Оганян Мелик

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Оганян Мелик
Melik Ohanian
На английском: Melik Ohanian
На армянском: Մելիք Օհանյան



Мелик Оганян (в Армении Մելիք Օհանյան, в Западной Армении Օհանեան) (родился во Франции в 1969 году) является французский современный художник армянского происхождения. Он живет и работает в Париже и Нью-Йорке . Его работы были показаны во многих персональных выставок, включая: Galerie Chantal Crousel [ 1 ] и Пале де Токио в Париже , Южной лондонской галерее в Лондоне, Де Аппель в Амстердаме, IAC в Villeurbanne, Ивон Ламберт в Нью-Йорке, музей в Прогресс в Вене и Matucana 100 в Сантьяго-де-Чили.

От его искусства, мы можем отметить, Остров Острове (1998-2002), следующего за извержения вулкана на острове Суртсей в 1963 году, за семь минут до (2004 г.), невидимую пленку (2005) (дань режиссера Питера Уоткинса особенно Watkin "Фильм наказания Парк ) и от голоса к руке (2008).

Он также принимал участие в большом количестве групповых выставок по всему миру, в частности, два года Сан-Паулу (представляющий Францию), берлинские и Сидней биеннале в 2004 году, Москва и Лион биеннале в 2005 году и биеннале Кванджу и Севилья в 2006 году и 52-й выпуск Венецианской биеннале в 2007 году.


2009: From The Voice to The Hand, a co-existent exhibition, Paris 2008 Co-produced by Abbaye de Maubuisson, Le Plateau / FRAC Ile-De-France. Ed. Archibook, Paris 2005: SlowMotion, from Slave to Valse, Ed.CCA Kitakyushu, Japan 2005: Cosmograms, Melik Ohanian et Jean Christophe Royoux, Ed.Lukas & Sternberg, New York Cosmograms Newspaper Edition distributs by EXO, São Paulo, Brazil 2003: KRISTALE Company, Monography, Edition HYX, Paris (Edition HYX: KRISTALE Company by Melik Ohanian)



  • 2012 : Exils, Musée National Pablo Picasso, Chapelle Vallauris, France
  • 2011: Galerie Ecole des Beaux Arts de Montpellier, France
  • 2011: DAYS, I See what I Saw and what I will See, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
  • 2011: Datcha Project, Session #004, Armenia
  • 2011: Peripherical Communities, London, Rich Mix, London, UK
  • 2010: Cadence Modulaire - Public Art - UPR – Hôpital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France - 2009-2010
  • 2010: Lightbox Melik Ohanian, Café Centre Pompidou, Paris
  • 2010: Datcha Project, Session #002, Armenia
  • 2010: Datcha Project, Session #003, Armenia
  • 2009: BLANK, Melik Ohanian & Romain Kronenberg, Paris, France
  • 2009: From The Voice to The Hand**, In Between, Centre Musical Goutte d’Or - Barbara, Paris, France
  • 2009: Datcha Project, Session #001, Armenia
  • 2008: El Agua de Niebla, Matucana 100, Santiago, Chile
  • 2008: Datcha Project, Session #000, Armenia
  • 2008: From The Voice to The Hand**
  • 2008: Le Plateau / FRAC Ile-De-France, Paris
  • 2008: Abbaye de Maubuisson, Paris
  • 2008: MAC/VAL, Ivry sur Seine
  • 2008: Collection, Centre Pompidou, Paris
  • 2008: Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration, Paris
  • 2008: Galerie de Multiples, Paris
  • 2008: Association FACE, La Courneuve, Paris
  • 2008: Cinéma l’Entrepot, Paris
  • 2008: Le CentQuatre, Paris
  • 2008: Yvon Lambert - Librairie, Paris
  • 2007: 37 seconds - Melik Ohanian, CCA Kitakyushu, Japan
  • 2007: Harun Farucki & Melik Ohanian, Lunds Konsthall, Sweden
  • 2006: Seven Minutes Before, South London Gallery, London, UK
  • 2006: (M)UT(E)OPIA, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
  • 2006: Somewhere In Time, De Appel, Amsterdam, Netherland
  • 2006: Let’s Turn or Turn Around, IAC Villeurbanne, France
  • 2005: ArtPace, San Antonio, USA
  • 2005: With Sean Snyder and Pia Ronicke, Fruit Market Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
  • 2005: A Moment as an Event, PERFORMA 05, New York, USA
  • 2004: Seven Minutes Before, French Pavillon XXVIe São Paulo Biennal, Brazil
  • 2004: Revolving Analogia, Yvon Lambert Gallery, New York, USA
  • 2004: {T}HERE, Centre pour l’image Contemporaine, Saint Gervais, Geneva, Switzerland
  • 2004: Welcome to Hanksville, Galerie Dvir, Tel Aviv, Israël
  • 2003: SlowMotion, from Slave to Valse, CCA Kitakyushu, Japan
  • 2003: Welcome To Hanksville, Studio Yvon Lambert, Paris
  • 2003: Sound Bilboard, Museum in Progress, Wien, Austria
  • 2003: You are mY destinY, The Atlanta College of Art, Atlanta, USA
  • 2003: Alightningtruckonablueracetrack, Galerie BF15, Lyon, France
  • 2002: Nightsnow, Galerie Navona, Rome, Italia
  • 2002: Island of an Island, Art Unlimited, Basel, Switzerland
  • 2002: Nightsnow, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
  • 2002: Island of an Island and Peripherical Communities, Palais de Tokyo, Paris Freezing Film, FRAC, Montpellier, France

