Тер-Погосян Майкл

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Тер-Погосян Майкл
Ter-Pogossian Michael
Тер-Погосян Майкл.jpg
Другие имена: Тер-Погосян Мишель,
Тер-Погосян Микаэль
На английском: Ter-Pogossian Michael
На армянском: Մայքլ Տեր-Պողոսյան
Дата рождения: 21.04.1925
Место рождения: Берлин
Дата смерти: 19.06.1996
Краткая информация:
Физик, изобретатель позитронно-эмиссионной томографии


Майкл (Мишель) Тер-Погосян родился 21 апреля 1925 г. в Берлине, был единственным ребенком в семье Тер-Погосянов, которые обосновались в Германии после Геноцида Армян в Османской Турции во время Первой Мировой Войны.

Когда Майкл был еще ребенком, семья переехала во Францию. Интерес к науке появился у Майкла еще в юношестве, особенно на экспериментах по физике и химии. Позже он удостоился степеней в науке в Университете Парижа и Институте Радия в 1943 и 1946 соответственно. Еще в 1942 году во время Второй Мировой Войны молодой Мишель примкнул к Французскому Сопротивлению.

В 1946 году отец Майкла решил переехать в США. Майкл в США поступил в Вашингтонский Университет в большей степени из-за репутации Артура Холли Комптона (Arthur Holly Compton)-физика, Нобелевского лауреата, который был исследователем в Университете.

Майкл параллельно работал в Отделе Физики научным сотрудником. В 1948 году он получил степень магистра, а в 1950 году степень доктора по ядерной физике. В том же 1950 году Майкл примкнул к факультету Института Маллинкродт (Mallinckrodt) и был назначен профессором радиационных исследований. Параллельно он был назначен профессором биофизики и физиологии. В 1973 году он был руководителем Отделения Радиоактивных Исследований Института Маллинкродт.

Среди многих достижений в науке Тер-Петросян наиболее известен как «Отец Позитронно-Эмиссионной Томографии (ПЭТ)». В Начале 70-х он вел совместные исследования в команде ученых, физиков, химиков и врачей, с которыми развивал концепцию ПЭТ. Главный вклад исследования в том, что ПЭТ показывает фактическую метаболическую деятельность в пределах различных областей органов и тканей, таким образом расширяя понимание ученых и врачей основных биологических процессов и обеспечения основания для улучшенного диагноза болезней. Он играл главную роль в развитии концепции недолгих изотопов и в проектировании и строительстве первого ПЭТ-сканера так же как первой мультипластины и тестирования первых ПЭТ-сканеров.

В течение карьеры, которая охватила больше чем четыре десятилетия, он заработал многочисленные достижения в ядерной науке, которые были отмечены наградами, в т.ч. награждение «Золотой Медалью» во Франции Societe Francaise de Medecine Nucleaire et de Biophysique, престижным Награждением «Gairdner» в Канаде, Пожизненное Награждение Академии Наук Сэнт Луиса США, Награждение «Пионер Ядерной Медицины» Общества Ядерной Медицины Джорджа Чарльза де Хевеси (Georg Charles de Hevesy), а также Награждение Paul C. Aebersold

Тер-Погосян был членом многих профессиональных обществ. Он был избран в 1987 году в Институт Медицины и работал в редакциях главных научных журналов, включая американский Журнал «Roentgenology», Журнал «Ядерная Медицина», и Журнала «de Biophysique» и «Medecine Nucleaire». Он Был учредителем Американского Ядерного Общества и Американского Общества Физики. Также Тер-Погосян был советником в Министерстве Энергетики США и в Национальном Институте Здоровья США.

В 1990 году он ушел от административных обязанностей и возвратился к первой любви-исследованиям. В 1996 году, посещая Париж, он умер внезапно от сердечного приступа.

Его открытия имели важное значение для развития медицинской диагностики.


Доктор Тер-Погоссиан был автором более 250 научных работ, в т.ч. книг и статей.

