Дорфман-Лазарев Игорь

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Дорфман-Лазарев Игорь
Лазарев-Дорфман Игорь.jpg
На французском: Igor DORFMANN-LAZAREV
Дата рождения: 18.04.1968
Место рождения: Москва
Краткая информация:
Преподаватель Департамента теологии и религии Центра по изучению Древнего Средиземноморья и Ближнего Востока Даремского университета (Англия)


Родился в Москве 18 апреля 1968 года.

Поступила в аспирантуру EPHE (Сорбонна) в 2002 году, а в 2009 году защитил докторскую диссертацию.

Преподавал библейские языки и историю восточного христианства в университетах Рима, Монпелье и Дарем.

Монография «Armenians and Byzantines at the time of Photius» была удостоена премии Французской академии.



  • Christ in Armenian Tradition: Doctrine, Apocrypha, Art (Sixth–Tenth Centuries) [The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies; monographic issue], (Leuven: Peeters, 2016), contains 21 plates.
  • Arméniens et Byzantins à l’époque de Photius : Deux débats théologiques après le Triomphe de l’orthodoxie (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, vol. 609; Subsidia, tom. 117), Leuven: Peeters 2004, XX+326 pp.

Recensions: St Vladimir Theological Review 49 (2005), 477‒481; Journal of Ecclesiastical History 57 (2006), 566‒567; Revue des Études Arméniennes 30 (2005‒2007), 484‒486; Eĵmiacin 2009/6, 116‒126

Citations: A. Louth, in Byzantine Style, Religion and Civilization, ed. E. Jeffreys (Cambridge 2006), 209, 218; Id., Greek East and Latin West. The Church AD 681‒1071 (Crestwood 2007), 189‒192; I. Augé, Églises en dialogue: Arméniens et Byzantins dans la seconde moitié du XIIe siècle (Leuven 2011), XII‒XIII, 96‒97, 134, 212; A. & J.-P. Mahé, Histoire de l’Arménie des origines à nos jours (Paris 2012), p. 97 n. 161, p. 122 n. 38

