Хачикян Эдуард Еремович

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Хачикян Эдуард Еремович
6881 1.png
Дата рождения: 16.11.1928
Место рождения: Ереван, Армения
Краткая информация:
Астрофизик. Академик НАН РА. Профессор ЕГУ, главный специалисти научный руководитель группы В.АМБАРЦУМЯНА Бюраканской астрофизической Обсерватория (БАО)


Родился 16 декабря 1928 в Ереване.

В 1951 - окончил ЕГУ.

1980-1985 - декан ЕГУ.

1988-1993, 1999-2003 - директор Бюраканской астрофизической обсерватории.

С 2003 - заведующий отделом Бюраканской астрофизической обсерватории.

Сфера исследований

Газовые и пылевые туманности, кометарные туманности, поляризация туманностей, звездные ассоциации и сверхассоциации, внегалактическая астрономия, активные галактики, сейфертовские галактики и галактики с ультрафиолетовым избытком.


  • "On the polarization of Crab Nebula",1955,Dokl.Acad.Sci.Armenia, v.21, 63
  • "On the shine of IC 432 nebula", 1956, Dokl.Acad.Sci.Armenia, v.23, 49
  • "On the shine of IC 432 nebula", 1956, Non-stable stars, ( Publ.Acad.Sci.Armenia Yerevan)
  • "The measuring of polarization and colour of nebulae NGC 7023 and NGC 2023, 1957, Proceed. Acad. Sci. Armenia, v. 10,107
  • "On the polarization of Crab Nebula",1957,Comm. of Byurakan obs.v.23, 19
  • "Observations of Comet Mrkos 1957d",1957,Astron.Tsirk.,No 186,3 (with L.Mirzoyan)
  • "Polarimetry of cometary nebula NGC 2261", 1958, Comm.of Byurakan obs.25, 19
  • "The investigation of Comet Mrkos 1957d.I.",1959,Comm.of Byurakan obs., v.26, 35 (L.Mirzoyan)
  • "The investigation of Comet Mrkos 1957d.II.",1959,Comm.of Byurakan obs.27,15 (L.Mirzoyan)
  • "Observations of artifical comet in Byurakan", 1959, Astron. Tsirk.No 205, 2, (M.Kazarian)
  • "On the polarization of nebulae", 1961,The Problems of Cosmogony, v.7, 333
  • "On the polarization of NGC 2261",1962,Comm.of Byurakan obs., v.30, 45 (N.Kalloglian)
  • "On the polarization of Omega nebula",1964,Comm. of Byurakan obs., 35, 25
  • "New measuring of polarization of NGC 2261",1964,Comm.of Byurakan obs., 35, 71, (E.Parsamian)
  • "Colourimetrical investigation of cometary nebula Anon 6h4m",1965, Astrofizika, 1, 417, (E.Parsamian)
  • "Observation of Everkhard comet(1964h) in Byurakan", 1966, Comm.of Byurakan obs., 37, 48 (R.Ephremian)
  • "Polarimetrische und Kolorimetrische Untersuchungen am Crab-Nebel.1", 1966, Astron. Nachrichten, 289, 23 (F.Borngen, Germany)
  • "Polarimetrische und Kolorimetrische Untersuchungen am Crab-Nebel.II", 1966, Astron. Nachrichten, 289, 253 (F.Borngen(Germany))
  • "Colourimetry of galaxy NGC 6946.I", 1966, Astrofizika, 2, 431 (F.Borngen(Germany), A.Kalloglian, J.Einatian)
  • "Observation of Ikeya-Seci comet in Byurakan", 1967, Comm. of Byurakan obs., 39, 38 (R.Vardanian, R.Ephremian, M.Kazarian)
  • "On the changing of polrization of Crab-Nebula", 1967, Astrofizika, 3, 581 (J.Einatian)
  • "Two new Seyfert galaxies from Markarian's list of galaxies with strong UV", 1968 Proceed. Conf. of Seyfert Galaxies and Related Objects, Tucson, USA, p.31
  • "Two new Seyfert galaxies", 1968, Astrophys. Journal, 152, 2 (H.Arp,R.Lynds D.Weedman, all from USA)
  • "Two new Seyfert galaxies", 1968, Astron.Journal, 73, 891
  • "Spectral observations of Markarian galaxies with UV continuum.I", 1968, Astrofizika, 4, 587 (D.Weedman(USA))
