Малхасян Ованнес (художник)
Малхасян Ованнес*
1952 Born in Yerevan, Armenia.
1975 Graduated from the Design Departament of the Yerevan Institute of Fine Arts and Theatre.
1986 Member of the Artists Union of the Republic of Armenia.
1995 Member of the Designers Union of Armenia.
1995 Member of < Designers Union> international Association.
1999 Docent of the Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts.
1996 participated in republican and international exhibitions 1981 Czechoslovakia
1988 Hungary
1989 USA
1991 USA
1992 Moscow
1993 Moscow (individual ex.)
1993 Czechoslovakia (individual ex.)
1999 Italy
H. Malkhasyan's works are kept by private collectioners (Yerevan, France, Czechoslovakia, Moscow, Germany, USA, Italy, Ciprus).