  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Porter FT, Cook CS. “Auxiliary equipment to be used with a beta-ray spectrometer for the study of radioactive gases.” The Review of Scientific Instruments. 1951 Jun; 22(6)
  • Bonebrake M, Sherman AI, Ter-Pogossian M, Arneson AN. “Clinical results following different methods of radium application used in the treatment of cervical cancer from 1921 to 1947.” The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine. 1952 Dec; 68(6)
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Sherman AI, Arneson AN. “An expaning fixed tandem-ovoids colpostat for the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1952 Oct; 64(4)
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Ittner WB 3rd, Seaman WB, Schwartz HG. “A scintillation counter for the diagnosis and localization of intracranial neoplasms.” The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine. 1952 Mar; 67(3)
  • Sherman AI, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Lymph-node concentration of radioactive colloidal gold following interstitial injection.” Cancer. 1953 Nov; 6(6)
  • Goldring D, Rogers HM Jr, Ter-Pogossian M, Seaman W, Behrer MR. “Radiocardiography in congenital heart disease.” The Journal of Pediatrics. 1954; 44(4)
  • Seaman WB, Ter-Pogossian MM, Schwartz HG. “Localization of intracranial neoplasms with radioactive isotopes.” Radiology. 1954 Jan; 62(1)
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Sherman AI. “Radioactive gold for the intracavitary treatment of carcinoma of the cervix.” Radiology. 1955 Nov; 65(5)
  • Seaman WB, Ter-Pogossian MM, Ittner WB 3rd. “The relative biologic effects of x-rays and beta rays.” Radiology. 1955 Aug; 65(2)
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Sherman AI. “Radiation dosimetry in the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix uteri by intraparametrial radioactive gold and radium.” The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine. 1955 Jul; 74(1)
  • Becker B, Cibis PA, Constant MA, Ter-Pogossian MM. “The effect of moderate doses of x-ray irradiation on ocular tissue.” American Journal of Ophthalmology. 1956; 42(4 Part 2)
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Monochromatic roentgen rays in contrast media roentgenography.” Acta Radiologica. 1956 Apr; 45(4)
  • Sinclair WK, Laughlin JS, Rossi HH, Ter-Pogossian MM, Moos WS. “Intercomparison of x-ray exposure dose using Victoreen dose meters at various energies, particularly 22 Mevp.” Radiology. 1958; 70(5)
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Ledin S. “Uranium x-ray grids.” Radiology. 1960
  • Newton WT, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Median lethal dose for guinea pigs of cobalt-60 gamma irradiation.” Radiation Research. 1960; 13:298-304
  • Spratt JS Jr, Ter-Pogossian MM, Rudman S, Spencer A. “The measurement of the pulmonary venous crosscirculation through the conjugated heart of thoracopagous twins with radioactive O15.” Surgery. 1961; 50:941-6.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Spratt JS Jr, Rudman S, Spencer A. “Radioactive oxygen 15 in study of kinetics of oxygen of respiration.” The American Journal of Physiology. 1961; 201:582-6
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “The physical aspects of radiation therapy of carcinoma of the cervix uteri.” Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1961; 4:466-503
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “The physical aspects of radiation therapy of carcinoma of the cervixuteri.” Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1961; 4:466-503
  • Spratt JS Jr, Ter-Pogossian MM, Rudman S, Spencer A. “Radioactive oxygen-15 in the tracer study of oxygen transport.” Surgical Forum. 1961; 12:7-9
  • Grenier JF, Hatano M, Bernard HR, Ter-Pogossian MM, Weiss AG. “[Absorption of fats by the colon. Experimental study in the dog using triolein-I-131 and oleic acid-I-131.]” Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales. 1961; 155:1697-700
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Kastner J, Vest TB. “Autofluorography of the thyroid gland by means of image amplification.” Radiology. 1963; 81:984-8
  • White NB, Ter-Pogossian MM, Stein AH Jr. “A method to determine the rate of blood flow in long bone and selected soft tissues.” Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics. 1964; 119:535-40
