (1990); Abp. Nerses Bozabalian, Chancellor of the Mother See; Abp. Khajag Barsamian, Primate; Bp. Barkev Mardirossian, Primate of the Diocese of Artsakh; Abp. Housig Santourian, Grand Sacristan of the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, and Abp. Kissag Mouradian, Primate of Argentina: His Holiness Catholicos Karekin I (1996). Hosted 92nd Diocesan Assembly and Clergy Conference, 1992

Workshops aim to improve celebration of badarak


Armenians in general area: 750

Estimated number of members: 250

Dues-paid members: 130

Average number of sacraments: Baptisms: 8 Weddings: 4 Funerals: 10

(Figures from 2001) Pastors Rev. Fr. Zaven Arzoumanian 1984-2002 Parish Council Zareh Hagopian, Chairman Dr. Rosemary Mencia, Vice Chairman Berjouhi Lusararian, Secretary Viken Hairabedian, Treasurer Rose Killian, Assistant Treasurer Council Members: Edward Aprahamian, Varujan Avedyan, Homer Gregorian, Armen Melkonian, George Stapan, Carl Zeytoonian Delegate: Charles Klanian

Church Schools

Sunday School and Armenian School: 40 students combined

Church Publications

Gomidas, monthly since 1979; Sunday bulletin since 1988; and booklets Parish Organizations

Women's Guild founded in 1980, 54 members; Choir founded in 1980, 12 members St. David Armenian Church 2300 Yamato Road Boca Raton FL 33431 United States Tel: (561) 994-2335 Fax: (561) 994-9375