Сасунян Арут

Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Sassounian Harut

Сасуньян Арут

Harut Sassounian

Sassounian's popular weekly opinion column is widely printed across Armenian press. Published in California State of the USA. An Armenian activist and lobbyist. The editor-in-chief and Publisher of The California Courier newspaper. The founder of the United Armenian Fund. The deputy Chairman of the Lincy Foundation. [edit] The Activist

Harut Sassounian at Hai Tad Evening in ANCA Los Angeles Times "Crusading on a Wing and a Prayer" September 3, 1998 SENATOR BARBARA BOXER AND PUBLISHER HARUT SASSOUNIAN ADDRESS BAY AREA ANC "HAI TAD EVENING" Armenia-Diaspora Conference: A Global Family Reunion Club of Young Diplomats to host Harut Sassounian, Publisher of The California Courier HARUT SASSOUNIAN: WE SHOULD BE CONSISTENT IN ARMENIAN CAUSE 13-05-2004 OSKANIAN RESPONDS TO COLUMN ON DAVID PHILLIPS 08-06-2004 L.A. WEEKLY APOLOGY TO ARMENIAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY 13-04-2004 IFC Sponsors Armenia Investor Conference in New YorkMay 9-12, 2001 [edit] The Journalist State Dept. Should Pay a Price For Dismissing Amb. Evans 29-06-2006 VP Leaves PBS after Providing Airtime to Genocide Deniers 22-06-2006 Krekorian Wins Election Despite Vicious Anti-Armenian Hate Mail 15-06-2006 Interview on UPN (KCOP-TV)On the Armenian Genocide 08-06-2006 Senate Should Hold up Confirmation Of Amb. Evans? Replacement 01-06-2006 Turkey Fails to Defeat French Bill Despite Threats and Blackmail 25-05-2006 Turkey Declares Diplomatic War On France on Armenian Genocide Law 18-05-2006 Pres. Kocharian Says Today’s Turkey Is Responsible for the Genocide 11-05-2006 Turkish Consul Exposes True Colors By Insulting Armenians on April 24 04-05-2006 FOX-TV Airs Armenian Genocide Program 27-04-2006 ‘We Will Remember not the Words of our Enemies, but the Silence of our Friends’ 20-04-2006 Those Who Live in Glass Houses Should not Throw Stones… 13-04-2006 Media Criticism Pushes State Dept. To Respond to Armenian Concerns 06-04-2006 USC Cancels Forum For Genocide Deniers 30-03-2006 PBS Forced Producer to Revise Content of Genocide Documentary 23-03-2006 Widespread Outrage Over News of U.S. Ambassador Evans’ Recall 16-03-2006 Ambassador Evans to be Recalled For Acknowledging the Genocide 09-03-2006 VP of PBS Should Be Dismissed For Insulting Armenians 02-03-2006 World Media Reports Outrage Of 10,000 Viewers Against PBS 23-02-2006 PBS Acknowledges Armenian Genocide In Response to Petition and E-mails 16-02-2006 Boycott PBS Stations that Air "Balancing" Panel on Genocide 09-02-2006 Reference to Genocide Deleted From AXA Insurance Settlement 02-02-2006 Turks Planning To Honor Talaat Are Turkey's Worst Enemies 26-01-2006 Genocide Documentary: Rare Footage, Great Interviews, Some Shortcomings 19-01-2006 Prof. Gocek Threatens to Sue Turks Who Sent Her Hate Mail 12-01-2006 One Man’s Views and New Year’s Wishes for 2006 25-12-2005 Armenian Foreign Minister Reacts Poorly to Iran’s Denial of Holocaust 22-12-2005 No One Should Have Been Surprised By the Latest Questionable Election 15-12-2005 Lemkin Discusses Armenian Genocide In Newly-Found 1949 CBS Interview 08-12-2005 Major Newspapers in US & Canada Acknowledge the Armenian Genocide 01-12-2005 New Revelations Contradict TIME’s Claims on Turkish DVD 24-11-2005 Turkish Scholars Are Accused of Being Paid off by Armenians 17-11-2005 Turkish Scholars Expect Turkey To Acknowledge Genocide by 2015 10-11-2005 Turks Threaten Turkish Professors For Speaking at UCLA Conference 03-11-2005 Sen. Obama vs. Speaker Hastert:Integrity vs. Immorality 27-10-2005 TIME Prints Full-Page Letter To Rectify Turkish DVD Flap 20-10-2005 Armenians Should Squeeze Concessions Out of Turkey During EU Negotiations 13-10-2005 French Insurance Co. Agrees to Pay $17 Million to Genocide Heirs 03-10-2005 Turkish Society Split on Genocide, The EU, and Many Other Issues 26-09-2005 Truth Defeats Turkey, State Dept., Turkish & Jewish Lobbying Groups 22-09-2005 L.A. Times Retracts its Reference To “Alleged Slaying of Armenians” 15-09-2005 Threatened by Legal Action, TIME Apologizes for Offending Armenians 08-09-2005 Speaker Hastert Should Come Clean By Disclosing All Contributions 01-09-2005 Turks Scare Themselves by Claiming Armenians Spend Millions on Lobbying 25-08-2005 Turks Try to Intimidate This Writer By Threatening Him with Lawsuit 18-08-2005 TIME’s Chief Editor Claims Magazine Was Duped by Turks 01-08-2005 SWITZERLAND DETAINS TURKISH POLITICIAN FOR DENYING THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE 26-07-2005 What Did Kocharian Actually Say About Demanding Territories from Turkey? 22-07-2005 Regarding the EU, Turkey Should Be ‘Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride’ 07-07-2005 Armenians Should Teach Time Magazine a Lesson 30-06-2005 German Parliament Deals Fatal Blow To Turkish Denial of Genocide 23-06-2005 Rescinding of “Dissent” Award Triggers International Uproar 16-06-2005 Foreign Service Agency Wrongly Withdraws Award from Amb. Evans 09-06-2005 Turks Cause Worldwide Outcry By Canceling Genocide Conference 02-06-2005 Turkey’s Prime Minister is Top Publicist for Armenian Genocide 26-05-2005 Turkish Writer Shames Ankara For Denial of Armenian Genocide 19-05-1005 Armenia’s Leaders Should not Allow A Turkish Spin on Their Messages 12-05-2005 Millions of People Worldwide Learn about Armenian Genocide 05-05-2005 Pres. Bush’s April 24 Statement…From Bad to Worse 28-04-2005 Some Surprises Turks Did Not Expect In Anticipating Armenian Tsunami 21-04-2005 Turkish Leaders Going Berserk With Anti-Genocide Obsession 14-04-2005 Articles Flood the Media On the Eve of 90th Anniversary 07-04-2005 Turks Are Biggest Boosters of 90th Anniversary Commemoration 31-03-2005 Pastor Shocks Turkish TV Viewers By Bold Remarks On Genocide 24-03-2005 Leaders Try to Keep Country Afloat As Turkey Sinks into More Turmoil 17-03-2005 Jewish Defense League Demands Recognition of Armenian Genocide 10-03-2005 US Ambassador Asked to Clarify Comments on Genocide & Karabagh 03-03-2005 Turks Attempt to Use Armenians In Anti-Genocide Propaganda TURKS IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AS PERPETRATORS OF THE GENOCIDE 12-05-2004 TURKS COMPLAIN TO THE N. Y. TIMES 12-05-2004

Categories: Armenian Individuals
