Ереванское представительство Норвежского совета по делам беженцев (Армения)
Шаблон:Unitedt NRC (Norwegian Refugee Council. Yerevan)NRC (Norwegian Refugee Council) Address: 50 Khanjian Street, Tekeian Cultural Center, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia Phone: (374 1) 57 17 21, 57 17 98, 55 15 82 Fax: (374 1) 57 46 39 E-mail: admin@nrc.am URL: http://www.nrc.am
Mr.Tim Straight Resident Representative
Ms.Marine Gevorgyan Office Manager
The NRC started its activities in Armenia in 1995 as a field office under Tbilisi. In May 1998, the NRC Yerevan office was registered at the RA Justice Ministry as the Armenian branch of the Norwegian Refugee Council (non profit public organization).
The mission of the Norwegian Refugee Council is to offer humanitarian assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons regardless of race, religion, nationality or political conviction, and to defend the human rights of refugees and internally displaced persons.
Current activities Currently the NRC Yerevan office is implementing projects on human rights education, printing of textbooks, construction and rehabilitation of schools and houses for refugees, construction of drinking and irrigation water pipelines.
Major Projects
Projects for 2002
Projects for 2001
Projects for 2000