В сборниках

  • ‘The Cave of the Nativity Revisited: Memory of the Primæval Beings in the Armenian Lord’s Infancy and Cognate Sources’ (edited texts, critical study, illustration), in Mélanges Jean-Pierre MAHÉ (Travaux et Mémoires; vol. 18), eds A. MARDIROSSIAN, A. OUZOUNIAN and C. ZUCKERMAN, Paris: Association des Amis du Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, 2014, pp. 285‒334 (182 000 signs).
  • ‘Возвращение в рождественскую пещеру: Память первозданного человечества в армянском Писании о детстве Господнем и в родственных источниках’, in: Miscellanea Orientalia Christiana. Восточнохристианское разнообразие, eds. N. N. SELEZNEV and Yu. N. ARŽANOV (Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies / Bochum, Ruhr Universität, Seminar für Orientalistik und Islamwissenschaft: 2014), pp. 149‒184.
  • ‘Travels and Studies of Stephen of Siwnik‛ (c.685–735): Redefining Armenian Orthodoxy Under Islamic Rule’, in: Heresy and the Making of European Culture. Medieval and Modern Perspectives, eds. A.P. ROACH and J.R. SIMPSON (Farnham: Ashgate 2013), pp. 355‒381.
  • ‘La risposta di Giacomo di Nisibi ad Aristace’ (annotated translation), in: Afraate, Le esposizioni (Testi del Vicino Oriente antico), vol. I, ed. G. LENZI (Brescia: Paideia 2012), pp. 65–66.
  • ‘La transmission de l’apocryphe de l’Enfance de Jésus en Arménie’, in: Jesus in apokryphen Evangelienüberlieferungen. Beiträge zu außerkanonischen Jesusüberlieferungen aus verschiedenen Sprach- und Kulturtraditionen (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament; 254), eds. J. FREY and J. SCHRÖTER (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2010), pp. 557–582.
  • ‘Chiese non-calcedonesi’, in: Dizionario del sapere storico-religioso del Novecento, ed. A. MELLONI (Bologna: Il Mulino 2010), pp. 515–534.
  • Entries: ‘Christianity in Armenia’, ‘Genocide of Armenians’, ‘Gregory the Illuminator’, ‘Mesrop Mashtots’, ‘Moses of Khoren’, ‘Nersês Shnorhali’, in: The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, ed. D. PATTE (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2010), pp. 73–74, 484, 777, 842, 861.
  • ‘L’Ermete armeno: un catechismo. Ermete il Tre-volte-grande ad Asclepio «Definizioni»’ (annotated translation, introduction, lexicon), in: La rivelazione segreta di Ermete Trismegisto (Foundation ‘Lorenzo Valla’; Scrittori Greci e Latini), ed. P. SCARPI, vol. I (Milan: A. Mondadori 2009), pp. 3–23, 393–406.
  • ‘Silence, Intellect and Discourse in the Quest for the True Teaching: Reflections on Hermes Trismegistos’s «Definitions»’, in: Encounter between Eastern Orthodoxy and Radical Orthodoxy: Transfiguring the World through the Word, eds. A. PABST and CH. SCHNEIDER (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate 2009), pp. 176–184.
  • ‘Exploration of the Kazakh Steppes and Semireč’e in Russia from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century’, in: Kazakhstan: Religions and Society in the History of Central Eurasia, eds. G.L. BONORA, N. PIANCIOLA and P. SARTORI (Turin: U. Allemandi 2009), pp. 179–198.
  • ‘Beyond Empire I: Eastern Christianities from the Persian to the Turkish Conquest, 604-1071’, in: Cambridge History of Christianity, vol. 3 (Early Medieval Christianities), eds. J.M.H. SMITH and T.F.X. NOBLE (Cambridge: University Press 2008), pp. 65–85, 658‒665.
  • ‘Nazionalismo e religione nella dinamica del Genocidio degli armeni (1915-1916)’, in: Il crimine dei crimini. Stermini di massa nel Novecento, eds. F. BERTI and F. CORTESE (Milan: Franco Angeli Edizioni 2008), pp. 64–84.
  • ‘«Manto terrestre dell’immagine solare»: Note sul linguaggio cristologico di Gregorio di Narek’, in: Saint Grégoire de Narek: théologien et mystique (Orientalia Christiana Analecta, vol. 275), eds. J.-P. MAHÉ and B. L. ZEKIYAN (Rome: PIO 2006), pp. 113–138.
  • ‘The Apostolic Foundation Stone: the Conception of Orthodoxy in the Controversy between Photius of Constantinople and Isaac Surnamed Mŕut (882)’, in: Byzantine Orthodoxies, eds. A. LOUTH and A. CASIDAY (Aldershot: Ashgate 2006), pp. 179–198.
  • Contributions to the Catalogue of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mediterranean Area From the 11th to the 15th Century, eds. E. GUIDOBONI and A. COMASTRI (Rome: Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia 2005), passim.
  • ‘The Royal Road and the Via Media at the Armeno-Syro-Byzantine Council of Shirakawan, 862/3’, in: The Armenians in Jerusalem and the Holy Land (Hebrew University Armenian Studies; vol. 4), eds. M. STONE and R. ERVINE (Leuven: Peeters 2002), pp. 61–79.
  • ‘Ասորի ուղղափառ եկեղեցի’ [Syrian Orthodox Church], in: K‘ristonya Hayastan. Hanragitaran [Christian Armenia: Encyclopaedic Dictionary], eds. K. Khudaverdian, M. Hasratian and Sh. Adjemian (Yerevan: Armenian Encyclopaedia Press 2002), pp. 85–88.
  • Armenian martyrologies of the 14th–18th cc.: ‘Amenawag di Derjan’, ‘Barunak di Amid’, ‘Gabriele di Galata’, ‘Giovanni di Xlat‘’, ‘Gregorio Cerenc‘’ di Xlat‘’, ‘Gregorio di Karin’, ‘Gregorio III Pahlawuni’, ‘Isacco di Tabriz’, ‘Melchisedec e Karapet di Van’, ‘Mirak‘ di Tabriz’, ‘Paronloys di Teodosia’, ‘Sayat-Nova’, ‘Stefano Vardapet, Pietro di Xizan, Stefano di Sorb’, ‘Yimar di Van’, in: Enciclopedia dei santi: le chiese orientali (Biblioteca Sanctorum Orientalium), eds. J.-N. Canellas et al., Rome: Città Nuova 1998‒1999), vol. I, coll. 135, 369, 951–952, 1126–1127; vol. II, coll. 82, 85, 134–135, 246–247, 477, 538, 788–789, 943–944, 1115, 1359–1360.