  • "Spectral observations of Markarian galaxies with high dispersion",1968, Proceed.Symp."Stars,nebulae and galaxies", p. 233 (D.Weedman(USA))
  • "Spectral observations of Markarian galaxies with UV continuum.II", 1969, Astrofizika, 5, 113 (D.Weedman(USA))
  • "Two new Seyfert galaxies", 1969, Astron.Tsirk. No 506, 1(D.Weedman(USA))
  • "Spectral structure and distribution of stellar associations in NGC 6946", 1970, Proceed.IAU Symp. No 38, Basel, p.87(K.Sahakian)
  • "The Galaxies with ultraviolet excess", 1970, Plenum ( Proceedings )of Astronomical Council of Academy of Sciences of USSR, Byurakan, Armenia, р.4
  • "Colourimetry of galaxy NGC 6946.II", 1970, Astrofizika, 6, 177(K.Sahakian)
  • "Appearance of new details in the spectra of galaxy Mark 6", 1970, Astron.Tsirk., No 591, р. 2 (D.Weedman(USA))
  • "Detection of emission line 3727[OII] in the spectrum of cometary nebula NGC 2261", 1970, Astron.Tsirk. No 592, р.2 (M.Kazarian)
  • "The Byurakan Observatory in Soviet Armenia", Sky and Telescope, 1971, volume,
  • "A new cloud of hydrogen emission in a galactic nucleus", 1971, Astrophys. Journal, 164, L 109. (D.Weedman(USA))
  • "A spectroscopic study of luminous galactic nuclei", 1971, Astrofizika, 7, 389 (D.Weedman(USA))
  • "A spectroscopic study of luminous galactic nuclei", 1971, Bull.American Astron.Soc., March (D.Weedman(USA))
  • "Physical conditions in Seyfert type galaxies Markarian 9, 10 and 42", 1972, Proceed.IAU Symp. No 44, Uppsala, Sweden, p.160
  • "Spectrophotometric study of cometary nebula NGC 2261", 1972, Astrofizika, 8, 17(M.Kazarian)
  • "Determination of z for irregular galaxy NGC 4433", 1972, Astron.Tsirk. No 698(G.Panosian)
  • "Spectral study of galaxy Mark 8", 1972, Astrofizika, 8, 529
  • "Spectral observation of galaxy Mark 6", 1973, Astrofizika, 9, 39(P.Notni Germany)
  • "On the physical peculiarity of the nucleus of Mark 6", 1973, Astrofizika, 9, 139
  • "Spectral study of irregular galaxy NGC 520", 1973, Astrofizika, 9, 157
  • "Mark.474-Seyfert galaxy of first type", 1973, Astrofizika, 9, 509(H.Arp(USA))
  • "Colourimetry of nebulae NGC 6914b and Parsamian 22", 1973, Comm.of Byurakan obs., 39, 38(J.Einatian)
  • "The new QSO", 1974, Astron.Tsirk. No813, 2 (B.Carswell(USA), M.Kazarian)
  • "The remarkable pair of starlike objects near Mark 261-262",1974, Astrofizika, 10, 7,{H.Arp(USA), J.Heidmann(France))
  • "Determination of z for irregular galaxy NGC 5360", 1974, Astrofizika, 10, 297 (W.Sargent(USA),N.Andreassian)
  • "Mark 94 and its connection with galaxy IIIZw0834+51",1974,Astrofizika, 10, 173, (H.Arp(USA))
  • "Determination of redshift of blue object near NGC 520", 1974, Astrofizika, 10, 298, (H.Arp(USA), W.Sargent(USA), N.Andreassian)
  • "A blue galactic nucleus with featureless spectrum", 1974, Astrophys. Journal, 189, L 99,(D.Weedman(USA))
  • "An atlas of Seyfert galaxies", 1974, Astroph.Journal, 192, 581(D.Weedman(USA))
  • "Spectral observations of six new galaxies with UV excess", 1974, Astrofizika, 10, 477(M.Kazarian)
  • "Mark 459-the member of triplet system of galaxies", 1974, Astrofizika, 10, 625(H.Arp(USA), N.Andreassian)
  • "Spectral investigation of Irr galaxy NGC 520", 1974, Proceed.Acad.Sci. Armenia, Physics, 9, 177
  • "On one form of activity in galaxies", 1975, Astrofizika, 11, 207(K.Sahakian)
