Мирзоянц Павел Мирзоевич
Мирзоянц Павел Мирзоевич | |
Краткая информация: Академик Армянской Технологической Академии |
Mr. Pavel M. Mirsoyants Academician of Armenian Technological Academy of Republic of Armenia.
E-mail: haytechnologiesMirsoyants@sci.am
Pavel Mirsoyants was born in January, 31, 1929 in city Krasnovodsk (Turkmenistan) in the family of large-scale industrialist. His Father Mirsoyants Mirza (engineer-agronomist) till 1917 was at the head of Sisian city of Armenia and then worked in city Krasnovodsk. When Pavel Mirsoyants was six years of age his father began to take him to the island CHELEKEN ((in the Caspian sea, not fare from Krasnovodsk), were he worked like Prinsiple agronomist and had research (scientific) agronomical laboratory, where Pavel Mirsoyants take an interest with research. Pavel Mirsoyants also take an interest with machines (engines), mechanisms with Refrigerant at the his fathers own soap-works in Krasnovodsk. In 1938 Pavel Mirsoyants leaving for city Kislovodsk with his family. In Kislovodsk hi at age 16 finished school. In 1947 he entered the Leningrad Refrigerant and Dairy industry institute and graduated from it with a gold medal in 1952. In same year (1952) he was direct to the work in Yerevan (Armenia).
1952-1956 – He worked as a Principles engineer-mechanic: at first in the Yerevan Refrigerator Plant and then, a Principles engineer in the Ministry of Meat and Dairy industry.
1957-1962 – Chief of the technical management in the Food industry Ministry
1962-1975 – Head of the central board of mechanics, Energetics Power and equipments of Food Industry Ministry.
1975-1976 – Principles engineer of the bread Plant and then on this Plant and then director in same Plant.
1976-1984 – Chief of production-technical management of Foodstuff industry Ministry.
1984-1989 – Elected Principal of central board of main mechanic, Energetic and equipment in same Ministry.
1989-1993 – Elected Director of main service technical creative work All-Union Social Inventors and rationalizators (A.U.S.J.R.)
1993-1999 – Was appointed Principles engineer of Yerevan cognac Plant and then Director of the hydro-electric. Power station the same Plant.
1999-Up – He Principle Specialist on technical points of Yerevan cognac-vine- vodka Plant “Ararat” and at the same time. Deputy Director of S.S Internation (Social with restriction responsibility).
He get ones own all round higher education: He finished:
1954-1957 – Yerevan, evening University.
1960-1962 – Moscow All Union correspondents course Food Industry institute (Faculty of automatics and mechanics)
1962-1966 – Yerevan, evening Polytechnical institute (energetic faculty)
1980-1982 – Yerevan Social food-stuff industry institute Science technical society (control of quality Production system).
1982-1984 – Yerevan Social food- stuff industry institute Science technical society (effective of Production) Principal direction of scientific and technology works: (activities) He founded a few scientific directions which are receipted now and in use in developed countries: 1. Research of the processes of production food-stuff provisions: dimnessed cognac alcohols for pecipitate iron by electro-magnetic field.. 2. Processes of production grapesis and sea-buckthorn berries oil. 3. Processes receipt medical preparation from sea-buckthorn berries oil. 4. Theory and calculation method of the electromagnetic field with creation and inculcated industrial plant. 5. Research processes magnetic water work up. 6. Research screw-presses.
When Pavel Mirsoyants was student during study at the institute in Leningrad (Sanct-Peterburg) he displayed a keen interest in scientific research. In that time he created and inculcated 12 units modern techniques-rationalizations motion, one of them was constraction of heat exchanger for utilization (use) hot steams of ammonia Refrigerator machine, for heat water, for industrial ames (for productions need) on the Leningrad meat Plant. There he was elected Chairman (president) scientific research student Society of institute (S.R.S.S). During work in Yerevan, he was also: President of Inspection commission of administration Scientific-technical Society (S T S) Food stuff Industry Republic of Armenia; President of Counsil innovatorse Republic, Counsil All union society inventors and Rationalizations (R.C.A.U.S.I.R.). In 1993 in the laboratories in Yerevan cognac Factory he organized section for research dimnessed cognac alcohols for precipitate iron with application Electromagnetic field. About announce the results on this positive experiments, he made a report at the All Union conferences 1993 in Moscow and created and inculcated invention. He make series fundamental researches, one from that was research screw-presses which was my dissertation theme. He displayed special interest in scientific research in following field: Electricity and Magnetism, Electromagnetic, Magnetic permability, Electromagnetic induction, Electric machine generators, Electric motors, Current Rectifiers; Phisics. He maked more than 50 scientific report at the international, All Union and other conferences (1966 – Leningrad, 1967 – Moscow, 1978 – Jalta, 1974 – Lagos Nigeria, 1972 – Simferopol, 1990 – Jurmala, 1986 – Moscow and 30 on and seter. (In other cities) He always combined theory and practice 18 years (by combination) teached discipline: Process and Device in Yerevan in Polytechnical institute and in Food industry technical school. Prepare (training) more then 400 scientific and Practical specialists. Created and inculcated more then 1000 rationalizations motions and Inventions from them 136 inventions. Constracted more then 1000 several units equipment and put it in expluatations, including 36 mechanize and assembly lines, with economic effective more them 15 million dollars ($ 15 mill. USD). It was a great deal of attention to the development of the industry in Armenia. He fulfiled more then 20000 pages manuscripts and printed scientific transactions (descriptions, calculations, draughts, drafts, schemes). Published more then 150 scientific works and 4 monographs.