Статьи в рецензируемых периодических изданий

  • ‘Rückkehr zur Geburtsgrotte. Eine Untersuchung des armenischen Berichts über die Kindheit des Herrn’, in: Theologie der Gegenwart, 56/1, (2013), pp. 30‒43.
  • ‘Studies of Armenian Christian Tradition in the Twentieth Century’, in: Annual of Medieval Studies at Central European University 18 (2012), pp. 137‒152.
  • ‘Sayat-Nova (c.1712-1795): hortus conclusus di un menestrello del Caucaso’, in: Revue des Études Arméniennes 29 (2003–2004), pp. 89–98.
  • ‘La découverte de la kénose de Dieu par la « Pensée faible » : La religion dans l’œuvre de G. Vattimo’, in: Istina 49/4 (2004), pp. 361–377.
  • ‘Ասորական քրիստոնեական մշակույթը և միաբնակ եկեղեցիների ծագումը’ [Syriac Christian Culture and Formation of the non-Chalcedonian Churches], in: Lraber hasarakakan gitut‘yunneri [Journal of Social Studies], 2004/2 (Yerevan), pp. 84–92.
  • ‘La « Pâque d’Égypte » et la « Pâque de Jérusalem » : L’herméneutique de l’Exode dans les traditions chrétienne et rabbinique selon I.Y. Yuval’, in: Istina 48/4 (2003), pp. 359–373.
  • In collaboration with A. Vernitski, ‘The Ambiguity of Religious References in A. Platonov’s Впрок (For Future Use)’, in: Australian Slavonic and East European Studies (Formely Melbourne Slavonic Studies) 17/1–2 (2003), pp. 101–121.
  • ‘Icône, page blanche et le Carré noir: à propos des recherches sur l’iconographie de M.-J. Mondzain’ (discussion), in: Istina 45/ 3 (2000), pp. 269–274.


  • ‘Robert W. Thomson, Nerses of Lambron. Commentary on the Revelation of Saint John’ (comprehensive review), in: Le Muséon 122/1–2 (2009), pp. 231–236.
  • ‘A. M. Bruni, Теологос: древнеславянские кодексы Слов Григория Назианзина и их византийские прототипы (I codici slavi antichi delle Orazioni di Gregorio di Nazianzo e i loro prototipi bizantini)’ (review), in: Le Muséon 118/3–4 (2005), pp. 401–402.

Научный перевод и редактирование

  • Translation from Armenian and editing of: Zh. Khachatrian, ‘Artaxata, Capitale dell’Armenia antica, II s. a.C. – IV s. d.C.’, in: Ai piedi dell’Ararat: Artaxata e l’Armenia ellenistico-romana, ed. A. INVERNIZZI (Florence: Le lettere 1998), pp. 95–158.