  • "On the electron density of cometary nebula NGC 2261", 1975, Pis'ma v Astron.Zhurnal, 1, 26(J.Greenstein(USA), M.Kazarian)
  • "On the three interesting pairs of galaxies", 1976, Astronomische Nachrichten, v.297, 287
  • "Spectrophotometrical investigation of R Mon and NGC 2261.I", 1976, Astrofizika, 12, 586, (J.Greenstein(USA),T.Magakian,M.Kazarian)
  • "The Hubble diagram for Seyfert galaxies and related objects", 1976, Proceed. Colloq.Int. of CNRS , No263,Paris, p.411(D.Weedman(USA))
  • "Spectral and morphological study of UV galaxies.I. NGC6306", 1977, Astrofizika, 13, 415 (M.Kazarian)
  • "On the distance of R Mon and NGC 2261", 1977,Astron.Tsirk. No947, 1 (J.Greenstein(USA),T.Magakian, M.Kazarian)
  • "UV galaxies with double and multiple nuclei.II.", 1978, Astrofizika, 14, 69 (A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "Spectral and morphological study of UV galaxies.II.Haro 15", 1978, Astrofizika, 14, 263(A.Egiazarian, M.Kazarian)
  • "Spectrophotometrical study of Sy galaxy Mark 348», Astrofizika, 14, 603, (V.Esipov(Russia),V.Popov (Bulgaria))
  • "On the activity of nuclei of UV galaxies", 1978, Problems of physics and evolution of Universe, Acad. of Sci. of Armenia Press,Yerevan. p.423
  • "Revealing of the new structual details in the H-beta line profile in the Mark.372 spectrum by Fourier-analysis of space frequencies", 1979, Astrofizika, 15, 189(V.Popov(Bulgaria), R.Sarkisian)
  • "Spectral study of UV galaxies with double and multiple nuclei.I", 1979, Astrofizika, 15, 209(A.Petrosian, K.Sahakian)
  • "Spectral study of UV galaxies with double and multiple nuclei.II", 1979, Astrofizika, 15, 373(A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "Spectrophotometrical study of M82 type Irr galaxies NGC 972 and NGC 4433", 1979, Astrofizika, 15, 577 (N.Andreassian)
  • "On the activity of nuclei of galaxies", 1979, Proceed.Symp.: Star and Stellar Systems, Uppsala, Sweden, p 107
  • "Spectrophotometrical investigation of R Mon and NGC 2261.II",1979, Astrofizika, 15, 615 (J.Greenstein(USA), T.Magakian,M.Kazarian)
  • "Spectrophotometrical study of nucleus Sy Markarian 308", 1980, Astrofizika, 16, 39(V.Popov(Bulgaria))
  • "Some peculiarities of emission lines in the spectra of four SyI galaxies", 1980, Astrofizika, 16, 207(V.Popov(Bulgaria))
  • "The spectra of four UV galaxies with double nuclei", 1980, Pis'ma v Astron.Zhurnal. 6, 262(A.Petrossian, K.Sahakian)
  • "Active Galaxies", 1980, Zemlya and Vselennaya p.31, Publ.of Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow
  • "The spectral study of the galaxy with double nucleus", 1980, Astrofizika, 16, 589(A.Petrossian,K.Sahakian)
  • "Spectral investigation of double nucleus galaxy Mark 266", Astrofizika, 16, 621(A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "The spectra of same Markarian galaxies with double nuclei", 1980, Pis'ma v Astron.Zhurnal, 6, 552(A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "On the blue object near Mark 123", 1980, Astron.Tsirk. No 1132, 7, (A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "Active galaxies", 1981, Proceed.Acad.Sci.Armenia, Physics, 16, 134
  • "Morphology of nine galaxies with UV-excess with double and multiple nuclei", 1981, Astrofizika, 17, 231(Yu.Korovyakovsky, A.Petrosian, K.Sahakian)