Участие в групповых выставках

  • 2011: J’ai Deux Amours, Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration, Paris, France
  • 2011: El Agua de Niebla, FIAC 2011, Jardin des Tuileries, Paris, France
  • 2011: Entre-Temps, L’artiste Narrateur, Collection MAM Paris, Tapei, Taiwan
  • 2011: Atmosphères, Collection FRAC Rhône-Alpes, Romans, France
  • 2011: Entre-Temps, L’artiste Narrateur, Collection MAM Paris, Minsheng, Shanghai, China**
  • 2011: Nuages, Cité Radieuse, Marseille, France
  • 2011: Magical Consciousness, Arnolfini, Bristol, UK
  • 2011: 10. Sharjah Biennal, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
  • 2010: Collection, MAC VAL, Paris
  • 2010: Persistence of Vision II, Nikolaj Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Danemark
  • 2010: L'Homme Debout, Galerie Chantal Crousel, FIAC, Paris
  • 2010: Still/Moving, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
  • 2010: Sound Design for Future Films, Wexner Center for the Arts Columbus, Ohio, US
  • 2010: Persistence of Vision I, FACT, Liverpool, UK
  • 2010: Telling Stories, WUK Kunsthalle, Wien, Austria
  • 2009: America, Beirut Art Center, Lebanon
  • 2009: L’Attraction de l’Espace, Musée d’Art Moderne, Saint-Etienne, France
  • 2009: Entre-Temps, L’artiste Narrateur, Collection du Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris MIS/Paco de Artes, São Paulo et Oi Futuro, *2009: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 2009: Behind The Image, The Image Behind, ArteFact Festival, STUK Kunstencentrum, Leuven, Belgium
  • 2009: Los Tiempos de un Lugar, Centro de Arte y Naturaleza, Fundacion Beulas, Huesca, Spain
  • 2008: Interstitial Zone, Argos, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • 2008: La Scène Française 1980-2008, Réfléchir Le Monde, Centrale Electrique, Bruxelles, Belgique
  • 2008: Sound Design for Future Films, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2008: U-Turn, Quadriennal de Copenhagen, Danemark
  • 2008: Du Jardin au Cosmos, L'Espace d'Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux, France
  • 2008: The Space of Man, Fondation Merz, Torino, Italy
  • 2008: Re-Make/Re-Model, Courtisane Film Festival, Gent, Belgium
  • 2008: Locked-In, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 2008: Voice and Void, Galerie Im Taxipalais, Insbruck, Austria
  • 2008: Collection08, IAC Villeurbanne, France
  • 2008: Collateral 2, SESC Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil
  • 2008: Perform History, U-TURN at Overgaden, Copenhagen, Danemark
  • 2007: Fiction Vs Reality, Centre d’Art Moderne, Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbonne
  • 2007: Passages, Hommage à Walter Benjamin, Gandy Gallery Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 2007: Playback, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris
  • 2007: Intrusions, Collection FMAC, Petit Palais, Paris
  • 2007: Voice and Void, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum (CT) Ridgefield, USA
  • 2007: On the limits of politics and possibilities of resistance, 04. Goteborg Biennale, Sweden
  • 2007: Collection, MAC VAL Musée d’Art Contemporain de Vitry, France
  • 2007: Poeziezomers, Watou, Belgium
  • 2007: Borderline-Moving Image, Beijing Center for Creativity, China 52
  • 2007: Think with the senses, Venice Biennale, Feel with the mind, Venise, Italy
  • 2007: Critical Foreground, New Langhton Arts San Francisco, US
  • 2007: The Hand, National Museum of Fine Arts, Riga, Lettonia
  • 2007: On Peter Watkins, Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna, Austria
  • 2007: Air de Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, Beaubourg, Paris
  • 2007: Centre of the Creative Universe: Liverpool and the Avant-Garde, TATE Liverpool, UK
  • 2007: Parabol Magazine #2, Vienna, Austria
  • 2007: Collateral, When Art looks at Cinema, Hangar Bicocca, Milano, Italia
  • 2006: 02. Biennale of Sevilla, Spain
  • 2006: 06. Biennale of Gwangju, Korea
  • 2006: Datcha Project, Armenia Tell Me, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 2006: Human Games, Fondazione Pitti in Firenze, Italy
  • 2006: Undo Redo, Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Germany