Contributions accepted and forthcoming

  • ‘Council of Širakawan ‒ 862’ (critical text, annotated translation and historical introduction), in: Conciliorum œcumenicorum generaliumque decreta. editio critica (Corpus christianorum; special series) vol. V, eds A. Melloni et al. (Turnhout: Brepols);
  • ‘Infanzia del Signore armena’ (annotated translation and introduction), in: Le parole dimenticate di Gesù. II (La tradizione copta e orientale), eds. T. ORLANDI and A. CAMPLANI (Milan: Mondadori; Foundation Lorenzo Valla). (50 pages)
  • ‘Christ’s ‘Being’ and ‘Activity’: Some Aspects of the Development of the Armenian Christological Vocabulary Between the Fifth and the Eleventh Centuries’, in: Cristianesimo nella storia (special issue dedicated to the Non-Chalcedonian Churches), 2015. (20 pages)

Популяризация научных исследований

  • ‘À la découverte des Chrétiens des Trois Conciles’, in: Historia (Numéro Thématique) 82 (2003), pp. 60–67. (Synoptic history of the miaphysite churches)
  • ‘Christologie de l’Église d’Arménie’, in: Le Monde de la Bible 136 (2001), p. 32. (Analysis of the Armenian creedal formulae). Italian version, in: Il mondo della Bibbia 91/1 (2008), p. 32.
  • ‘Présence arménienne en Terre sainte’, in: Le Monde de la Bible 136 (2001), pp. 44–47 (History of the Armenian settlements in the Holy Land).

Читаемые курсы

  • 2013/2014 (Spring semester) and 2014/15 (Autumn semester):Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. MA level: ‘Introduction into Classical Armenian’.
  • 2013/2014 (Autumn semester): Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. MA level: ‘History of Armenia from the Origins to the Kingdom of Armenian Cilicia’.
  • 2012/2013 (Spring semester): Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. MA level: ‘History of Christianity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Before the Rise of Islam’.
  • 2009/2010 -- 2011/12: SOAS, University of London. BA level: ‘Introduction to Armenian History’; ‘Major Themes of Armenian Culture’. BA level, shared teaching: History of Byzantine Christianity; History of Oriental Christianities; Literatures of the Near East.
  • 2008/2009: Università Sant Anselmo, Rome. MA level: ‘Major Themes of Byzantine Theology’; supervision of MA theses.
  • 2006/2007 – 2007/8: Durham University. BA level: ‘Christianity and the Rise of Islam’ (1st year); ‘Christianity in Late Antiquity’ (2nd year); ‘Introduction to Oriental Christianities’ (3rd year). Examiner in the following subjects: Aramaic, Syriac, History of post-Biblical Judaism (2nd and 3rd years of BA).
  • 2004/2005 – 2005/2006: Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier. BA level: ‘History of Christianity in the Middle Ages: Byzantium and Near East’; ‘History of Christianity in the Middle Ages: Western Europe’.
  • 2004/2005 – 2005/2006: Università Tor Vergata, Rome. BA level: biennial module ‘Hebrew Language and Literature’. Programme of the course: history of the Hebrew language and script from the origins until the present; teaching of the language.
  • 2001/2002 -- 2003/2004: Università La Sapienza, Rome. BA and MA levels: triennial module ‘Hebrew Language and Literature’. Programme of the course: history of Hebrew language in the framework of Semitic languages; history of script in the Semitic and Mediterranean world; rebirth of Hebrew from the Enlightenment to the twentieth c.; history of Hebrew literature; Hebrew grammar; guided reading and commentary of texts chosen from Mediaeval and Modern literature.
  • 2002/2003 – 2003/2004: Institut de théologie orthodoxe Saint-Serge, Paris. BA level: ‘From Apostolic Fathers to Irenaeus of Lyons’ (1st year); ‘Biblical Hebrew’ (2nd year). Licentiate and PhD: ‘Doctrinal Development of the non-Chalcedonian Churches (5th-9th cc.)’. Teaching in the framework of the programme Formation théologique par correspondance.


  • Ph.D. (2002, Diplôme de docteur)
  • Habilitation (2009, соответствует российской докторской степени)

Членство в научных организациях

  • Société Asiatique de France
  • Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes ( A.I.E.A. )
  • Syriaca ( Société italienne d’études syriaques )




  • E-mail :lazarev@soas.ac.uk