НПО "Васпуракан. Новое поколение" (Ереван, Армения)
Шаблон:Unitedt Vaspourakani Nor Serund New Generation of VaspourakanHistorical-Cultural Compatriotic Union
Founders and contact persons
Vahradyan, Marine
Engineer of automatical electro-communication
Tel.: (374-1) 550-331
E-mail: vaspnors@arminco.com
Vahradyan, Vachagan
Chief of National Ideology Center
Scientist biocybernetic, Senior Researcher, Orbeli Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Ph.D.
Tel.: (374-1) 550-331
E-mail: vvahrad@freenet.am
Foundation of Historic-Cultural Compatriotic Union "New Generation of Vaspourakan"
The national rebellion of 1988 not only laid foundation of Karabaghian liberation movement, but was also a great stimulus for awakening our national self-consciousness. Every Armenian was once again given a chance to think over the life, the history of his family and nation. A lot of questions were arising, and their answers were so complicated and confused, that were themselves turning into new, unsolved questions.
Armenians - a nation, that 7500 years ago has had the world first observatory (Heruni, P. 1998). 4800 years ago - a Parliament and a plebiscite system (Movsisyan, A. 1992). A nation, that 1700 years ago was the first in the world to accept the highly philanthropic Christian doctrine and adopt Christianity as a national religion.
And why have descendants of this very nation found themselves face to face with menace of a barbarian massacre at the turning of the "civilized" and "enlightened" XIX - XX centuries?
Owing to the aroused sins 1988 national self-consciousness at that time we have an over-whelming desire to take up this problem and re-establish the historical justice. Our aims and tasks were greatly encouraged by intelligent and meritorious "Vanians" (as we are descendants of Armenians from Van, Moush and Yerznka). It was suggested to found immediately a non-government organization. World-renowned Academicians like brothers Jrbashians, brothers Saroyans, Prof. Mrs. S. Toutounjian, Prof. H. Papazian, Kh. Mirakian and others, supported this idea.
So, on June 5, 1990 we had officially registered the Historic-Cultural Compatriotic Union "Vaspourakani Nor Serund" ("New Generation of Vaspourakan", “NGV” H-C.C.U.).
Structure of the H-C.C.U. “NGV” The Assembly, the Administration and the President are the leading bodies of the Union. The Inspection committee controls the activities of the Union.
Contact Person:
Mrs. Flora (MARINE) Vahradyan President of
"New Generation of Vaspoorakan"H-C CU,
Address: Tigran Mets ave. 48/30, Yerevan, 375005, Armenia
Tel: (374-1) 28-67-26, (374-1) 55-03-31 vaspnors@arminco.com
Bank requisites: AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK Ltd., World Trade Center , 8th Floor New York, NY 10048 SWIFT Code: AEIB US 33 USD ACCOUNT: 739557 of ARMECONOM BANK NAME `New Generation of Vaspoorakan' Compatriotic Union ACCOUNT N 16300 8153468
Contact Person:
Mrs. Flora (MARINE) Vahradyan President of
"New Generation of Vaspoorakan"H-C CU,
Address: Tigran Mets ave. 48/30, Yerevan, 375005, Armenia
Tel: (374-1) 28-67-26, (374-1) 55-03-31 vaspnors@arminco.com
Bank requisites: AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK Ltd., World Trade Center , 8th Floor New York, NY 10048 SWIFT Code: AEIB US 33 USD ACCOUNT: 739557 of ARMECONOM BANK NAME `New Generation of Vaspoorakan' Compatriotic Union ACCOUNT N 16300 8153468