  • Rhoton AL Jr, Carlsson AM, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Posterior fossa tumors. Localization with radioactive mercury (Hg197 or Hg203) labeled chlormerodrin.” Archives of Neurology. 1964; 10:521-6
  • Rhoton AL Jr, Carlsson AM, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Brain scanning with chlormerodrin Hg 197 and chlormerodrin Hg 203.” Archives of Neurology. 1964; 10:369-75
  • Stokes JM, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Double isotope technique to measure renal functions.” Journal of the American Medical Association. 1964; 187:20-3
  • Bogardus CR Jr, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Flexible scintillation radiation measurement probe.” The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine. 1965; 94:914-6
  • Bessis M, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Micropuncture of cells by means of a laser beam.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1965; 122:689-94
  • Ter-Pogossian M, Donadieu L, Moreno G, Bessis M. “Effect of an intense magnetic field on the autoradiographic photographic yield in electron microscopy.” Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie D: Sciences naturelles. 1966; 262(26):2771-2
  • Rhoton Jr. AL, Klinkerfuss GH, Lilly DR, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Brain scanning in ischemic cerebrovascular disease.” Archives of Neurology. 1966; 14(5):506-11
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Cyclotron produced short-lived radioactive isotopes.” The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine. 1966; 96(3):737-43
  • Rhoton Jr. AL, Eichling J, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Metastatic tumors. Localization by radioisotope scanning.” Neurology. 1966; 16(3):264-8
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Niklas WF, Ball J, Eichling JO. “An image tube scintillation camera for use with radioactive isotopes emitting low-energy photons.” Radiology. 1966; 86(3):463-9
  • Eichling JO, Goldring D, Hernandez Jr. A, Carlson E, Ter-Pogossian MM. “A flexible scintillation probe for cardiac output determination.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1967; 8(12):871-8
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Cyclotron produced short-lived radioactive isotopes in nuclear medicine.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1967; 8(5):374
  • Hernandez Jr. A, Goldring D, Ter-Pogossian M, Eiching J. “New technique for determining cardiac output with use of a miniature esophageal scintillation detector.” Circulation. 1967; 35(1):55-60
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Koehler PR, Potchen EJ. “In vivo autoradiography of xenon 133 distribution in the cystic human kidney.” Radiology. 1968; 91(2):358-62
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “The physico-mathematical era of radiology – the impact of modern technology on radiology – the big machines.” Radiology. 1968; 90(5):857-64
  • Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Preparation of short half-lived radioactive gases for medical studies.” Radiation Research. 1968 Dec; 36(3):580-7
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Eichling JO, Davis DO, Welch MJ, Metzger JM. “The determination of regional cerebral blood flow by means of water labeled with radioactive oxygen 15.” Radiology. 1969; 93(1):31-40
  • Carter CC, Eichling JO, Davis DO, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Comparison of the effect of brain disease on regional cerebral blood flow and regional oxygen utilization.” Transactions of the American Neurological Association. 1970; 95:218-9
  • Carter CC, Eichling JO, Davis DO, Ter-Pogossian MM. “The effect of brain pathology on regional cerebral blood flow and oxygen utilizations.” Neurology. 1970; 20(4):409
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Eichling JO, Davis DO, Welch MJ. “The measure in vivo of regional cerebral oxygen utilization by means of oxyhemoglobin labeled with radioactive oxygen-15.” Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1970; 49(2):381-91
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Phelps ME, Grubb Jr. RL, Gado M. “Measure of regional cerebral blood volume in vivo by means of excited fluorescent x-radiation, and factors affecting this parameter.” European Neurology. 1971-1972; 6(1):218-23
  • Ter-Pogossian M. “Introduction to symposium on high LET radiation.” The American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy, and Nuclear Medicine. 1971; 111(1):7-8
