Центр этносоциологических исследований "Акунк" (Ереван)

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Шаблон:Unitedt Center of Ethnosociological Studies Akunk (Yerevan)Center of Ethnosociological Studies Akunk Address: 15 Charents Street, Yerevan, 375025, Republic of Armenia Phone: (374 1) 55 67 97

Mr. Mihran Galstyan Chairman, PhD in History

Mr. Samvel Mkrtchyan Vice-Chairman

The Mission:

Promotion in solution of contemporary ethnocultural, social-economic and moral-psychological problems, assistance in reduction of poverty, unemployment, decrease of immigration and demographic tension, participation in prospective development programmes of the recently formed regions, promotion of contacts and development of interrelations between Armenia and Diaspora through its main researches (ethnic, interethnic, social-occupational, neighborhood structures, etc.). These all is being realized by means of ethnosociological investigations, scientific sessions, seminars, public advocacy, mass media and through cooperation with state and non-state structures.

Main Directions of Researches:

Social polarization of the population (poverty, begging, unemployment); Migration processes, labor immigration; Ethnodemographic processes; Deportation, refugees; Religion issues; Sects and sectarianism; Changes in festive structure and behavior; Family, kin and residential relationships; Social-normative and moral-psychological value changes (morality, hopelessness, stresses); Role of ethnic and social factors in the process of civil society and democratic state formation in Armenia; Study of the current descriptions of various groups in contemporary Armenian Diaspora, pointing out the ways of development in Armenia-Diaspora interrelations; Contemporary cultural living description of ethnic minorities living in the Republic of Armenia; Cooperation with local and foreign NGOs and state structures.

The Founding Members of Akunk CES NGO: Mihran Vardges Galstyan (born in 1958) - ethnosociologist, candidate of historical sciences, RA NAS AEI research associate, lecturer of the "Agricultural Academy", director of Akunk CES NGO. The main scope of scientific interests: migration processes of the population, immigration, deportation, and refugees. He is author of two monographs and about 30 scientific articles and publications; Samvel Souren Mkrtchyan (born in 1959) - ethnosociologist, candidate of historical sciences, RA NAS AEI research associate, head of thematic group, deputy director of Akunk CES NGO.The ma in scope of scientific interests: festivities system, religiousness, sects and sectarianism. He is author of 25 scientific articles and publications; Lilia Martin Vardanyan (born in 1942) - ethnosociologist, candidate of historical sciences, RA NAS AEI proceeding research associate and head of ethnosociology department, Akunk CES NGO committee member. The main scope of scientific interests: social-family worship and traditions (birth, Mkrtchyan, wedding, funeral, etc.). She is author of one monograph and about 50 scientific articles and publications; Ruben Samvel Ohanjanyan (born in 1951) - ethnosociologist, candidate of historical sciences, RA NAS AEI research associate, lecturer of State Engineering Ohanjanyan of Armenia, Akunk CES NGO committee member. The scope of scientific interests: ethnic psychology, ethnic stereotypes and values. He is author of more than 30 scientific articles and publications; Tamara Zakar Zakaryan (born in1950) - ethnosociologist, RA NAS AEI proceeding research associate Akunk CES NGO committee member. The main scope of scientific interests: family, kin and residential relations. She is author of 11 scientific articles and publications.