Степан Бедрос X Азарян

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Степан Бедрос X Азарьян

STEPAN BEDROS X Azarian (Ep) (1881-1899)



THE EARLY YEARS AND THE FORMATION OF THE PARISHES Armenian Catholics have been living in the New York area for many decades before they had an Armenian Catholic bishop in this country. In fact, as early as the year 1896, and upon the order of His Beatitude Stepan-Bedros X Azarian, the first Armenian Catholic priest, in the person of Msgr. Mardiros Megerian, arrived here as pastor of Armenian Catholics of the New York area. Later, the same priest was nominated as Patriarchal Vicar for the USA, an assignment which he faithfully carried out until 1921. Msgr. Megerian was especially instrumental in helping out the survivors of the Armenian Genocide (1915-1921,) who fled to this country.

АРМЯНСКАЯ КАТОЛИЧЕСКАЯ ЦЕРКОВЬ Патриархи католических армян. Степан Бедрос X 1881-99