  • Peters PE, Ter-Pogossian MM. Results using short-lived cyclotron-produced isotopes in clinical research. Strahlentherapie. Sonderbande. 1972; 72:79-87
  • Carter CC, Eichling JO, Davis DO, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Correlation of regional cerebral blood flow with regional oxygen uptake using 15 O method.” Neurology. 1972; 22(7):755-62
  • Phelps ME, Grubb Jr RL, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Correlation between Pa(Co2) and regional cerebral blood volume by X ray fluorescence.” Journal of Applied Physiology. 1973; 35(2):274-80
  • Phelps ME, Grubb Jr RL, Ter-Pogossian MM. “In vivo regional cerebral blood volume by X ray fluorescence: Validation of method.” Journal of Applied Physiology. 1973; 35(5):741-7
  • Grubb Jr RL, Phelps ME, Raichle ME, Ter-Pogossian MM. “The effects of arterial blood pressure on the regional cerebral blood volume by X ray fluorescence.” Stroke. 1973; 4(3):390-9
  • Raichle ME, Phelps ME, Larson KB, Grubb Jr. RL, Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “In vivo measurement of cerebral glucose metabolism employing 11C-labeled glucose.” Transactions of the American Neurological Association. 1973; 98:11-3
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Phelps ME. “Semiconductor detector systems.” Seminars in Nuclear Medicine. 1973; 3(4):343-65
  • Grubb Jr. RL, Phelps ME, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Regional cerebral blood volume in humans. X-ray fluorescence studies.” Archives of Neurology. 1973; 28(1):38-44
  • Grubb Jr RL, Raichle ME, Eichling JO, Ter-Pogossian MM. “The effects of changes in PaCO2 on cerebral blood volume, blood flow, and vascular mean transit time.” Stroke. 1974; 5(5):630-9
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Phelps ME, Hoffman EJ, Eichling JO. “The extraction of the yet unused wealth of information in diagnostic radiology.” Radiology. 1974; 113(3 I):515-20
  • Eichling JO, Raichle ME, Grubb Jr RL, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Evidence of the limitations of water as a freely diffusible tracer in brain of the rhesus monkey.” Circulation Research. 1974; 35(3):358-64
  • Phelps ME, Ter-Pogossian MM, Hoffman EJ. “A computerized transaxial tomograph for nuclear medicine imaging.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1975; 16(6):558.
  • Phelps ME, Hoffman EJ, Huang SC, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Effect of positron range on spatial resolution.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1975; 16(7):649-52.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Hoffman EJ, Weiss ES. “Positron emission reconstruction tomography for the assessment of regional myocardial metabolism by the administration of substrates labeled with cyclotron produced radionuclides.” Proceedings – Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 1975; 72:277-82.
  • Phelps ME, Hoffman EJ, Mullani NA, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Application of annihilation coincidence detection to transaxial reconstruction tomography.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1975; 16(3):210-24.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Hoffman EJ, Weiss ES, Coleman RE, Phelps ME, Welch MJ, Sobel BE. “Positron emission reconstruction tomography for the assessment of regional myocardial metabolism by the administration of substrates labeled with cyclotron produced radionuclides.” SPIE Semin Proc. 1975; 72:277-82.
  • Phelps ME, Hoffman EJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Attenuation coefficients of various body tissues, fluids, and lesions at photon energies of 18 to 136 keV.” Radiology. 1975; 117(3 I):573-83.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Phelps ME, Hoffman andMullani EJNA. “A positron emission transaxial tomograph for nuclear imaging (PETT).” Radiology. 1975; 114(1):89-98.
  • Eichling JO, Raichle ME, Grubb RL Jr, Larson KB, Ter-Pogossian MM “In vivo determination of cerebral blood volume with radioactive oxygen-15 in the monkey.” Circulation Research. 1975 Dec; 37(6):707-14.
  • Raichle ME, Larson KB, Phelps ME, Grubb RL Jr., Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “In vivo measurement of brain glucose transport and metabolism employing glucose-11C.” The American Journal of Physiology. 1975 Jun; 228(6):1936-48.
