Зобян Бердж Ара

Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
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Зобьян Бердж Ара

Zobian Berge Ara

Berge Ara Zobian Бердж Ара Зобьян Photographing people has been a lifelong passion for Bérge. From the time he held his first camera he has felt an affinity for it. A keen observer of the human condition, Bérge strives to bring truth and beauty to every image he creates. After many years of freelance work, world travel and a formal education, (including advanced degrees in Sociology and Photography), Bérge settled in Providence, Rhode Island in 1983 to concentrate on studio work. He specializes in headshots, fashion, advertising and editorial photography. With personal and professional growth, Bérge decided to add wedding photography to his extensive repertoire. Having experience in his early career photographing events for social, political and religious organizations has enabled Bérge to bring a warm, spontaneous documentary style to the portrayal of a day full of emotion and activity. One glance at a sample from his prolific body of work shows the quality, care and artistry by which Bérge's reputation has been established. http://www.bergezobian.com/