  • 2006: Seven Minutes Before, Outdoor projection in Vercors, France
  • 2006: Negative Space, Extended, by Susane Burner Kunstmuseums Bonn, Germany
  • 2006: Satellites of Love, Witte de Whit, Rotterdam, Netherland
  • 2006: 25 PEACES, billboard project, Wien, Austria
  • 2005: Collection, MAC VAL Musée d’Art Contemporain de Vitry, France
  • 2005: Rencontres Internationales des Arts Multimédia, Marseille, France
  • 2005: Leçon Zéro, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris Istmo, Galerie Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil
  • 2005: Experiencing Duration, 08. Biennale de Lyon, France
  • 2005: Dialectic of Hope, 01. Biennale de Moscou, Russia
  • 2005: Tell Me, MNBA Québec, Canada
  • 2005: October Art Salon, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 2005: Multipistes, Palais des Beaux Arts, Bruxelles, Belgium
  • 2005: Nach Rokytník, EVN Collection, MUMOK Wien, Austria
  • 2005: Greengrassi Gallery, London, England Land Marks, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
  • 2005: Remagine, Collection du FNAC, Musée d’Art Contemporain de Lyon, France
  • 2005: Collection, Macro-Mattatoio, Roma, Italia
  • 2005: Documentary Creations, Kunst museum, Luzern, Switzerland
  • 2005: Universal Experience, MCA Chicago, USA
  • 2004: ReasonEmotion, 14. Biennale de Sydney, Australia
  • 2004: 03. Biennale de Berlin, Germany
  • 2004: 04. Biennale de Pontevedra, Spain
  • 2004: Communautés, IAC Villeurbanne, France
  • 2004: Mediterraneo, Macro-Mattatoio, Roma, Italia
  • 2004: Nuit Blanche, Paris, France Eblouissement, Jeu de Paume, Paris
  • 2003: Geographies # 3, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris, France
  • 2003: Freezing Film, Gare de Lyon, Festival d’Automne, Paris, France
  • 2003: Through the Eye of a Needle, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris, France
  • 2003: Collective Exhibition, CRAC Sète, France
  • 2003: Embassy, Galleri F15, Moss, Norvegia
  • 2003: 2O ans des FRAC, Musée d’art Contemporain de Strasbourg, France
  • 2003: Moltitudini–Solitudini, Museion, Museo d’arte contemporanea Bolzano, Italy
  • 2003: No Ghost Just a Shell, Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven, Pays-Bas / SF Moma, San Francisco, U.S.A
  • 2003: ARCO, Madrid, Spain
  • 2002: No Ghost Just a Shell, Institute for Visual Culture, Cambridge, England
  • 2002: Toasting Agency at Openspace, Curated by Alexis Vaillant Piazza Duomo, Milan, Italy
  • 2002: No ghost Just a Shell, Kunsthalle Zürich, Switzerland / SFMOma, San Franscico Migration de l’image, Erevan, Armenia
  • 2002: Haunted House, curated by Gabriel Lester, Outline, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
  • 2002: Stories, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
  • 2002: Less Ordinary, Artsonje Center, Seoul, Museum of Modern Art, Kyungju, Korea
  • 2001: Traversées, ARC Musée d'Art Moderne de la ville de Paris
  • 2001: A comme Accident, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
  • 2001: Rencontres Vidéo, Galerie Piazza Navona, Roma, Italy
  • 2000: Institut d’art Contemporain de Villeurbanne, Residency in Die, Drôme, France
  • 2000: Soirée Nomade, Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain, Paris
  • 1999: ThirtyFiveSecondsLater Interval Program, MAC Lyon, France
  • 1999: Icono Festival Printemps du Québec à Paris, Metro Stalingrad, France
  • 1998: Collective Exhibition, Galerie Jennifer Flay, Paris
  • 1998: Junge Szene 98, Secession, Vienna, Austria
  • 1998: In Vitro, Glassbox, Paris
  • 1997: Mobile TV, with Pierre Huygue, Le Consortium, Dijon, France
  • 1997: Histoires en Forme, Le Magasin, Grenoble, France
  • 1997: Galerie de Portraits, Collection FRAC Rhône-Alpes, France
  • 1997: 01. Biennale du Montenegro, Cétinié, Montenegro
  • 1996: Bande Sonore pour un Film Potentiel, with Pierre Huyghe, Le Hall, ENBA Lyon
  • 1996: Arte Fiera di Bologna, Galerie Nuova Icona, Bologna, Italy
  • 1995: Critique, Critique, Post-diplôme, Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Lyon,
  • 1995: Cité de l’image, Lyon-Vaise / Galeria Nuova Icona, Venise
  • 1995: 08152758, Embarcadère, Lyon, France