  • Gado M, Eichling J, Grubb R, Phelps M, Raichle M, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Appraisal of the angiographic circulation time as an index of cerebral blood flow.” Radiology. 1975 Apr; 115(1):107-12.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Weiss ES, Coleman RE, Sobel BE. “Computed tomography of the heart.” American Journal of Roentgenology. 1976; 127(1):79-90.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “The challenge of computed tomography.” American Journal of Roentgenology. 1976; 127(1):1-2.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Limitations of present radionuclide methods in the evaluation of myocardial ischemia and infarction.” Circulation. 1976; 53(3):I-119-I-121.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Raichle ME, Weiss ES. “The in vivo and regional assessment of cerebral and cardiac infarcts by the combined use of cyclotron produced radionuclides and positron computerized axial tomography.” European Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1976; 1(2).
  • Raichle ME, Grubb Jr. RL, Eichling JO, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Measurement of brain oxygen utilization with radioactive oxygen 15: Experimental verification.” Journal of Applied Physiology. 1976; 40(4):638-40.
  • Jones T, Chesler DA, Ter-Pogossian MM. “The continuous inhalation of Oxygen 15 for assessing regional oxygen extraction in the brain of man.” British Journal of Radiology. 1976; 49(580):339-43.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Troupin RH. “Editorial: Changing of the guard.” American Journal of Roentgenology. 1976; 126(1):188-9.
  • Raichle ME. Grubb RL Jr., Gado MH, Eichling JO, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Correlation between regional cerebral blood flow and oxidative metabolism. In vivo studies in man.” Archives of Neurology. 1976 Aug; 33(8):523-6.
  • Phelps ME, Hoffman EJ, Coleman RE, Welch MJ, Raichle ME, Weiss ES, Sobel BE, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Tomographic images of blood pool and perfusion in brain and heart.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1976 Jul; 17(7):603-12.
  • Weiss ES, Hoffman EJ, Phelps ME, Welch MJ, Henry PD, Ter-Pogossian MM, Sobel BE. “External detection and visualization of myocardial ischemia with 11C-substrates in vitro and in vivo.” Circulation Research. 1976 Jul; 39(1):24-32.
  • Hoffmann EJ, Phelps ME, Mullani NA, Higgins CS, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Design and performance characteristics of a whole-body positron transaxial tomograph.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1976 Jun; 17(6):493-502.
  • Raichle ME, Eichling JO, Straatmann MG, Welch MJ, Larson KB, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Blood-brain barrier permeability of 11C-labeled alcohols and 15O-labeled water.” The American Journal of Physiology. 1976 Feb; 230(2):543-52.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Basic principles of computed axial tomography.” Seminars in Nuclear Medicine. 1977; 7(2):109-27.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Computerized cranial tomography: Equipment and physics.” Seminars in Roentgenology. 1977; 12(1):13-25.
  • Mullani NA, Higgins CS, Hood JT, Currie CM, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Description of PETT IV and its computer system.” Computers in Cardiology. 1977:19-24.
  • Weiss ES, Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM, Sobel BE. “Noninvasive delineation of myocardial infarction in man.” American Journal of Cardiology. 1977; 39(2):316.
  • Eichling JO, Higgins CS, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Determination of radionuclide concentrations with positron CT scanning (PETT): Concise communication.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1977; 18(8):845-7.
  • Eichling JO, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Methodological shortcoming of the 133Xe inhalation technique of measuring rCBF.” Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, Supplement. 1977; 64:464-5.
  • Raichle ME, Larson KB, Higgins CS, Grubb Jr. RL, Eichling JO, Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Three-dimensional in vivo mapping of brain metabolism and acid-base status.” Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, Supplement. 1977; 64:188-9.
  • Sagel SS, Weiss ES, Gillard RG, Hounsfield GN, Jost GT, Stanley RJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Gated computed tomography of the human heart.” Investigative Radiology. 1977 Nov-Dec; 12(6):563-6.
