Сафрастян Рубен Арамович
Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
Safrastian Ruben
Сафрастян Рубен
Ruben Safrastian
Prof. Ruben Safrastyan, Ph.D. is a Professor of International Relations at Acharyan University in Yerevan, Armenia. He's also the Director of the Department of Turkish Studies at Institute of Oriental Studies, Armenian National Academy of Sciences. In the past, he served as a Counselor of the Armenian Embassy in Germany and was the Deputy Director of the Department of Political Analysis for the Office of the President of Armenia.
Categories: Armenian Individuals
ЗАВ.ОТДЕЛОМ ТУРЦИИ ИНСТИТУТА ВОСТОКОВЕДЕНИЯ НАН РА РУБЕН САФРАСТЯН Ноев Ковчег. Информационно-аналитическая газета армянской диаспоры стран СНГ. N 3 (61) Апрель 2003 года http://www.noev-kovcheg.ru/index.asp?n=61