Papazian Library

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Версия от 18:51, 2 октября 2007; Sayadov (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: Papazian Library Welcome to Papazian Library! The Papazian Library came into existence in 1991 when AUA was established. It is named after the ...)
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Papazian Library

Welcome to Papazian Library!

The Papazian Library came into existence in 1991 when AUA was established. It is named after the Papazian family, a generous benefactor of the American University of Armenia. For the past 14 years the Library has evolved at a rapid pace, implementing contemporary methods of management and technology. Since its humble beginnings, the Library has grown in capacity and readership, currently housing 28,000 volumes and to serve over 9,000 members. What began as a single unit has now evolved into a small network with the Legal Research Center and the Krikor Soghikian Public Health Reference Room.

The AUA Library not only serves the students, faculty and staff of the University, but also students, scholars from other institutions and the community at large. It is an entirely new type of a library in Armenia, one with open stack services.For the first time in the history of Armenian libraries, patrons are able to approach the stacks and browse the shelves.

Papazian Library aims to provide its services in a spirit of cooperation and knowledge dissemination to all. Please visit us and get to know us.

Satenik (Bella) Avakian Library Director