Аскарян Роберт Иосифович

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Askaryan Robert

Аскарян Роберт

Askaryan Robert

Аскарян Роберт. Скульптор из Нагорно-Карабахской республики. Принимал участие в международном симпозиуме по скульптуре, проводимом в бразильском городе Брускве. Был награжден наряду с 10-ю лучшими скульпторами. В симпозиуме принимали участие 184 скульптора из разных стран мира.


Azg/arm 20 Jan 05

Recently, Robert Askarian, a sculptor from Nagorno Karabakh, participated in the international symposium of sculpture organized in the Brazilian city of Bruskve. He was awarded among the best 10 sculptures. It is worth mentioning that 184 sculptures arrived in this Brazilian city from various countries of the world to participate in the symposium.

Robert Askarian's "The Angels' Rendezvous" sculpture was chosen among the other works and passed to another stage. Robert Askarian was proud and delighted to represent Artsakh, an internationally unrecognized country, among the other countries of the world.

In 2004, the sculpture created by Robert Askarian and dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of "The Book of Mournful Songs" by Grigor Narekatsi was set in Kaunas, Lithuania. The sculptor was awarded NKR's annual award after Yeghishe Charents by the end of 2004.

The sculptor stated at the press conference that the participants and the organizers of the symposium highly estimated the Armenian culture and he was proud of representing his nation abroad.

We are hopeful that "The Angels' Rendezvous" by Robert Askarian will be given a higher prize during the conclusion of the symposium's results this summer in Brazil.

By Kim Gabrielian in Stepanakert

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Categories: Armenian Individuals http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title=Robert_Askaryan

Robert Askaryan

Роберт Аскарян Совсем недавно Роберт Аскарян скульптор из Нагорного-Карабаха принял участие в международном симпозиуме скульпторов, организованного в бразильском городе Брускве. Он был награжден в ряду десяти лучших. Участники из 184 стран съехались в бразильский город с разных стран для участия в симпозиуме. Роберт Аскаряну выпала честь представлять Арцах, непризнанную республику среди других стран мира. По окончанию симпозиума "Ангелы рандеву" Роберта Аскаряна была удостоена высшей награды.


Azg/arm 20 Jan 05

Recently, Robert Askarian, a sculptor from Nagorno Karabakh, participated in the international symposium of sculpture organized in the Brazilian city of Bruskve. He was awarded among the best 10 sculptures. It is worth mentioning that 184 sculptures arrived in this Brazilian city from various countries of the world to participate in the symposium.

Robert Askarian's "The Angels' Rendezvous" sculpture was chosen among the other works and passed to another stage. Robert Askarian was proud and delighted to represent Artsakh, an internationally unrecognized country, among the other countries of the world.

In 2004, the sculpture created by Robert Askarian and dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of "The Book of Mournful Songs" by Grigor Narekatsi was set in Kaunas, Lithuania. The sculptor was awarded NKR's annual award after Yeghishe Charents by the end of 2004.

The sculptor stated at the press conference that the participants and the organizers of the symposium highly estimated the Armenian culture and he was proud of representing his nation abroad.

We are hopeful that "The Angels' Rendezvous" by Robert Askarian will be given a higher prize during the conclusion of the symposium's results this summer in Brazil.

By Kim Gabrielian in Stepanakert

This article contains text from a source with a copyright. Please help us by extracting the factual information and eliminating the rest in order to keep the site in accordance to fair use standards. You can help Armeniapedia by editing it.
