Геворкян Ваган
Материал из Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
Версия от 00:00, 15 января 2001; (обсуждение)
Gevorkian Vahan
Геворкян Ваган
Forsh (Vahan Gevorkian) Форш (Ваган Геворкян) is one of the biggest names in Armenian pop music today. Songwriter, musician, singer, author of so many famous melodic tunes such as the big hit "Khent Agchik" (Crazy girl), "Du norits ekel es" (You've come again) or "Es uzum em imanal" (I want to know), "Hents ayspes el aprum enq" (We live just like this) and many more.