Public Art[edit] 2010-2013: Les Réverbères de la Mémoire, Armenians Memorial, Geneva 2009-2010: Cadence Modulaire, UPR – Hopital Saint-Antoine, Paris, France 2008: Second Time & Second Sound, Piscine de Belleville, Paris - architectes Berger&Anziutti 2008: Philosophic DUB, Atelier de Création Radiophonique, France Culture, Paris 2008: Cosmoball, Abbaye de Maubuisson, Saint-Ouen l'Aumone, France 2008: Rosa Park Tribute, Collège Rosa Parks, Gentilly, Val de Marne, France 2003-2007: Le Récit Perpétuel, Talence, Bordeaux, France Grants & Residencies[edit] 2007: Montalvo Arts Center, Sally and Don Lucas Artist Program, USA 2007: CCA KitaKyushu, Japan 2005: Prize of October Art Salon, Belgrade, Serbia 2005: ArtPace 2005, San Antonio, Texas, USA. 2004: Villa Medicis, Rome, Italia 2003: CCA KitaKyushu, Japan 2002: FIACRE, aide à la première exposition 2002: Institut Art Contemporain, Residency, Die, France, 2000: 2000 Image en Mouvement CNC/DAP 1995: Prix Linossier, Beaux Arts de Lyon Books[edit]


