Бабикян Викен
Бабикян Викен | |
Babikian Viken | |
На английском: | Babikian Viken |
Краткая информация: Невролог, основоположник исследований по цереброваскулярным болезням |
Доктор Викен Бабикян получил степень доктора медицины в Американском университете Бейрута (Ливан, 1981).
Он заступил на кафедру неврологии в Бостонском университете в 1986 году. Он является профессором неврологии и директором отделения сосудистой неврологии в Бостонском университете, и содиректор "Stroke" службы в Бостонском медицинском центре.
Он был пионером в изучении цереброваскулярных расстройств, таких как инсульт. Принял участие в более чем 20 клинических исследований.
Доктор Бабикян читал лекции в крупнейших медицинских научных центрах во всем мире, провёл более чем 100 заочных лекций.
Он является одним из редакторов журнала «Journal of Neuroimaging».
Особые интересы
- Инсульт, цереброваскулярные болезни
- Лечение цереброваскулярных заболеваний
Он опубликовал более 125 статей и глав в книгах, редактор четырех медицинских учебников по теме цереброваскулярных расстройств.
- Nguyen TN, Babikian VL , Romero JR, Pikula A, Kase CS, Jovin TG, Norbash AM. Intra-arterial treatment methods in acute stroke therapy. Frontiers in Endovascular and Interventional Neurology 2011
- Petrea RE, Koyfman F, Pikula A, Romero JR, Viereck J, Babikian VL , Kase CS, Nguyen TN. Acute Stroke, Catheter Related Venous Thrombosis, and Paradoxical Cerebral Embolism: Report of Two Cases. J Neuroimaging 2011
- Babikian VL , Nguyen TN. Improving outcome of acute revascularization procedures. Stroke 2010
- Karakis I, Nguyen TN, Babikian VL , Norbash A. Balloon angioplasty of the anterior cerebral artery A2 segment for recurrent, symptomatic atherosclerotic disease. Journal of Neurosurgery 2010
- Romero JR, Frey JL, Schwamm LH, Demaerschalk BM, Chaliki HP, Parikh G, Burke RF, Babikian VL . Cerebral ischemic events associated with 'bubble study' for identification of right to left shunts. Stroke 2009
- Romero JR, Pikula A, Nguyen TN, Nien YL, Norbash A, Babikian VL . Cerebral Collateral Circulation in Carotid Artery Disease . Current Cardiology Reviews 2009
- Romero JR, Sakai O, Berlik MM, Babikian VL . Intracranial hemorrhage sparing meningioma in anticoagulated patient . J Neuroimaging 2007
- Romero JR, Babikian VL , Katz DI, Finklestein SP. Neuroprotection and stroke rehabilitation: Modulation and enhancement of recovery . Behavioral Neurology 2006
- Rudolph JL, Tilahun D, Treanor PR, Pochay VE, Mahendrakar MA, Sagar P, Babikian VL . Use of a large bore syringe creates significantly fewer high intensity transient signals (HITS) into cardiopulmonary bypass system than a small bore syringe . Perfusion 2006
- Babikian VL , Wolf PA. Retinal and cerebral microembolism during on and off pump CABG . Circulation 2005
- Kahn JH, Viereck J, Kase CS, Jeerakathil T, Romero R, Mehta S, Kociol R, Babikian VL . The use of intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in acute ischemic stroke . J Em Med 2005
- Rudolph JL, Babikian VL , Birjiniuk V, Crittenden MD, Treanor PR, Pochay VE, Khuri SF, Marcantonio ER. Atherosclerosis is associated with delirium after coronary artery bypass graft surgery . J Am Geriatr Soc 2005
- Lipsitz LA, Gagnon M, Vyas M, Iloputaife I, Kiely DK, Sorond F, Serrador J, Babikian V , Cupples A. Antihypertensive therapy increases cerebral blood flow and carotid distensibility in elderly subjects with systolic hypertension. J Em Med 2005
- Krejza J, Zenon M, Nowacka A, Elias MR, Babikian VL Influence of 17-beta-estradiol on cerebrovascular impedance during menstrual cycle in women . J Neurol Sci 2004
- Wijman CAC, Gomes JA, Winter MR, Koleini B, Matjucha ICA, Pochay VE, Babikian VL Symptomatic and asymptomatic retinal embolism have different mechanisms . Stroke 2004
- Sloan MA, Alexandrov AV, Tegeler CH, Spencer MP, Caplan LR, Feldmann E, Wechsler LR, Newell DW, Gomez CR, Babikian VL , Lefkowitz D, Goldman RS, Armon C, Hsu CY, Goodin DS Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography. Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology . Neurology 2004
- Duran E, Merkel PA, Sweet S, Swan N, Babikian VL ANCA-associated small vessel vasculitis presenting with ischemic optic neuropathy . Neurology 2004
- Durán-Ferreras E, Schoeck AP, Barest GD, Viereck JC, Babikian VL , Kase CS. Overestimation of the degree of stenosis in the intracranial internal carotid artery determined by magnetic resonance angiography compared to conventional arteriography . Rev Neurol. 2003 Oct 16-31. Spanish.