  • "Spectrophotometrical study of one QSO", 1981, Astrofizika, 17, 661(M.Kazarian)
  • "Spectral and morphological investigation of UV galaxies.III", 1982, Astrophys.Space Science, 82, 105 (M.Kazarian,A.Egiazarian)
  • "On the peculiarity of the rotationcurve of NGC 2814", 1982, Astrofizika, 18, 337 (N.Andreassian)
  • "The observation of Mark 673 and 686", 1982, Pis'ma v Astron.Zhurnal, 8, 27 (A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "On the galaxy Mark 6 and the problem of intermediate class Sy1.5", 1982, Astrofizika, 18, 337 (V.Popov(Bulgaria),A.Egiazarian)
  • "The double and multiple nuclei in UV- Galaxies “, 1982, p. 67. IV Soviet-Finnish Astronomical Meeting, Publ. House of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  • "On double nucleus galaxy Mark 739 and 789", 1983, Astrofizika, 19, 171, (A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "Spectral and morphological study of Mark 303 and 313", 1983, Astrofizika, 19, 239, (A.Petrosian)
  • "Spectral study of Mark 201", 1983, Astrofizika, 19, 393(A.Burenkov(Russia), A.Petrosian)
  • "On the spectra of Irr galaxy NGC 2968", 1983, Astrofizika, 19, 575(N.Andreassian)
  • "Superassociations(giant HII regions) in spiral galaxies with UV excess.I",1983, Astrofizika, 19, 619 (A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "On the velocities field in Mark 7", 1983, Astrofizika, 19, 826 (A.Burenkov(Russia))
  • "UV-galaxies", 1983, Highlights of Astronomy, v.6, 4559
  • "On the galaxies Mark 319 and 321", 1983, Astron.Tsirk. No1277(A.Petrosian)
  • "Superassociations in spiral galaxies with UV-excess.II", 1984, Astrofizika, 20, 51, (A.Petrosian, K.Sahakian)
  • "Superassociations in spiral galaxies with UV-excess.III", 1984, Astrofizika, 21, 557, (A.Petrosian, K.Sahakian)
  • "Spectral study of Mark 111", 1984, Astrofizika, 21, 433 (A.Burenkov(Russia), A.Petrosian, K.Sahakian)
  • "On the four pairs of galaxies,which contains UV-excess galaxy", 1984, Pis'ma v Astron.Zhurnal, 10, 403, A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian,A.Burenkov).
  • "UV-galaxies and superassociations", 1984, Proceed. IAU Colloq.No78, Asiago, Italy, p.427
  • "Evidences of activity by different morphological type of galaxies with UV-excess", 1984, The probleme of theory of superdense celestial bodies,Yerevan Univ.Press p.195
  • "The investigation of superassociations in spiral galaxies with UV-excess", 1984, Comm.of Byuraka obs., 57, 62, (A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian).
  • "On some new UV galaxies with jets", 1985, Astrofizika, 22, 229, (A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "Spectrophotometric study of superassociations in NGC2820A", Astrofizika, 22, 441(N.Andreassian)
  • "Morphology and spectroscopy of UV excess galaxies", 1985, in "Physics", Yerevan State University, No5, р.149
  • "The study of Mark 306", 1986, Astrofizika, 24, 5 (A.Petrosian, M.Turatto, Italy)
  • "The spectrophotometric study of NGC 4922", 1986, Astrofizika, 24, 17, (N.Andreassian)
  • "The spectrophotometric study of NGC 3353", 1986, Astrofizika, 24, 349, (A.Burenkov, Russia)
  • "Markarian galaxies and star formation regions", 1986, Comm.of Special Astr.Obser.of Russian AS, v.50, р.39
  • "Bernes 48-the object with optically observed anisotropic jet", 1986, Proceed.Symp.:"Flare stars and related objects",Yerevan, p.265 (T.Magakian)