  • Weiss ES, Siegel BA, Sobel BE, Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Evaluation of myocardial metabolism and perfusion with positron-emitting radionuclides.” Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 1977 Nov-Dec; 20(3):191-206.
  • Sobel BE, Weiss ES, Welch MJ, Siegel BA, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Detection of remote myocardial infarction in patients with positron emission transaxial tomography and intravenous 11C-palmitate.” Circulation. 1977 Jun; 55(6):853-7.
  • Welch MJ, Coleman RE, Straatmann MG, Asberry, BE, Primeau JL, Fair WR, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Carbon-11-labeled methylated polyamine analogs: uptake in prostate and tumor in animal models.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1977 Jan; 18(1):74-8.
  • Hoffman EJ, Phelps ME, Weiss ES, Welch MJ, Coleman RE, Sobel BE, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Transaxial tomographic imaging of canine myocardium with 11C-palmitic acid.” J Nucl Med. 1977 Jan; 18(1):57-61.
  • Weiss ES, Ahmed SA, Welch MJ, Williamson JR, Ter-Pogossian MM, Sobel BE. “Quantification of infarction in cross sections of canine myocardium in vivo with positron emission transaxial tomography and 11C-palmitate.” Circulation. 1977 Jan; 55(1):66-73.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Mullani NA, Hood JT. “Design considerations for a positron emission transverse tomograph (PETT V) for imaging of the brain.” Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. 1978; 2(5):539-44.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Computerized positron emission tomography (PET) for the assessment of myocardial integrity.” Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 1978; 167:43-8.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Mullani NA, Hood J. “A multislice positron emission computed tomograph (PETT IV) yielding transverse and longitudinal images.” Radiology. 1978; 128(2):477-84.
  • Raichle ME, Welch MJ, Grubb RL Jr, Higgins CS, Ter-Pogossian MM, Larson KB. “Measurement of regional substrate utilization rates by emission tomography.” Science. 1978 Mar 3; 199(4332):986-7.
  • Raichle ME, Welch MJ, Grubb Jr. RL, Larson KB, Laux BE, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Regional cerebral oxygen utilization with positron emission tomography.” Transactions of the American Neurological Association. 1979; 104:154-6.
  • Markham J, Ter-Pogossian MM, Klein MS, Sobel BE. “Cardiac imaging with **1**1C-palmitate and the PETT IV system.” Computers in Cardiology. 1979:299-302.
  • Mullani NA, Ter-Pogossian MM, Higgins CS, Hood JT, Ficke DC. “Engineering aspects of PETT V.” IEEE Trans Nucl Sci. 1979; NS-26(Part 2):2703-6.
  • Mullani NA, Ficke DC, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Cesium fluoride: A new detector for positron emission tomography.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 1979; NS-27(1):572-5.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Raichle ME, Sobel BE. “Positron-emission tomography.” Scientific American. 1980; 243(4):170-81.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Klein MS, Markham J. “Regional assessment of myocardial metabolic integrity in vivo by position-emission tomography with 11C-labeled palmitate.” Circulation. 1980; 61(2):242-55.
  • Mullani NA, Markham J, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Feasibility of time-of-flight reconstruction in positron emission tomography.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1980; 21(11):1095-7.
  • Sobel BE, Ter-Pogossian MM, Geltman EM. “Positron-emission tomography in cardiac evaluation.” Hospital Practice. 1981; 16(11):93-103.
  • Snyder DL, Thomas Jr. LJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Mathematical model for positron-emission tomography systems having time-of-flight measurements.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 1981; NS-28 (issue 3, pt 2):3575-83.
  • Yamamoto M, Ficke DC, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Performance study of PETT VI, a positron computed tomograph with 288 cesium fluoride detectors.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 1981; NS-29(1):529-33.
  • Ficke DC, Beecher DE, Hoffman GR, Hood JT, Markham J, Mullani NA, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Engineering aspects of PETT VI.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 1981; NS-29(1):474-8.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Special characteristics and potential for dynamic function studies with PET.” Seminars in Nuclear Medicine. 1981; 11(1):13-23.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Mullani NA, Ficke DC. “Photon time-of-flight assisted positron emission tomography.” Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. 1981; 5(2):227-39.