- Krejza J, Siemkowicz J, Sawicka M, Szylak A, Kochanowicz J, Mariak Z, Lewko J, Spektor V, Babikian V , Bert R Oscillations of cerebrovascular resistance throughout the menstrual cycle in healthy women . Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2003
- The Warfarin Aspirin Symptomatic Intracranial Disease (WASID) Trial Investigators (member): Design, progress and challenges of a double-blind trial of warfarin versus aspirin for symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis. Neuroepidemiology, 2003
- Aly A, Babikian VL , Barest G, Artinian M, Forteza A, Kase CS Brain microembolism . J Neuroimaging, 2003
- Babikian VL , Wijman CAC Brain embolism monitoring with transcranial Doppler . Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2003
- Anderson DC, Kappelle LJ, Eliasziw M, Babikian VL , Pearce LA, Barnett HJM Occurrence of hemispheric and retinal ischmia in atrial fibrillation versus carotid stenosis . Stroke 33:1963 -1968, 2002
- Jabre A, Babikian V , Powsner RA, Spatz EL Role of single photon emission computed tomography and transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in clinical vasospasm . J Clin Neuroscience, 2002
- Gomes JA, Robins SJ, Babikian VL Treatment of lipid disorders after stroke. Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 2002
- Mouradian M, Wijman CAC, Tomasian D, Davidoff R, Koleini B, Babikian VL Echocardiographic findings of patients with retinal ischemia or embolism . J Neuroimaging, 2002
- Romano JG, Forteza AM, Concha M, Koch S, Campo-Bustillo I, Campo N, Heros RC, Morcos JJ, Babikian VL Detection of microemboli by transcranial Doppler in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage . Neurosurgery, 2002
- Krejza J, Mariak Z, Babikian VL Importance of angle correction in measurement of blood flow velocity with transcranial Doppler sonography . AJNR 22:1743 - 1747, 2001
- Gomes J, Wu CK, Schauble B, Winter MR, Chamlian V, Allen NC, Babikian VL Diagnosis of hyperlipidemia and treatment with a statin in the outpatient stroke clinic . J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2001
- Babikian VL Cantelmo NL Cerebrovascular monitoring during carotid endarterectomy . Stroke 2000
- Babikian VL , Feldmann E, Wechsler LR, Newell DW, Gomez CR, Bogdahn U, Caplan LR, Spencer MP, Tegeler C, Ringelstein EB, Alexandrov AV Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography . Year 2000 Update. J Neuroimaging 2000
- доктор медицинских наук
- профессор неврологии в Бостонском университете школы медицины
Членство в академиях и научных обществах
- член Американской ассоциации изучения Инсульта (American Heart Association Stroke Council)
- член Американской академии неврологии (American Academy of Neurology)
- Golden Heart Award from the VA Boston Healthcare System
- Почётный профессор Грузинской медицинской академии
- Член американской неврологической ассоциации (American Neurological Association)
- Член национальной ассоцииации изучения инсульта (National Stroke Association
- E-mail: babikian@bu.edu