  • "Spectrophotometric study of Mark 171", 1986, Astrofizika, 25, 507(N.Andreassian A.Burenkov(Russia))
  • "Spectra of nucleus of NGC 6240", 1987, Proceed.IAU Symp.No121, Byurakan, Armenia, p.41 (N.Andreassian)
  • "UV-galaxies", 1987,Proceed. IAU Symp.No121, Byurakan, Armenia,p.65
  • "Anomalous spectra of cometary nebulae", 1987, in "Active nuclei and stellar cosmogony", Moscow Univ. Press, p.205 (T.Magakian).
  • "Spectrophotometry of Mark 367, 449 and 1119", 1987, Astrofizika, 26, 399 (A.Burenkov(Russia), A.Petrosian).
  • "Mark 277-Irr galaxy with condensations", 1987, Astrofizika, 27, 103, (N.Andreassian,A.Burenkov(Russia)).
  • "The spectral study of peculiar galaxy NGC 6240", 1987, Astrofizika, 27, 265 (N.Andreassian)
  • "The detailed spectrophotometrical study of Mark 307»,1987, Astrofizika, 27, 409, (A.Burenkov(Russia), A.Petrosian, K.Sahakian)
  • "Galaxies with double nuclei", 1987, in "New Ideas in Astronomy", Ed.by F.Bertola et all, Venice, Italy, p.11
  • "Spectrophotometrical study of galaxies with UV excess. ", 1987, Comm.of Byurakan Obs., 60, 3 (A.Egiazarian)
  • "Spectrophotometrical study of galaxies with UV excess.IX", 1987, Comm. of Byurakan Obs., 61, 13 (A.Egiazarian)
  • "Bernes 48-the object with optically observed anisotropic jet", 1988, Astrofizika, 28, 139 (T.Magakian)
  • "Detailed spectrophotometrial and morphological study of Mark 1118", Astrofizika, 29, 223 (A.Burenkov(Russia), A.Petrosian,A.Sarkisian)
  • "The dwarf galaxy Mark 5", 1988, Astrofizika, 29, 541(A.Burenkov(Russia), A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "Anomalous spectra of cometary nebulae", 1988, Trans.Sternberg State Astrоn.Inst., v.60, р.274(T.Magakian)
  • "The new double Markarian galaxies", 1989, Proceed.IAU Symp.No134, Santa-Cruz, p.445 (A.Petrosian, K.Sahakian)
  • "Galaxy Markarian 323", 1989, Pis'ma v Astron.Zhurnal,15, р.1059, (A.Petrosian,K.Sahakian)
  • "A study of the compact group of galaxies Shahbazian 4", 1990, Pis'ma v Astron.Zhurnal, 16, р.995 (R.Lyds, (USA),A.Amirkhanian)
  • "Spectrophotometrical investigation of the galaxу Mark 7", 1990, Astrofizika, 32, 245(A.Burenkov(Russia).
  • "A study of the copact group of galaxies Shahbazian 4", 1990, Proceed. IAU Colloq.No124, Touskaluza, USA, p.133.
  • "Spectrophotometric study of galaxy Mark.325", 1990, Proceed.Special Astrophy. Obs.Russian AS, v.32, р.16, (A.Burenkov,E.Nazarov(Russia).
  • "Optical and radio observations of galaxies with megamaser emission", 1990, Proceed.IAU Symp.No146, Paris, France, (R.Kandalian,N.Andreassian,G.Ohanian)
  • "On the superassociations on the ends of the bars of spiral galaxies", 1991, Pis'ma v Astron.Zhurnal, 17, 1082, (A.Mahtesian)
  • "The structure of central regions of some galaxies with UV-excess.II.", 1991, Astrofizika, 34, 379 (K.Sahakian,H.Abramian)
  • "On the generation, structure and evolution of the modons in the rotating gaseous gravitating systems", 1994, in "The Cold Universe", Proceed.of XIII Moriond Astroph.Meeting. Ed.by Th.Montmerle et al., pp. 357-366, (A.Fridman(Russia),M.Abramian))
  • "The morphology and kinematics of 16 Markarian galaxies with multiple nuclei". Paper I: Basic Data.1995, Ap.Journ.Suppl.Ser., v.99, 461-500. (T.Nordgren,G.Helou,J. Chengalur and Ye.Terzian(all from USA))