  • Lerch RA, Ambos HD, Bergmann SR, Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM, Sobel BE. “Localization of viable, ischemic myocardium by positron-emission tomography with 11C-palmitate.” Circulation. 1981 Oct; 64(4):689-99.
  • Depresseux JC, Raichle ME, Larson KB, Markham J, Ter-Pogossian MM. “An introduction to the measurement of the cerebral oxygen uptake rate by inhalation of 15O2; analysis of the contribution of 15O2 and H2 15O in brain radioactivity.” European Neurology. 1981; 20(3):207-14.
  • Ter-Pogossian, MM. “Positron emission tomography (PET).” Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Science. 1982:420-4.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Engineering research in medical imaging: A synergistic relationship.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 1982; MI-1(4):206-9.
  • Ter-Pogossian, MM. “Medical imaging by means of positron emission tomography.” IEEE/Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual Conference. 1982:1.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Bergmann SR, Sobel BE. “Influence of cardiac and respiratory motion on tomographic reconstructions of the heart: Implications for quantitative nuclear cardiology.” Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. 1982; 6(6):1148-55.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Positron emission tomography (PET).” Journal of Medical Systems. 1982; 6(6):569-77.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Ficke DC, Yamamoto M, Hood Sr. JT. “Super PETT L: A positron emission tomograph utilizing photon time-of-flight information.” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 1982; MI-1(3):179-87.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Ficke DC, Hood Sr. JT. “PETT VI: A positron emission tomograph utilizing cesium fluoride scintillation detectors.” Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. 1982; 6(1):125-33.
  • Lerch RA, Ambos HD, Bergmann SR, Sobel BE, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Kinetics of positron emitters in vivo characterized with a beta probe.” The American Journal of Physiology. 1982; 242(1):H62-67.
  • Dence CS, Kilbourn MR, Ter-Pogossian MM, Welch MJ. “A remote system for the routine production of uniformly labeled carbon-11 glucose for metabolism studies.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1982; 23(5).
  • Bergmann SR, Lerch RA, Fox KA, Ludbrook PA, Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM, Sobel BE. “Temporal dependence of beneficial effects of coronary thrombolysis characterized by positron tomography.” The American Journal of Medicine. 1982 Oct; 73(4):573-81.
  • Lerch RA, Bergmann SR, Ambos HD, Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM, Sobel BE. “Effect of flow-independent reduction of metabolism on regional myocardial clearance of 11C-palmitate.” Circulation. 1982 Apr; 65(4):731-8.
  • Geltman EM, Biello D, Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM, Roberts R, Sobel BE. “Characterization of nontransmural myocardial infarction by positron-emission tomography.” Circulation. 1982 Apr; 65(4):747-55.
  • Yamamoto M, Ficke DC, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Effect of the software coincidence timing window in time-of-flight assisted positron emission tomography.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 1983; 30(1):711-4.
  • Ficke DC, Beecher DE, Hoffman GR, Holmes TJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Recent developments in image reconstruction using a time-of-flight-assisted positron emission tomograph: Super PETT I.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 1983; NS-31(1):605-8.
  • Evens RG, Siegel BA, Welch MJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Cost analyses of positron emission tomography for clinical use.” American Journal of Roentgenology. 1983; 141(5):1073-6.
  • Bergmann SR, Fox KAA, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Clot-selective coronary thrombolysis with tissue-type plasminogen activator.” Science. 1983; 220(4602):1181-3.
  • Raichle ME, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Pet scan controversy.” Science. 1984; 224(4652):934.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Ficke DC. “Re: Time-of-flight positron-emission tomography status relative to conventional PET.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1984; 25(1):136-8.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Ficke DC, Mintun MA. “Dynamic cerebral positron emission tomographic studies.” Annals of Neurology. 1984; 15(Suppl. 1):S46-7.