About any imortant inventions
One from inventions his and his son Tigran Mirsoyants inventions– authors certificate № 14303507 – apparatus for water processing in magnetic field. This invention except employment in industry may be employ in medcin for use electric-magnetic water in showers apparatuses like treatment procedure. By this apparatuses may by prepare, so-called, ionized and ozonized water treat for anillness. Water in the apparatus subject alsow electrolised. By this creates extremely active cation and anions as well as free ozone. Active substances whip up the organism, its immune system, adaptational abilities of the self-regulation of the organism, by irritating skin reseptors. By this improve blood circulation and have anti-bacterial disinfecting. All this have positive action at the physic, removing up tiredness depression and others disease. Another important inventions with authors certificate № 816121; Mode of production substances stimulant reparation processes. Preparation manufacture from vegetables raw material – sea-buckthorn berries. This substance mey be employ for treat ulcer of stomachs, of skins cavers mans and animals. This method was experimented for many years and achieved positives results. His many inventions used in different branches industry – on foundation researches was suggested physics model process of pressing grapes, mathematical description of process escapes of process escapes of juice from grapes, permited receive analytics dependence for choice optimal geometrical, kinematical parameters screw-presses. Suggested formula (equation) and elaboration graunded science methodic engineering calculations screw-presses in whole. Agreat many of his inventions may be use also: in tinneds food factory; Sugar-refinerys (Sugar - lump sugar); vine factory; Brewery; creamerys; oil-mills; in agriculture for rise of crop capacity and in other main branches of industry.
Awards, etc.
Honorary titles; academic degree; rank and rewards.
He member of the Presidium of Armenian Technological academy; Doctor of Technical Science; Honoured Inventor Republic of Armenia; Awards Resive Gold medal of international Exhibition in Leipzig (1980); more than 50 rewards, decoration and bonus; Honorary diploma from Food Industry Ministry (ASSR) (1976). Community activites in Armenia: Member of tasting commission of vine and cognac Republic of Armenia. Honoured veteran (The deserved veteran) – inventor of Republic of Armenia (1999);. Veteran of labour (1984) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR); Gold medal and deep State agro industry the USSR, Moscow, for “Merit in Inventions” (1989); Medal for active creative work in Scientific Technical Council (STC), All-Union Soviet (STC), Moscow (1977); Medal “Excellent pupil invention and rationalizations” Presidium of central Council All-Union Society inventors and rationalizations (S.C.A.U.S.I.R.) Moscow (1988)
Специалист в области пищевых производств, процессов и аппаратов холодильной техники, теплотехники и конструктирования.
Является автором более чем 200 научных трудов и 4 монографий. Создал и внедрил в производство более 140 изобретений и более 1000 рационализаторских предложений. Экономический эффект от внедрения составляет более чем 15 млн. долларов США.
Президиум Армянской Технологической Академии наградил Павел Мирзоевич Почетной Грамотой АТА в связи с 80 летним юбилеем и за большой вклад в дело становления АТА.
Павел Мирзоевич закончил Ленинградский Институт холодильной и молочной промышленности (1952 г.) , Московский всесоюзный заочный институт пищевой промышленности – факультет механизации и автоматизации, Ереванский Политехнический Институт, Ереванский вечерний Университет. За 60 лет трудовой деятельности Павел Мирзоевич работал: начальником холодильно-компрессорного цеха хладокомбината, начальником производственно-технического управления Министерства мясомолпромаи на других руководящих должностях, в том числе директором хлебозавода, директором гидроэлектростанции, директором Базового Управления ВОИР и др. 18 лет Павел Мирзоевич преподовал дисциплину "Процессы и аппараты пищепрома" в Ереванском политехническом институте. Под его руководством 12 человек защитили кандидатские диссертации. В настоящее время он работает Главным инженером Ереванского конячно-винно-водочного комбината "АРАРАТ".
За высокие достижения в науке и технике Павел Мирзоевич был награжден многими правительственными наградами и почетными грамотами, а также двумя золотыми медалями ВДНХ. Ему были присуждены звания "Заслуженный изобретатель Арм. ССР" (1966 г.), Почетный ветеран-изобретатель (1989 г.), Действительный член Армянской технологической Академии ( 2001 г.), Вице президент этой Академии с 2003 года. Павел Мирзоевич человек активной жизненной позиции обладающий большим обоянием и теплотой и вместе с тем очень требовательный к работе. В коллективе пользуется большим уважением и авторитетом. Он полон энергии и творческих сил, его неукротимый темперамент, недюжие способности, глубокие знания являются фундаментом для проведения новых исседований в различных областях науки и техники.