  • "The influence of surroundings on the morphology of galaxies", 1995, Astronom. Nachrichten, 316, No3, 143, (A.Mahtessian,V.Movsessian and H.Tiersch(Germany))
  • "Coherence between Seyfert galaxies and their surroundings", 1995, Astronom.Nachrichten, v.316, No5, (A.Mahtessian,H.Tiersch (Germany))
  • "A linkup between Seyferts and their surroundings", 1996, Proceed.IAU Symp.No.171, (A.Mahtessian, H.Tiersch (Germany))
  • "On the mechanism of origination of samplementary emission components in Hydroge lines in the spectra of AGN", 1998, Astrofizika, 41, pp. 321-330, (V.Ambartsumian, N.Yengibarian)
  • "On the Ambartsumian's concept on activity of nuclei of galaxies", 1998, Transactions of Armenian National Academy of Sciences, 98, No.3, p.239
  • "Markarian and Seyfert galaxies", 1999, Proceed. IAU Symp. No.194., p.123
  • "Rapid Variations in the Broad H-beta Profile of the Radio galaxy 3C 390.3". 1999,Proceed. IAU Symp. No.194, p.406.(N.Asatrian, P.Notny(Germany))
  • "Rapid Profile Variations in the Broad H-alfa Line of the Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 6". 1999, Proceed. IAU Symp. No.194. p. 409. ( N.Asatrian, P.Notny (Germany))
  • "Markarian’s First Survey (FBS). Some Most Interesting Objects ". 2002, Proceed.IAU Coll. No.184, p.3
  • "Rapid Variations in the Broad H-beta Profile of the Radio Galaxy 3C 390.3: Possible Evidence for Turbulence in the Accretion Disk", 2002, Proceed. IAU Coll.No.184, p. 357 (N.Asatrian, P.Notny(Germany))
  • "Rapid Variations in the Broad H-alfa Profile of the Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 6: Possible Evidence for Turbulence in the Accretion Disk", 2002, IAU Coll. No.184, p.359 (N.Asatrian, P.Notny (Germany))
  • "Polarimetrical investigation of stellar associations," 2002, Astrofizika, 45, 387, (M.Eritsian, R.Hovhannessian)
  • "Double Nuclei and “TDGs “ : Colliding or Activity of Nucleus Monster Galaxy?", 2004, Proceed. of IAU GA Symp. No 217, p.458 (Ye.Terzian (USA))
  • "The distribution of early type stars and dust matter discovered in the direction of cluster NGC 2175". 2005, Astrofizika, 48, 45.(R.Hovhannessian, R.Epremian)
  • "Spectrophotometrical investigation of the region around the galaxies Markarian 261and 262.", 2005, Astrofizika, 48, 503 (L.Sargisian)
  • "On variability of Markarian 6 “. 2005, In Proceedings of the International Conference "AGN VARIABILITY FROM X-RAYS TO RADIO WAVES". Crimean Obs., Ukraina, Eds. Gaskell C.M., McHardy, Peterson B. M. and Sergeev S. G., ASP-CS Conference, vol. 360, pp. 259-262 (N.Yengibarian).
  • "Multi-nuclei Markarian galaxies and energy of nuclei “, 2006, MNRAS, 368, 461-470 (Ye.Terrzian, G.Ter-Gazarian et al.)
  • "The spectral and photometrical study of compact group of compact galaxies", 2007, Astrofizika, ( A.Amirkhanian, E.G.Yegikian)
  • "Investigation the nature of parametrs of interstellar polarization of stars". 2007, Astrofizika ( M.A.Eritsian, G.A.Pogosian)
  • "The velocity field in the galaxy Markarian 8 with hight spead star formation regions", 2007, Astrofizika, (T. .Movsessian)


  • доктор физико-математических наук (1975)
  • профессор (1982)
  • действительный член НАН РА (1996)


  • орден «Знак Почета»
  • медали
  • почетная грамота ВС Армянской ССР



  • E-mail: ekhach@bao.sci.am