  • Sobel BE, Geltman EM, Tiefenbrunn AJ, Jaffe AS, Spadaro JJ Jr., Ter-Pogossian MM, Collen D, Ludbrook PA. “Improvement of regional myocardial metabolism after coronary thrombolysis induced with tissue-type plasminogen activator or streptokinase.” Circulation. 1984 May; 69(5):983-90.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “PET, SPECT, and NMRI: Competing or complementary disciplines?” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1985; 26(12):1487-98.
  • Schuster DP, Mintun MA, Green MA, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Regional lung water and hematocrit determined by positron emission tomography.” Journal of Applied Physiology. 1985; 59(3):860-8.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Herscovitch P. “Radioactive oxygen-15 in the study of cerebral blood flow, blood volume, and oxygen metabolism.” Seminars in Nuclear Medicine. 1985; 15(4):377-94.
  • Politte DG, Hoffman GR, Beecher DE, Ficke DC, Holmes TJ, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Image-reconstruction of data from Super PETT I: A first-generation time-of-flight positron-emission tomograph.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 1985; NS-33(1).
  • Mintun MA, Ter-Pogossian MM, Green MA. “Quantitative measurement of regional pulmonary blood flow with positron emission tomography.” Journal of Applied Physiology. 1986; 60(1):317-26.
  • Schuster DP, Marklin GF, Mintun MA, Ter-Pogossian MM. “PET measurement of regional lung density: 1.” Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. 1986; 10(5):723-9.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Assessment of the Roles of Positron Emission Tomography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging.” Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 1986; 9(1):10-7.
  • Walsh MN, Bergmann SR, Steele RL, Kenzora JL, Ter-Pogossian MM, Sobel BE, Geltman EM. “Delineation of impaired regional myocardial perfusion by positron emission tomography with H2 15O.” Circulation. 1988; 78(3 I):612-20.
  • Welch MJ, Katzenellenbogen JA, Mathias CJ, Brodack JW, Carlson KE, Chi DY, Dence CS, Kilbourn MR, Perlmutter JS, Raichle ME, Ter-Pogossian MM. “N-(3[18F]fluoropropyl)-spiperone: The preferred 18F labeled spiperone analog for positron emission tomographic studies of the dopamine receptor.” Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 1988; 15(1):83-97.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “The origins of positron emission tomography.” Seminars in Nuclear Medicine. 1992; 22(3):140-9.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM. “Misalignment between PET transmission and emission scans: Effect on myocardial imaging.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1992; 33(6):1214-5.
  • Kuten A, Roval HD, Griffeth LK, Mintum MA, Perez CA, Wasserman TH, Ter-Pogossian MM. “Positron emission tomography in the study of acute radiation effects on renal blood flow in dogs.” International Urology and Nephrology. 1992; 24(5):527-9.
  • Ter-Pogossian MM, Ficke DC, Beecher DE, Hoffman GR, Bergmann SR. “The super PET 3000-E: A PET scanner designed for high count rate cardiac applications.” Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. 1994; 18(4):661-9.
  • Ficke, DC.; Ter-Pogossian, MM.; Miyaoka, RS.; Lewellen, TK. “GSO(ce) block type detector for high count rate PET applications.” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference. 1995; 4:1859-63.
  • Ficke DC, Hood JT, Ter-Pogossian MM. “A spheroid positron emission tomograph for brain imaging: A feasibility study.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 1996; 37(7):1219-25.


  • доктор физико-математических наук
  • почетный доктор медицинских наук
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  • Societe Francaise de Medecine Nucleaire et de Biophysique («Золотая Медаль», Франция)
  • «Gairdner» (1993, почётная награда, Канада)
  • Пожизненная Награжда Академии Наук Сэнт Луиса (США)
  • «Пионер Ядерной Медицины» Общества Ядерной Медицины Джорджа Чарльза де Хевеси (Georg Charles de Hevesy)
  • Награда Paul C. Aebersold
